Start: Cosmetic Surgery Boardgame
Start: Cosmetic Surgery Boardgame
Start: Cosmetic Surgery Boardgame
I really don’t
START agree with that
because… That’s easy
True beauty to say but…
There’s nothing
comes from
wrong with
being intelligent
trying to
and interesting,
improve on
not from being
what nature has
given us. People should
perfect. Cosmetic surgery
be grateful for
can give people
what God has It is selfish and
more confidence.
given them. indulgent to
spend money on
What a lot of improvements
old rubbish …
I don’t understand when there is so
why anyone much poverty
FINISH would even say and sickness in
such a thing the world.
Your partner
should be willing I would consider
I agree with to have cosmetic having cosmetic
some of what surgery if it makes surgery in the
you’re saying Cosmetic
them more future.
but… surgery can be
attractive to you.
more beneficial
than a holiday
because the
People who feel
effects last
good about how
they look are
more likely to do
well in their
career. It is good to see
We should
life experience
accept ourselves
showing on
as we are.
people’s faces.
I reckon that
thinks it but… Having
surgery is a sad
surgery is
reflection of At the end
similar to having
what is of the day
your hair dyed
What do important in the I think…
or your teeth
you think? world today.