Magazine Self

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Angelica B.

Kendra Michaela s. Tan
Patricia Mae C. Bello
Cammlle S. Basa
Casius Niel O. Estrada
Amos Jehoshaphat Vallesteros

Sexual Self

7 Spiritual f
9 Self
Digital Self al Self
11 Material Self Digital
Ph sical

Ending a relationship is not easy, it is

very usual to dwell on the past or to
think of what happened why you two
end up. This might seem productive like
you can somehow change things by
rehashing it. You can’t. Dwelling on the
past will just make it harder for you to
let go.

Falling in love cause emotions, and each

relationship comes with its own
memories and feelings, every person is
unique, as are their relationships.There
is no set time limit for healing or moving
on. Don’t force yourself to move on.
Take your time and trust the process.

Healing a broken heart takes time. Just

know that it will not last forever and will
not always be sad. One day, you will see
tomorrow and things will be easier for
you. And will be getting easier and
easier as each day pass. Until one day
you are ready to open yourself back up


Self-love is strong, confident and caring.
It is the complete acceptance of who,
and what you are. It is self-appreciation
and affirmation of you. You give yourself
good health, self-esteem, happiness,
balance and well-being.

True self love is giving you respect,

appreciation and evaluation. It reminds
yourself that you deserve to have all
your personal needs met, while
considering yourself as worthy, valuable,
and deserving of happiness.Self-love is
therefore your fuel and foundation. If it’s
not there, your entire life will be
unstable and uncertain.

If you truly love yourself, life moves

forward with ease and everything
magically falls into place. You will have

When we hear the word SPIRITUAL,

most of us think about RELIGION

people are born by what are their

Parents beliefs. Some of us are born

some are Christians, some are

Adventists and some are Jehovas. As
people grow,

they are experiencing the

experiences experienced by the
sons and daughter of the

Lord and as time goes by they know

who to worship.

The question is who is really to be


It is the Lord and Jesus Christ. When

you know who to be served and you
know who

your savior is then RELIGION is not

the thing you would talk about
anymore. It is

about having that deep faith. When
you are faithful then the Lord will be
faithful to you

but you should know what your WHO I AM IS

limits are.Know what is right and
wrong. Commit your
mistakes and surrender yourself for
God is a God of answers that even
when you
have done a lot of things that does
not satisfy his name but He knows
you are faithful

and you are trying your hardest to

grow in Him, then expect blessings,
claim the
victory in Jesus Name.

A person’s spiritual aspect consists

of emotional, mental and social
selves. A healthy
“And young people who are learning digital
skills discover that the real challenge is coming
up with an image that resonates, first of all, with
yourself and hopefully, with an audience. They
can learn all this new techniques and think that
they’re easier to use, but creating great images
isn’t about the tools.”

Video game addiction is an People struggling with

impulse control disorder, video game addiction may
which does not involve drugs encounter different problems.
and is very similar to Such as emotional problems,

pathological gambling. Video gamers are at greater risk for
game addiction referred to as depression, loneliness, social
video game overuse or anxiety, anger, and feelings of
excessive use of computer shame or embarrassment.
games. It may also be Financial problem, they may
defined as a serious loss of find themselves spending large
control over gaming that sums of money on new
leads to significant harm for computer equipment,
the player in the real world. consoles, subscription fees,
Video games may results in and new video games. There
negative emotional, social, are many more problems a
relational, educational, or gamer can have like health,
career related consequences. social, and family problems.

Gamers spent most of their To overcome video game

time in playing computer addiction, you have to identify
games. Instead of putting if you or someone you know is
their time on to the real world addicted to video games.
The Perhaps you’ve heard
the statement, “You are
what you eat.” The material
self goes a step further by
suggesting, “You are what

can be distinguished: The
you have.” The material bodily self and the
self is a total of all of the extracorporeal (beyond the
tangible things you own: body) self. Rosenberg
you’re possessions, your (1979) has referred to the
home, your body. As you extracorporeal self as the
examine your list of extended self, and we will

responses to the question, adopt this terminology
“Who are you?” note throughout the book. The
whether any of your bodily component of the
statements refers to one of material self requires little
your physical attributes or explanation. A person
something you own. One speaks of my arms or my
element of the material self legs. These entities are appropriation represented
gets considerable attention clearly an intimate part of by the phrase “my favorite
in our culture: the body. Do who we are. But our sense chair.” This is what we
you like the way you look? of self is not limited to our mean when we talk about
Most of us, if we’re honest, bodies. It includes other the extended self. It
would like to change people (my children), pets includes all of the people,
something about our (my dog), possessions (my places, and things that we
appearance. When there is car), places (my home regard as “ours.” It is
a discrepancy between our town), and the products of interesting to consider why
desired material self and our labors (my painting). It James argued for such a
our self-concept, we may is not the physical entities sweeping definition of self.
respond to eliminate the themselves, however, that
Note: How the clothes you wear change what people hear you say. DRESS TO IMPRESS!
How you dress yourself changes who you are. It changes the value of what you have to say. At least to the people who are listening and looking.
Dressing is signals to other people on who you are and what job you’re in to. But the main purpose of dress code is to provide guidance to everyone on how to

tIMPRE S Why do you dress? How do you dress? What do

you consider in dressing? Who do you consider?
When do you actually dress up? DRESS THE

Many people today dress up to impress, well

that's a good thing. Dressing up to impress a person
or people is a good thing, because for example in an
interview. You actually dress up to impress your

part of a contest, you dress up for the judges to

be impressed because there is a point. You dress
up to avoid the comments of the people around
you. There wrong
is nothing is also in
other type of people
or wearing who
you want as long as you have the budget in

Dressing up is a good thing because in

dressing you make yourself look pleasant in
the eyes of other people. Dressing up is part
or an extended process or activity in Personal
Hygiene which is good grooming. Good
grooming makes yourself to have a good
impact from the people who sees you. Some
are dressing not to impress but to express.
Expressing who they are, what they are and
ress properly to impress the person you want to be impressed with. Dressing subconsciously tells people if you’re like them or you’re different among them. It wi

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