Pe Mod 4
Pe Mod 4
Pe Mod 4
Quarter 3 – Module 4
What I Know
Test I. Test II
1. a 6. Social 11. spiritual
2. b 7. Spiritual 12. social
3. b 8. Physical 13. economic
4. d 9. economic 14. physical
5. d 10.psycho-emotional 15. psycho-emotional
What’s New
Activity 1
Walking is defined as moving at a steady speed by lifting and lowering each foot in turn, never
lifting both feet off the ground at the same time. It's a fantastic method to get the physical activity you
need to stay healthy. Walking does not necessitate any particular abilities. It also does not necessitate
the purchase of pricey equipment or a gym subscription. Sleep, memory, and the ability to think and
learn can all be improved with a single bout of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.
What Is It?
I'm delighted and relieved because I know that gardening can help to preserve life by providing
food, cleansing the air, and producing oxygen. Plants are uplifting in their beauty. It assists me in
having a fresh atmosphere, which is necessary for my healthy living, a quiet mind, which relieves all
of my life's stress, and more harmony, which allows me to live a joyful life.
What’s More
Activity 2
Day Physical Psycho- Social Economic Spiritual
Sunday Gardening can Reduce the Meeting new Help reduce Provide a
(gardening) be a symptoms of people, forming negative harmonious
pleasurable sadness, and keeping environmental space to relax,
activity. anxiety, and connections, and impacts by unwind, reflect
Gardening stress. Decrease having a promoting and restore
involves aggressive common interest sustainable myself
tugging, behavior, which to connect with agriculture;
digging, is one of the others are all reducing food
reaching, indications of great ways to transportation
twisting, and dementia. connect with costs and
bending, Improve my others. reducing water
which is a ability to focus runoff.
form of gentle and engage.
cardiovascular Reduce
exercise that pharmaceutical
increases use and self-
endurance and harming
strength. behavior.
Monday Enhance the Stimulates an Create bonds Create jobs, I am more able
(painting) immune optimistic that sustain us. attract to 'create
system, attitude, investments, congruence
improve expands generate tax between my
physical health creative growth revenues, and affective states
and decrease stimulate local and my
medical visits. economies conceptual
through tourism sense-making. '
and consumer Through
purchases. creativity and
imagination, I
find my identity
and my
reservoir of
Tuesday Nature Immersion in Allows me to Helps raise the Being out in
(nature photography nature, meet new people profile of our nature, taking in
photography) teaches my photographing who share my planet and the the
body how to it, and admiring love of nature environment. It astonishingly
deal with a its beauty has a and share allows people to gorgeous
variety of clear calming common experience surroundings
weather and impact on me. experiences. things they may and marveling at
terrains, and not see the wonders of
the action themselves, and nature, is likely
maintains me therefore to stir up some
in shape. encourages them spirituality.
to care about its
Wednesday Aids in the helps to release Provides Badminton's
(play maintenance my natural feel opportunities to "spirit" entails a
badminton) of my good happy learn teamwork right viewpoint
physique and hormones, on the game
muscle toning endorphins. In shuttle— one
turn, this can that recognizes,
help reduce my for example,
depression, that there are no
anxiety and opponents –
stress and only participants
improve our
overall mood
and sleep
Thursday Enhance the Drawing can be Enables people Supporting job It gives me a
(drawing) immune a stress relief to break free growth, fresh
system, because it from inner stimulating perspective on
improve allows me to restrictions and commerce and life. I use
physical health forget about my overcome flaws sustaining pictures on
and decrease problems in real such as timidity. neighborhoods paper to express
medical visits life It encourages by stabilizing my feelings and
social property values. thoughts by
connection with drawing topics
folks who are that I normally
interested in the think about.
same things I
Activity 3
Shade of Green Object of Nature
Leaf green Leaf
Dark green Frog
Light green Aloe Vera
Yellow green Cabbage
Dark green Pepino
Walking about the house is a terrific approach for me to improve or maintain my overall health
because it burns calories, boosts my energy, improves my general mood, strengthens my heart, and
relieves joint pain. Aside from that, I like to go for walks.
What I Can Do
Telling my family about the benefits of participating in recreational activities and encouraging
them to do it together is the best way I can encourage recreational activities at home. Puzzle games,
card games, watching TV, listening to music, and, of course, indulging in home fitness exercises are
some of the recreational activities that I may perform at home.
What’s New
Activity 1
Stress Management 1 2 3 4
I feel stress when I am in school /
I feel stress when I am not in school /
When I feel stress, I worry all the time /
When I feel stress, I have difficulty in sleeping /
When I feel stress, I have difficulty in concentrating /
When I feel stress, my appetite is affected /
I’d rather be alone when I feel stress /
I have someone to talk to about my private feelings /
I have faith in a greater power of being (God) /
What’s More
Activity 2
Title of the Song: Praying
Artist/Band: Kesha
Favorite lines or stanza: “I am proud of who I am”
Share your thoughts: This statement has a profound effect on me. While the phrase is simple and
blatantly lyrical, uttering it and understanding it is an immensely emotional experience. It's such a
lovely song, and the backdrop only adds to its significance. She could easily have written a song about
vengeance, but she chooses to write about finding peace instead. I believe that forgiveness requires
more strength than revenge, and Kesha perfectly captures this.
Activity 3
I'm feeling overwhelmed by what's going on around me and the challenges I'm dealing with
right now. I'm at a loss for words right now because of the troubles that have plagued me for weeks.
Because I'm not sure what I want, I'm afraid of what might happen in the future. But I'm confident
that I'll overcome my issues in life because I've been with God the whole time.
Test I. Test II
1. a 6. Social 11. spiritual
2. b 7. Spiritual 12. social
3. b 8. Physical 13. economic
4. d 9. economic 14. physical
5. d 10.psycho-emotional 15. psycho-emotional