A Spiritual Look: at Body Health, #1
A Spiritual Look: at Body Health, #1
A Spiritual Look: at Body Health, #1
A Spiritual Look
at Body Health, #1
By Heidrun Beer, Austria
If you are in perfect physical health as is your family and then get a shiny new one?
all of your friends, you can skip this article and go out and
run a little marathon – you have acquired all the knowledge Such a viewpoint is actually quite understandable. It is
that managing a body requires; and you have applied it nicely relaxed and unconcerned. Only it’s not all too
well and skillfully. My congratulations! economical. It takes 20 years on average to get a body fully
operational – and if it
If all is not so well, is true that our time
or if you have real to eliminate
trouble health- aberration on this
wise, or are aware planet is limited,
of people in health then we better apply
trouble around good maintenance to
you, I might be the “carbon-oxygen-
able to help you to machines” we have
look at things in a now to get an above-
new unit of time – average mileage out
and maybe of them.
provide you with
some information This is not so
that you haven't different to getting
seen before. The an annual technical
world goes on and check-up on our car,
so does science – or to buying extra
and sometimes the clean fuel to make its
surprises we get motor last longer.
are good ones! We w a n t t o b e
working with people
Today, several It takes 20 years on average to get a body fully operational. to move them
health problems If it is true we only have limited time to eliminate aberration, toward sanity before
previously then we better apply good maintenance to the “carbon-oxygen- they have blown up
thought to be Planet Earth, the
hopeless, are now machines” we have to get an above-average mileage out of them. playing field shared
reversible. I'll give by all. Losing time
some references, enough to start your own research, with health problems is not really a game worth playing in
throughout this article. such a situation, is it?
THE RACE IS ON: With nuclear war and irreversible man-made global
warming (or cooling?) just around the corner, we are not
just happily out for a walk. There is a race going on, a
pretty grim race – aberration against sanity – and if we
First, why would we want to spend any time with care for don't win it soon, we may well be out of a planet for our
the body at all? Why not just use it until it falls apart, and
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Every step of deviation from this original lifestyle-design We are talking about the most basic auditor training.
contributed to the current epidemics of diseases like Students learn it when they are first trained to run
obesity, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, strokes, heart rudiments, it is fundamental.
attacks and all the like. Sedentary lifestyle, eating more
calories than are burned, food mostly cooked rather than
raw, too much animal food and too little plant-based food,
over-processed food with unnatural fats destructive to
cells, loads and loads of sugar, toxic food additives, AND MEST IN GENERAL
pollution of air and water – the list could go on forever.
Add smoking to all that, and bodies that could live for 120 This brings us to the first major non-optimum situation
years start to deteriorate at 60 or even earlier yet. that we frequently encounter.
Long story short – most health problems (one exception is Many spiritually oriented people, Scientologists included,
the genetic ones) come from our deviations from the tend to look down on the physical universe and the
human body's original design. Simple logic tells us that physical body. Somehow they believe that the spiritual
going back to the original design should solve the being is too grand to deal with this kind of low life.
problems once more. Whenever we hear (or use) expressions like "it is only a
body!" or "must you bring it down to a MEST level?" we
We don't need a doctor to realize that. We just need to look are dealing with a pattern of invalidation (making smaller,
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making less of), most probably an automatic pattern of Scientology, or "astral matter" by the more mainstream
which we are no longer aware. spiritual movements.
We are looking at out-rudiments being actively created on Now comes the surprise: according to modern physics,
a daily basis. Invalidation, one of the six rudiments, being even the solidity of physical matter is an illusion. If we
created daily! Additionally, there is a group agreement look at it with an enlargement factor greater than an
about it in most cases, so we also have the factor of "mutual electron microscope, matter dissolves into diffuse clouds
out rudiments", where an out rudiment is no longer of electricity, separated by huge amounts of empty space.
perceived as such because the whole group agrees that it is The fact that a baseball bat appears so solid to the skull
actually OK. What kind of life can ever function well with which it crushes, comes only from the fact that they both
such a pattern in place? Not any, in my opinion! vibrate on a similar level and therefore cannot permeate
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when body parts communicate with body parts, we have of it is that we have talked to the body in its native
no spoken words and no mental images. Their language language, the language of its cells, instead of using the
uses solid and liquid “words” – hormones and minerals electric interface in the brain. We have learned to
and other molecules called transmitters. All of these understand it and talk to it in the most direct and most
express the body’s condition. There are hundreds of them, intimate way. Really giving it a magnesium drink in the
all very precisely tuned to the cells’ perception machinery. example above is much more than saying “calm down!”, it
is saying “I understand you, and I am taking care of you.
If we really want to listen to a body – into a body, not to the Here is what you need right now. I will continue to make
output that it directs to the “captain”, the spiritual being –, sure that you get what you need whenever you need it.”
we need to perceive and understand directly the molecules
that the body’s cells use to communicate with each other. Such a message has more than an immediate value. It
What doctors do with blood or urine or tissue samples is reassures the body that it has a caring partner. You will
listening to the body’s language on a level of solid and know from your friendships or marriage that such a
liquid matter. If we can use their equipment and training to certainty alone can make a world of a difference.
duplicate what our body’s component parts are saying, we
have opened an important communication channel to our
precious physical vehicle.
TALKING TO A BODY Equipped with the language that really duplicates a body,
we can now think about auditing it.
In talking to a body, similar principles apply. Yes, it will
respond to the intentions and energy flows coming from What does auditing do? It spots masses of negative energy
the spiritual being via the brain – that’s what it is made for together with their embedded images, emotions and
– but much lower down on the “scale of solidity”, there is postulates, and dissolves them. We are talking about the
this other language of molecules that are circulating within energetic residues of old trauma, of losses, failures, errors
and between the cells, the body’s inner language that its and crimes. These residues are located on the mental level,
component parts use to communicate with each other. above the physical matter band on the scale of solidity.
Therefore the necessary clean-up work is done with the
We can use this language too. We can say to the body “calm tools of locating, perceiving and dissolving mental matter
down!” by intention, but doing that, we have not fully and energy, as we have trained them on our auditing
listened first to what it is saying. Bad communication! courses.
Why would it be nervous? Maybe it has an awareness of it
– sometimes it expresses this by asking us for very specific If after that we find our body still in trouble, though we
foods, or for a nap, or for an hour of sunshine –, but this have dissolved all the material that could influence it
awareness is not always working or reliable or complete. negatively “from above” – engrams, negative postulates,
the case of entities etc. –, we may have to step down a few
We can work around this uncertainty by listening to the levels on the scale of solidity, and search on the solid,
body on the molecular level – on the solid and liquid level liquid and gaseous levels of physical matter as well.
where it mostly exists. We get a blood sample taken and
analyzed, and here is our explanation: a magnesium Actually we are looking for a similar kind of material:
deficiency! Now our chances are good to give an toxic residues of past trauma or losses or errors or crimes
intelligent answer. Ordering the body by intention to calm (often “only” of omission). If they happened on the
down may be an impressive circus trick, but it isn’t very physical level, they will also leave some of their residues
insightful. If we have understood that magnesium is on the physical level! A loss on the physical level may have
missing, we can say “calm down!” much more efficiently been a time of hunger. Less visible but often much more
by feeding it magnesium. We give the body what it really serious, because easily overlooked and going on for a long
needs (a missing mineral), not what we, having no real time, can be deficiencies of vitamins, minerals and trace
information, think needs to be applied (a beam of elements, or the absence of important (but little known)
intention). elements like dietary fibre. Trauma on the physical level
would be injuries, accidents and acute illness. At crimes
This may look like a mechanical approach, but the essence we need to look in more detail (see below).
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