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A Spiritual Look: at Body Health, #1

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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

A Spiritual Look
at Body Health, #1
By Heidrun Beer, Austria

If you are in perfect physical health as is your family and then get a shiny new one?
all of your friends, you can skip this article and go out and
run a little marathon – you have acquired all the knowledge Such a viewpoint is actually quite understandable. It is
that managing a body requires; and you have applied it nicely relaxed and unconcerned. Only it’s not all too
well and skillfully. My congratulations! economical. It takes 20 years on average to get a body fully
operational – and if it
If all is not so well, is true that our time
or if you have real to eliminate
trouble health- aberration on this
wise, or are aware planet is limited,
of people in health then we better apply
trouble around good maintenance to
you, I might be the “carbon-oxygen-
able to help you to machines” we have
look at things in a now to get an above-
new unit of time – average mileage out
and maybe of them.
provide you with
some information This is not so
that you haven't different to getting
seen before. The an annual technical
world goes on and check-up on our car,
so does science – or to buying extra
and sometimes the clean fuel to make its
surprises we get motor last longer.
are good ones! We w a n t t o b e
working with people
Today, several It takes 20 years on average to get a body fully operational. to move them
health problems If it is true we only have limited time to eliminate aberration, toward sanity before
previously then we better apply good maintenance to the “carbon-oxygen- they have blown up
thought to be Planet Earth, the
hopeless, are now machines” we have to get an above-average mileage out of them. playing field shared
reversible. I'll give by all. Losing time
some references, enough to start your own research, with health problems is not really a game worth playing in
throughout this article. such a situation, is it?

THE RACE IS ON: With nuclear war and irreversible man-made global
warming (or cooling?) just around the corner, we are not
just happily out for a walk. There is a race going on, a
pretty grim race – aberration against sanity – and if we
First, why would we want to spend any time with care for don't win it soon, we may well be out of a planet for our
the body at all? Why not just use it until it falls apart, and

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IVy – covering the Freezone since 1991

A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

next incarnation. at the original environment in which the human body

evolved, identify the body’s behavior patterns in that
So we better keep our vehicles in shape, because who environment, and do our best to reconstruct both in our
wants to go shopping for a new car, and then break it in for modern world (easily said, but maybe not quite as easily
20 years in the middle of an ongoing race, if there is a done!)
chance to finish – and finish as a winner! – if we just
upgrade our technical maintenance know-how and invest a Of course, we have some extra work if there are repair
little time into polishing the machinery? actions necessary, but even then – whenever it seems to get
too complicated and impossible to overlook, we can
simplify things by bringing to mind how our bodies
originally lived and emulating, as much as possible, that
environment. Fresh and clean air and water, lots of moving
around, physical work outdoors well balanced with indoor
Now, it is not really necessary to go back to university and
activities, healthy sleep, exposure to sunshine, natural
study medicine in order to understand a physical body and
foods mostly from plant sources and much of it raw,
locate the roots of any difficulties. There are plenty of
absence of noise, not too high a concentration of people,
books out there which are written for educated lay people.
close interaction with nature – and a lot will get better,
And even these may have too many pages, because the
even if we are not aiming at a specific disease.
roots of most health problems are very, very simple.

We are using a machine that has genetically evolved for a

different fuel and activity pattern than is available to it in USING OUR EXISTING TRAINING
the typical Western environment (our environment). For
several millions of years (the archeologists still keep Now, this is the big picture. In order to successfully handle
making that figure larger) the direct ancestors of the an individual case, we have to look at the big picture's
human body have been walking all day in a clean and individual pixels (dots). Without being or becoming
unpolluted environment, which supplied them with lots of medical doctors, we can use our fundamental training to
oxygen and burned lots of calories. They were eating raw start the work: spot the exact time track of symptoms, or
food mostly coming from plant sources, as there were even more generally, look at the situation exactly as-is,
relatively few hamburger restaurants and other junk food that means, with all its various component parts in space as
stores in the wilderness in the millennia before McDonalds well as in time, without suppressing or invalidating any of
opened their first branch in 1940. its content.

Every step of deviation from this original lifestyle-design We are talking about the most basic auditor training.
contributed to the current epidemics of diseases like Students learn it when they are first trained to run
obesity, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, strokes, heart rudiments, it is fundamental.
attacks and all the like. Sedentary lifestyle, eating more
calories than are burned, food mostly cooked rather than
raw, too much animal food and too little plant-based food,
over-processed food with unnatural fats destructive to
cells, loads and loads of sugar, toxic food additives, AND MEST IN GENERAL
pollution of air and water – the list could go on forever.
Add smoking to all that, and bodies that could live for 120 This brings us to the first major non-optimum situation
years start to deteriorate at 60 or even earlier yet. that we frequently encounter.

Long story short – most health problems (one exception is Many spiritually oriented people, Scientologists included,
the genetic ones) come from our deviations from the tend to look down on the physical universe and the
human body's original design. Simple logic tells us that physical body. Somehow they believe that the spiritual
going back to the original design should solve the being is too grand to deal with this kind of low life.
problems once more. Whenever we hear (or use) expressions like "it is only a
body!" or "must you bring it down to a MEST level?" we
We don't need a doctor to realize that. We just need to look are dealing with a pattern of invalidation (making smaller,

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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

making less of), most probably an automatic pattern of Scientology, or "astral matter" by the more mainstream
which we are no longer aware. spiritual movements.

We are looking at out-rudiments being actively created on Now comes the surprise: according to modern physics,
a daily basis. Invalidation, one of the six rudiments, being even the solidity of physical matter is an illusion. If we
created daily! Additionally, there is a group agreement look at it with an enlargement factor greater than an
about it in most cases, so we also have the factor of "mutual electron microscope, matter dissolves into diffuse clouds
out rudiments", where an out rudiment is no longer of electricity, separated by huge amounts of empty space.
perceived as such because the whole group agrees that it is The fact that a baseball bat appears so solid to the skull
actually OK. What kind of life can ever function well with which it crushes, comes only from the fact that they both
such a pattern in place? Not any, in my opinion! vibrate on a similar level and therefore cannot permeate

As a result of this out-rudiment of many decades,

we see so many physically sick Scientologists
today. Their bodies have been "told" so long that
they are not important, and have been denied
attention, duplication and care for so long, that they
are now developing the most massive diseases. We
like to think that a healthy mind also has a healthy
body, but how healthy is a mind when it flows out
invalidation all the time, streams and streams of



OK, now let's have a look at this apparent split

between the physical and the spiritual worlds. It
looks like a pair of opposites, like love and hate,
black and white, a classic dichotomy or polarity.
Would you be surprised if instead of this two-valued
view, I show you a whole scale of values, like the Do you treat your body as an unbroken horse?
shades of grey in our laser printer, replacing the
black and white? Many spiritually oriented people, Scientologists included,
tend to look down on the physical universe and the
If we think of the states of aggregation for a physical body. Somehow they believe that the spiritual
moment, we have solid, liquid and gaseous. The being is too grand to deal with this kind of low life.
maybe best example would be water, because we
experience it in all three states of aggregation – as
ice cubes or icicles if it is solid, liquid when we drink it or each other (occupy the same space). So we have no actual
swim in it or sail on it, and gaseous in the kitchen when we solids at the physical level at all, but only vibrating energy
cook or operate our water distiller. – physical matter is an illusion – or better, a creation –
energy clouds forming into patterns for us to build the
The gaseous state is not the "thinnest" state of matter stage for our games!
though. Science is already talking about a fourth state,
called a "plasma", where the bonding between positive and There are energy vibration categories above that, with
negative components in an atom begins to disappear, but similar scales in them. The whole non-physical world, the
the scale goes on. Next, the so-called "subtle matter" "afterlife", where we exist between our physical
follows, which is the substance of mental image pictures incarnations, is sorted into such layers and sub-layers.
and dreams – called "mental matter/energy" in They too build the stages for the movies that their residents

IVy mag.org

IVy – covering the Freezone since 1991

A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

play. Interestingly enough, they too appear solid to their

residents – while they perceive the physical world as foggy
and cloudy and kind of unreal. It seems that the vibration One sliding scale instead of two separated worlds! It
level to which we are "tuned" is the only factor that would be entirely arbitrary to NOT apply the perception
determines the apparent solidity of our environment, and skills that we trained with the more subtle category of
that in reality they are all equally non-solid! MEST (mental matter and energy) to the more solid
category of MEST (physical matter and energy). They are
We are inhabiting only one of many realities, only one of just different parts of the same scale; why not apply the
many levels of solidity. Each of them presents us with the tools we have practiced for such a long time, if they can be
overall task to understand its specific challenges and solve of use in the next lower floor of the same building?
its specific assignments.
On the physical level, one
of these assignments is
how to take care of the
ONE UNIFIED A body’s systems are
SCALE OF combined from solid,
SOLIDITY liquid and gaseous
components – plus the
electric energy that is
A rough analogy with active in the nerves and
physical matter would be brain – plus the
mental matter (solid), the impressions that are
stuff from which images made on it from
and ridges (solid energy “above”, from the
remnants) are made; then spiritual being and its
mental energy or emotions pictures, thoughts,
(liquid, moves in streams); emotions, and most
and thought energy importantly: its
(gaseous). This is of course intentions that tell the
an arbitrary comparison, body what to do.
but it serves to demonstrate Basically we have a
that we don't have two- solid/liquid/gaseous
valued systems machine with an
(polarities), we have multi- electrical “interface”
valued systems (scales) on t o t h e c a p t a i n ’s
both sides of the apparent cockpit.
split between spirit and
matter. We are used to watch
what we call “body
language”, and of course we listen to the words that come
There is not even a real split between the non-manifested out of its mouth and to the messages and emotions that the
(static or "the void"), and the manifested (scales within genetic entity emanates; many of us have run some of the
scales of solidity in the existing worlds, both physical and genetic entity’s incidents in session – but there is an
beyond). If we could see the non-manifested as the additional language that we also need to learn, which is the
ultimate upper level of one unified scale of manifestation body’s original language on the cellular level.
(solidity) levels, we are back to a one-ness with many
layers, or "shades of grey", with static ("the void") at the Feelings, images, energy flows are used by the genetic
top and solid physical matter at the bottom. entity to communicate with the spiritual being. They are
the messages designed for the “captain”. But internally,

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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

when body parts communicate with body parts, we have of it is that we have talked to the body in its native
no spoken words and no mental images. Their language language, the language of its cells, instead of using the
uses solid and liquid “words” – hormones and minerals electric interface in the brain. We have learned to
and other molecules called transmitters. All of these understand it and talk to it in the most direct and most
express the body’s condition. There are hundreds of them, intimate way. Really giving it a magnesium drink in the
all very precisely tuned to the cells’ perception machinery. example above is much more than saying “calm down!”, it
is saying “I understand you, and I am taking care of you.
If we really want to listen to a body – into a body, not to the Here is what you need right now. I will continue to make
output that it directs to the “captain”, the spiritual being –, sure that you get what you need whenever you need it.”
we need to perceive and understand directly the molecules
that the body’s cells use to communicate with each other. Such a message has more than an immediate value. It
What doctors do with blood or urine or tissue samples is reassures the body that it has a caring partner. You will
listening to the body’s language on a level of solid and know from your friendships or marriage that such a
liquid matter. If we can use their equipment and training to certainty alone can make a world of a difference.
duplicate what our body’s component parts are saying, we
have opened an important communication channel to our
precious physical vehicle.
TALKING TO A BODY Equipped with the language that really duplicates a body,
we can now think about auditing it.
In talking to a body, similar principles apply. Yes, it will
respond to the intentions and energy flows coming from What does auditing do? It spots masses of negative energy
the spiritual being via the brain – that’s what it is made for together with their embedded images, emotions and
– but much lower down on the “scale of solidity”, there is postulates, and dissolves them. We are talking about the
this other language of molecules that are circulating within energetic residues of old trauma, of losses, failures, errors
and between the cells, the body’s inner language that its and crimes. These residues are located on the mental level,
component parts use to communicate with each other. above the physical matter band on the scale of solidity.
Therefore the necessary clean-up work is done with the
We can use this language too. We can say to the body “calm tools of locating, perceiving and dissolving mental matter
down!” by intention, but doing that, we have not fully and energy, as we have trained them on our auditing
listened first to what it is saying. Bad communication! courses.
Why would it be nervous? Maybe it has an awareness of it
– sometimes it expresses this by asking us for very specific If after that we find our body still in trouble, though we
foods, or for a nap, or for an hour of sunshine –, but this have dissolved all the material that could influence it
awareness is not always working or reliable or complete. negatively “from above” – engrams, negative postulates,
the case of entities etc. –, we may have to step down a few
We can work around this uncertainty by listening to the levels on the scale of solidity, and search on the solid,
body on the molecular level – on the solid and liquid level liquid and gaseous levels of physical matter as well.
where it mostly exists. We get a blood sample taken and
analyzed, and here is our explanation: a magnesium Actually we are looking for a similar kind of material:
deficiency! Now our chances are good to give an toxic residues of past trauma or losses or errors or crimes
intelligent answer. Ordering the body by intention to calm (often “only” of omission). If they happened on the
down may be an impressive circus trick, but it isn’t very physical level, they will also leave some of their residues
insightful. If we have understood that magnesium is on the physical level! A loss on the physical level may have
missing, we can say “calm down!” much more efficiently been a time of hunger. Less visible but often much more
by feeding it magnesium. We give the body what it really serious, because easily overlooked and going on for a long
needs (a missing mineral), not what we, having no real time, can be deficiencies of vitamins, minerals and trace
information, think needs to be applied (a beam of elements, or the absence of important (but little known)
intention). elements like dietary fibre. Trauma on the physical level
would be injuries, accidents and acute illness. At crimes
This may look like a mechanical approach, but the essence we need to look in more detail (see below).

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IVy – covering the Freezone since 1991

A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

compared with a human body’s ideal scene, as defined by

We have seen various approaches to these things. In our its genetic design and majority of its history, a lot of
materialistic western culture, most approaches are wrongnesses happened, and the residues of acidic waste
physical alone – the mental/spiritual component is materials, heavy metals and chemical pollutants now
missing. Other approaches are mental/spiritual alone – the accumulated in the body bear witness to it!
physical component is missing. Both are incomplete! The
approach that we want is not new, it exists already, it is The one overt that we never looked at in our history of
called “holistic” – looking at, and dealing with the whole auditing, appears to be the most significant now: having
composite being; composed not only from the main spirit, remained in tune with the group mind – not having
his mind and various spiritual entities around him, but also inspected its activities – having been naïve, uncritical
the physical vehicle that he uses to interact with the followers instead of critically scrutinizing it and detaching
physical world. from it where necessary – not finding our own, educated
and responsible ways of taking care of the body.
An especially important part of auditing our physical
component part is an often vast collection of crimes, called Suddenly the amount of necessary “processing” actions
overts in Scientologese, and here especially the “passive” looks enormous. But there is no need to go into overwhelm
crimes, that have led to enormous accumulations of toxic about it. We just do what we always did, we do what we
waste. Many of us are not aware of having done anything practiced in our auditor training: We find the biggest item,
wrong with the body. We just did what everybody else did spot the remains of it – now the physical, not the
– we were parts of a group mind and acted in tune with the mental/spiritual remains, the toxic physical residues
group mind. We received our information about what to eat located in the physical body – ; we dissolve and remove
and how to live from the group mind. We were embedded them. Then we find the next biggest item, locate the toxic
in it and felt safe. residues, dissolve and remove them. We call such a
program “processing” if it is done on the mental/spiritual
It was the group mind who made the errors in diet and level. On the physical level, it has a name like
lifestyle, the group mind who made it OK for us, by going “detoxification program” or “master cleanse” or similar.
with the “mainstream”, to damage our body – and yet we The principle is the same: locate the toxic residues,
have to deal with the consequences on a totally individual dissolve them, remove them. Seen as a whole, we correct
basis! The group mind doesn’t have a hip to break because all the errors of the past, both mental/spiritual and
dietary errors led to brittle bones. It doesn’t have kidneys physical, until we have a completely clean slate.
to develop the most painful colics because the information
about how much to drink wasn’t properly distributed to the We repeat this until all items are handled, and add
individual group members, and it doesn’t have eyes whose processing on the mental/spiritual level where indicated
retina self-destructs because it was too lazy or dull to find (quite a lot of charge may come into view as we realize the
out about the importance of dark green leafy vegetables for extent of our omissions!) Except for some unavoidable
eye health. natural wear, both body and spirit are fresh and new after
such a program – in other words, they are not suffering the
Somehow the group mind is never there to be held to after-effects of a negative past anymore, they are
account when there are problems. We cannot bring it to completely in present time. Now we have taken care of
trial, we cannot send it to jail, we cannot put it on lower every single part of the package. Now we have looked at
conditions, we cannot punish it and most important: we all the pieces in the puzzle. Now we have done a complete
cannot make it repair the damage it caused! Always “the job!
buck stops here”, at the personal level of responsibility.
And often it is very late when we find out about that. We ate
the same solids, drank the same liquids and inhaled the WE KNOW THE TECHNOLOGY…
same smoky gases that most other “cells” of the same
group mind consumed. Because there was no friction with Let's recall some familiar guidelines from the Scientology
the group mind, we didn’t perceive any wrongness. But: universe regarding body maintenance.

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A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

are individually treated by the typical doctor, will

Some specific instructions are found in the New Era disappear simultaneously.
Dianetics course (NED). We have learned there that in case
of an accident, the doctor comes first, and only then the
contact assist or Dianetics assist. We remember the We can go to the doctor with the occasional leftovers, if
references to nutritional deficiencies, also in the NED there are any, after we have optimized our nutrition and
material. We remember Hubbard's recommendation of lifestyle and allowed ourselves enough time for the
Adelle Davis' nutritional manuals (in the meantime, there changes to take effect.
are more modern books on the market which he would
probably prefer). Of course we do need medical intervention when the
damage is already life-threatening, or so extreme that
Then we have the ethics materials, where first dynamic central functions are no longer in place. We also have to
ethics conditions are applied – which include the confront the possibility that for some bodies it might be
especially useful danger condition, a series of steps which, simply too late. But this conclusion should never be made
when intelligently done, will handle most, if not all, health before every attempt has been made to repair the damage.
More generally there is Hubbard's principle that "that of
which we know the technology, cannot negatively Much has changed in mainstream medicine. And then we
influence us" – found on the PTS/SP course. This is a have the additional big topic of alternative medicine, the
powerful principle, which is quickly said in one short pioneer work which is too new to be established in the
sentence, but may involve months or even years of study in mainstream, but expected to appear in the medical training
the area that we want to master. This time is well spent, of the next generation of doctors.
because our body is the vehicle that is central to all our
activities and games on the physical plane.
There is a factor that Hubbard calls a "cultural lag". He is
talking about the time that passes between the moment
FOCUSING ON THE ROOT, where a discovery is made, and the moment where it
arrives in the mainstream as a standard part of a culture.
If an issue is time-critical – and health matters often are –,
Does this mean that we finally do have to go back to
we need to bypass the cultural lag. We need to build on
university and study medicine? I don't think so. Medical
school medicine as a foundation, while also looking at
doctors have to study every single leaf on the big tree of
cutting edge medical discoveries – solutions that apply to
possible reactions to a non-optimum environment,
situations that school medicine can not handle (yet).
lifestyle and nutrition. They have to be able to spot
individual symptoms, trace them back to their individual
This is a short paragraph, but it is most essential. You don't
causes, and prescribe individual medicines – an
want to lose your precious husband, mother or child to a
enormously large body of data, which is made even larger
factor as silly as a cultural lag – not at the time of the
by special subjects like dentistry, radiology, gynecology or
internet, where a new technology, an important field study
or other discovery can appear in the search machines a few
minutes after they have been published!
But if we look at the root of this tree of possible symptoms,
there are only very few factors that we need to optimize. If
a tree's roots are watered and fertilized well, ten million CHELATION THERAPY
leaves will stop to wilt and turn green again. We don't have
to look at every single one of these leaves. We just tend the One especially promising technology is in fact known for a
root, like every good gardener does, we adjust diet, while. It is called "Chelation Therapy" and effective in
exercise and environment, we go through a thorough cleaning away the blockages which accumulate in arteries
clean-up program, and all the individual diseases which over the years. There is a multitude of health problems

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IVy – covering the Freezone since 1991

A Spitiual Look at Body Health #1

connected with clogged up arteries – loss of hearing, loss CANCER, DIABETES,

of eyesight, high blood pressure, reduced function in many
organs, erectile dysfunction, smoker’s legs, dementia, and
most of all, a lack of blood supply to the heart, which leads
There is also major good news in the area of diabetes and
to sudden heart failure as well as the probably best known
cancer. But what is really encouraging: the simple
heart infarct or a similar blood clot incident in the brain,
operation of changing diet and lifestyle, by going back to
where it is called a stroke.
the versions that were originally designed by evolution,
will make many of these problems disappear without any
medical or surgical intervention – and if it is done early
School medicine surgery will often replace blocked blood
enough, we may remain healthy in the first place and have
vessels leading to the heart with clean ones, but what about
to find better games to play than sitting in the doctor's
the rest of the blood vessels where the blockages continue
office or finding the money for surgery, etc. etc.
to build up? Isn't it significant that within 3 to 5 years after
a heart bypass operation, a high percentage of bypass
patients develop dementia?
The website www.cancertutor.com gives not only detailed
insight into cancer biology and precise dietary instructions
for cancer patients, it also explains how to prevent cancer,
Chelation therapy removes the blockages in all arteries, so
and it lists 400 alternative therapies which have a
that many problems will disappear at the same time. It also
theoretical background logical enough and central enough
reaches the small capillaries in the extremities which no
to the cancerous process to be worth a try, together with
surgeon can repair – with the effect that the terrible open
their success statistics.
wounds mostly on the legs of diabetics and smokers,
which lead to so many amputations, will heal and the
The book "Death to Diabetes" by Dewayne McCulley tells
amputation becomes unnecessary.
how to get rid of diabetes entirely – something that the
medical profession considers impossible! In an e-book by
Matt Traverso we find extensive theory and to-do-lists
More than 50% of deaths worldwide, many of them
how to reverse Alzheimer's disease – also a condition that
premature, are caused by this one situation: clogged up
conventional medicine considers hopeless. There are also
arteries. This condition, together with a second very
many other very promising books about Alzheimer’s and
unhealthy condition, a wrong body pH caused by too many
brain health on the market.
food materials that cause acidic reactions instead of the
healthier alkaline reactions (meat, grains, sugar, dairy
The website www.mercola.com, run by Dr. Joseph
products), is at the center of a whole complex of
Mercola, a fully trained medical doctor who has
symptoms, called “Metabolic Syndrome”.
specialized on natural health, not only offers a lot of
precious dietary supplements, it also has a huge archive of
educational material, either written by Dr. Mercola
Its key symptoms are high blood sugar (diabetes), high
himself or commented by him. Enter any keyword you are
blood pressure, obesity and a derailed fat metabolism. It is
interested in, and the site will come up with a list of
a real killer condition. Doctors fight it with the heaviest
intelligent articles.
drugs which in turn cause other physical problems, but
simply by correcting our diet, by taking out the acidic
Now, if all these things are so well known and so easy to
components and making it mostly plant based with a high
find, how come that there are still so many sick people?
percentage of raw vegetables and fruits, plus establishing a
smart exercise pattern (neither too lax nor too ambitious),
we can slip out of that crazy swirl, stabilize ourselves first
Read more in the second part of this article in the
and then make sure that we help others out of it as well.
upcoming issue of Ivy!

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IVy on the web – also a membership forum

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