Complete Building Vocabulary and Using Vocabulary (Ex A, B Page
Complete Building Vocabulary and Using Vocabulary (Ex A, B Page
Complete Building Vocabulary and Using Vocabulary (Ex A, B Page
Using vocabulary/45
1) disturbs
2) constituted
3) evolve
4) envision
5) classic
Student B:
3. Watch the following video and write down arguments that support or
oppose cosmetic surgery.
For Against
The cosmetic surgery -There are motivation There are good doctors
industry exploits people’s behind women not and bad doctors but the
insecurity thinking good about important thing is to
themselves and certain realise doctors are trying
companies and to do good for people… it
individuals exploiting that is the goal to help other
-They tell you to bring out
Insecurity is inherent in
your insecurities… You
all of us, some have
have this or this wrong,
more, some have less and
maybe you want to fix it.
the cosmetic industry
Definitely I was 18 when I
capitalize on our
called for my console for
insecurity is partly true
a rhinoplasty and lip
but all industry try to
injections and he gave me
market to the people that
that i needed… he saw
try to utilize their
me as money
I feel like I feel like
change something about
myself doesn’t mean that I went most of my
I don’t accept myself… childhood and my adult
that are the thing to work life wishing I look
on accepting myself different. I promised
I wish I could change Something that I come myself that I would never
something about my across a lot is not so tell myself I wish I had
appearance much people try to this, I wish I look like this
change how they look but because I found that
try to preserve it… triggered… places that I
especially women with used to be in my eating
aging process disorder