STEM (H) Leammor Dizon

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"Snowflakes are falling "It is snowing outside, so I

"It is snowing outside."

from the sky" should bring my umbrella."
A proposition is true if and only if it corresponds to A statement is true, in accordance with the The pragmatic theory of truth holds that a
the current facts, claims the correspondence coherence theory of truth, when it fits into the larger statement is true if it fits into your overall network
theory of truth. To put it another way, a statement network of your preexisting beliefs. For instance, of current beliefs and makes it easier for you to
is true if it agrees with how reality actually is. For "The sidewalk has snow" or "Snowflakes are falling carry out practical tasks. In other words, the
instance, the claim that "It is snowing outside" is from the sky" are examples of several preexisting pragmatic theory incorporates the idea of
only accurate if actual snow is falling. ideas that create up a web of beliefs that affects your practicality while retaining the entirety of the

Windows of Truth!
capacity to judge if it is snowing outdoors. In coherence theory. Asking yourself what is most
essence, you believe something because it accords useful, what works best for you, and what best
with other things you already hold to be true. serves you, according to this philosophy, will help
you decide what is practical. The individual
portrayed in this window has chosen to shield
himself from the snow, which is a more sensible
option than allowing his clothes to become soaked.

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