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English Language Teaching: 2 Post-Graduate Course

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POST-GRADUATE COURSE c) What are the main features that distinguish

Term End Examination Dec., 2012/June, 2013 the primary epic from the secondary epic ?

ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING d) With reference to the following extract from

Paper-VI : Trends in Critical Theory-II, Literary the poem by Roald Dahl in the H.S.
Materials Exploitation and Application selection discuss how it could be used for
developing interest in the emphasis and
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 relevance of the subject and point out how
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) you would draw students' attention to the
images in it.
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance in the
answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling, untidy 'The most important thing we've learned,
work and illegible handwriting. The weightage for each So far as children are concerned,
question has been indicated in the margin.
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let

SECTION A Them near your television set

1. Answer any two of the following questions : Or better still, just don't install
18 2 = 36 The idiotic thing at all,
a) What are the constituent elements of
In almost every house we've been,
Tragedy ? How will you introduce the
features of tragedy in your class ? We've watched them gaping at the screen.
OR 2 3 4
They loll and slop and lounge about,
What is Aristotle's conception of a tragic 5
And stare until their
! eyes pop out .
hero ? Discuss with reference to one text,
the features of a tragic hero and state the !(Last week!in someone's!place we saw
strategies that you will adopt in presenting 6
A dozen eyeballs on the floor
! .)
it in your classroom teaching.
They sit and stare and stare and sit
b) What are the different types of essays ?
How will you teach essays in your class ? Until they're hypnotized by it,

PG-ARTS-703-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-703-P
3 PGELT-6(PT/4/VI) PGELT-6(PT/4/VI) 4

d) Frame five questions to test your students'
2. Answer any three of the following questions :
comprehension of the poem below :
12 3 = 36
a) Discuss the problems you would face if you
had to teach 'humour' in a Higher Gerald Gould
Secondary classroom in West Bengal. Refer
BEYOND the East the sunrise, beyond the
to any humorous piece you are familiar
with. West the sea,

b) Explain the salient features of a biography And East and West the wander-thirst that
referring to at least two influential
will not let me be;
expressions in the form.

It works in me like madness, dear, to bid

c) Prepare a lesson plan for teaching the poem
'The Solitary Reaper' by William me say good-bye;
Wordsworth in a Higher Secondary class.
For the seas call and the stars call, and oh!
the call of the sky.
You have just completed teaching a literary
piece. You may choose the text and the I know not where the white road runs, nor

level. Give a detailed plan of an ideal

what the blue hills are,
answer that you would encourage your
students to compose keeping in mind such But a man can have the sun for friend, and

basic factors as engagement with the

for his guide a star;
question and judicious time management.

PG-ARTS-703-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-703-P

And there's no end of voyaging when once SECTION C

the voice is heard, 3. Answer any four of the following questions :

For the rivers call and the roads call, and 7 4 = 28

oh ! the call of a bird ! a) Compile a set of guidelines that you would

Younder the long horizon lies, and there by give your students to help them attempt a
critical appreciation of a brief lyric poem.
night and day,
b) Design a plan whereby students may obtain
The old ships draw to home again, the
a step by step approach to substance-
young ships sail away;
writing. You may select any literary piece
And come I may, but go I must, and if men you are familiar with.

ask you why,

c) What problems would a teacher face if
You may put the blame on the stars and he/she had to teach a piece of American

the sun and the white road and the sky. literature in the English classroom of West
Bengal ?
e) What are the features of an one-act play ?
d) Give the difference between a biography
Discuss with reference to an one-act play
and an auto-biography.
that is taught in a Higher Secondary
classroom. e) How would you define an 'essay' as a
literary form in your classroom teaching ?
f) What strategies and techniques would you
use to help your learners read, interpret f) Mention three teaching strategies a teacher
and understand the features of a short may use to generate ideas while teaching
story ? Use any one of your choice. novel.

PG-ARTS-703-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-703-P
3 PGELT-6(PT/4/VI) PGELT-6(PT/4/VI) 4

g) Frame four short questions on 'The Negro

Speaks on Rivers.'
I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and
older than the
flow of human blood in human veins.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers .
I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns
were young.
I built my hut near the Congo and it
! lulled me to sleep.
I looked upon the Nile and raised the
! 6
pyramids above it.
I heard the singing of the Mississippi
! when Abe Lincoln
went down to New Orleans , and I've
seen its muddy
10 !
bosom turn all golden in the sunset.
I've known rivers :
! Ancient, dusky rivers.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
h) What are Teaching materials ? How can
they be used in a poetry class ?

PG-ARTS-703-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-703-P

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