Lesson 08
Lesson 08
Lesson 08
LESSON VIII wear pretty much anything they want to. There are
however some exceptions.
GARB Many groups like to wear robes. Sometimes
only the presiding clergy will be robed. Sometimes
In preceding lessons we have discussed the everyone will be robed. The robes may all match to
nature of the universe and of magic. We have talked stress the Temple’s esprit de corps, or each persons
about how we purify our space, cast our circle, call the robe may be different and individual. These are all
Quarters, invoke Deity -now for the most crucial decisions that are up to each individual Temple.
question of them all; what to wear?
What is the well-dressed Witch wearing these People wear robes for several reasons.
Well, the most common answer to that is -the 1) They look cool.
same thing everyone else is. At rituals, gatherings,
private workings -all manner of occasion -most Wiccans Robes, like other accessories, can act as KEYS
wear street clothes. The same clothes they might wear to the Higher Self. Robes can help us to feel magical,
to do any other activity. Granted, they might choose and that helps us to shift our consciousness and
special “romantic” or “Witchy” clothes -big swirly skirts, become magical.
exotic fabrics, interesting jewelry- but these would be This is probably the best reason for wearing
things they could wear elsewhere too. robes.
2) They create a sense of “belonging.” renaissance faires, and theatrical production
companies. Some of these robes are very nice, but
Having a special garment, such as a robe, that they also tend to be very expensive.
everyone in a group wears, creates a feeling of Making our own robes is both cheaper, and
“specialness” -of belonging to a distinct and individual more personal. By doing it ourselves we put our own
group. Like any uniform, wearing a robe creates a energy into the robe, attuning it to ourself from the start.
sense that we are doing something different from When we make our robes yourself, it is uniquely and
everyday life. And when everyone is wearing a robe, truly our own.
there is a sense of solidarity -that “we’re all in this Of course for many people, not knowing how to
together.” sew can be a bit of an impediment to this process. But
This is another good reason for wearing a robe. most robe patterns are very simple, and a couple of
straight seems and a hem will usually do it.
3) To aid the flow of energy. In making a robe we will want to consider
several things.
In times past people sometimes felt that
clothing restricted the flow of psychic energy. It was FABRIC
believed that anything tied around the body, or anything Choose a
intricately constructed -such as stitching- slowed down fabric you an work
or stopped the flow of energy. (You can see a vestige with. Silky fabrics
of this belief in the Christian Amish, who still believe feel great, but they
buttons, zippers, and -heaven forbid!- velcro, are can be hard for a
harmful -though the Amish have forgotten the original beginner to sew.
reasons for the belief.) Stretchy fabrics are
Perhaps at an earlier point in human hard to sew, too. A
development this may have been true, but few people cotton or cotton
believe it today. The Gardnerian author Doreen blend is often your
Valiente has pointed out that if psychic energy can’t be best bet.
stopped by walls, a thin layer of clothing should be no A l s o ,
impediment to it [Doreen Valiente, ABC of Witchcraft]. consider how the
Still, many people feel that their energy moves fabric will feel.
better when they are wearing less restrictive clothing. Rituals are often
For this reason they advocate loose robes or other held indoors, and
simple clothing, that doesn’t bind the body. They would many involve
say that a loose comfortable robe with little or nothing dancing -you don’t
underneath, makes it much easier to do magic or want a fabric that’s
psychic work, as there are no tight waistbands or going to be too hot.
complicated structures to impede the flow of energy. Though a velvet
While we would not take the view that clothing robe might be
restricts energy, we certainly would agree that wearing m a gn i f ic e n t to
loose comfortable clothing makes pretty much anything behold, it may also
easier, including magic. Obviously comfortable clothing g i v e y o u
is easier to relax in, and being relaxed helps us to work heatstroke. A
magically or psychically -nothing impedes the flow of lighter fabric is
energy like tension, that’s why we clear and release usually preferable,
before every working. unless a robe is
Few things are more comfortable than a robe, being made
or less restrictive of movement. As long as we treats it specif ically f or
as a preference and not a necessity, this too is a good outdoor use.
reason to wear a robe.
Whether we belong to a Temple that wears many styles of
robes, or we want one just for our own personal use, robe, and we
our next question is -”Where do I get one?” include diagrams
The answer, usually, is that we make it. for several at the
There are stores and companies that sell end of this lesson,
commercially manufactured ritual robes. Usually these but the most
companies’ primary business is selling medieval or common type of
renaissance garb for historical recreationists, robe is the simple
“T” style favored by the ancient CELTS and passed on symbolic value, and individuality of your robe. But don’t
to the medieval period. This style is simple to make and over-do it, as too much decoration may tend to be
easy to move in. distracting.
Another popular style is the caftan, a very
unconstructed robe whose simplest versions rather OTHER DETAILS
resemble a long poncho sewn up the sides. This was a In making a robe there are also certain practical
pretty universal garment in antiquity and can be very considerations we should pay attention to.
Some people prefer a more Grecco-Roman 1) Make sure the neck hole is big enough to get
style of robe. These often feature a peplos -a your head through.
decorative fold of fabric hanging down from the 2) Don’t make sleeves or hem so long or wide
shoulders. Some Grecco-Roman styles of robe are as to be dangerous; remember there are likely to be
very simple and are simply pieces of fabric wrapped candles, and you don’t want to set yourself on fire. Nor
and pinned in place. do you want to trip over your hem while dancing. Few
There are many, many styles of robe, and in things disturb the solemnity of a ritual like someone
choosing one -unless we belong to a Temple which taking a pratfall in the middle of it.
asks its members to wear a particular style of robe, as 3) Make sure the robe is wide enough to move
some do- our primary consideration is what style makes in. Remember you will want to be able to dance in this
us feel most spiritual and magical. garment, to move comfortably and easily. The Morticia
Addams fish-tail skirt look is not necessarily what you’re
COLOR going for here.
Again, there are many colors for robes, and
what color we choose largely depends on whether we OTHER
belong to a Temple that requires specific colors, or have KINDS OF
only ourself to please. All colors have symbolic RITUAL
meanings, and every color is appropriate for some GARMENT
ritual, if not necessarily for all. Many Temples however
will require a certain color for robes -often black or THE
white. TABARD
It is very common for a Temple to wear black
robes at New Moon and white robes at Full Moon. Or to A tabard
wear Black robes in the Dark Half of the year and white is a simple
robes in the Light Half. Other Temples may have a rectangle of
single specific color for robes, and all their robes will be cloth that
made in that color, regardless of the occasion. hangs down
Another common color scheme is for members the front and
to dress in the Quarter color associated with their back of the
astrological sign. body, but has
If we are not affiliated with a particular Temple, no sides.
or our Temple doesn’t ask for a particular color scheme, T h e
then we can choose pretty much whatever color we tabard is an
want. ancient Celtic
DECORATION essentially a
Many people decorate their robes, to make very narrow
them more individual. Even when we belong to a poncho. In
Temple which asks for a specific color of robe, we may Celtic times
still be able to decorate it as we wish. they were
There are many ways to decorate a robe. The worn;
most common is by putting a border at the hem of
sleeves and skirt. Sometimes too, people will place 1) to give
metaphysical symbols on the body of the robes - extra warmth
astrological, elemental, runic, or seasonal symbols for to the torso,
example. when made of
All manner of material can be used to decorate heavy fabric;
a robe -beads, sea shells (especially cowry shells),
ribbon, embroidery, fabric paints, and many more. The 2) as an
only limit is your creativity. apron, to
Decoration can add greatly to the beauty, protect one’s
Man in robe and tabbard
clothing, when made of a cheaper fabric; U s u a l l y
And 3) for added decoration on a formal however, Pagans wear
occasion, when made of a dressy fabric. the stole not as a
In later times tabards were primarily used to modern version of the
display the insignia of an organization to which one Roman Toga, but as a
belonged, rather like a kind of uniform. The most famous modern version of the
example of this that most people would be familiar with TORC. The torc was a
are the tabards worn by fiction’s “Three Musketeers”. metal necklace used by
In Wiccan ritual it is not uncommon to see the Celtic peoples as a
tabards used to indicate who will perform certain roles - symbol of initiation. the
as for example who will call which Quarter. They are torc represented death
also sometimes worn to indicate rank (though if a Temple and rebirth. The torc
is using them to indicate rank, they will tell you). looks rather like a horse
Sometimes too, tabards are worn purely for decoration. shoe, and it is believed
Tabards are easy to make, and can be used to that the idea of hanging
dress up a basic robe, or worn over street clothes in horse shoes in a house
place of a robe. to bring good luck may
have arisen as a
THE STOLE replacement for an A Celtic Woman wearing a Torc
The stole is a earlier practice of hanging a torc.
narrow band of fabric In this sense then the stole represents initiation
worn around the neck and rebirth, and the continuation of the ancient past.
and hanging down in The stole is cognate to the collar. Another
front. modern version of the ancient torc, the collar is a band of
The stole may cloth worn around the neck just as the torc once was.
be quite decorative, The collar may be worn when the stole is too
but it is never worn just cumbersome.
for decoration. Only
certain traditions use VESTMENTS
the stole, but if you A vestment is a sacred garment which is only
see one you can be worn for ritual or other religious occasions. It is believed
sure that it has a that by wearing the vestment only for religious purposes,
meaning beyond just its ability to act as a key to aid in the shift of
being “pretty”. consciousness is increased. This is because if we wear
In some the vestment only for magical and spiritual activities, then
groups the stole will be every time we put it on, our Inner Self will know that
worn only by the Chief we’re going to do something magical and spiritual, and
Priestess or Chief will automatically shift the consciousness to align with the
Priest. In others it may Higher Self.
be worn by all initiated In some groups all robes and other garments
clergy. used for ritual are considered to be vestments, and are
I n t h e The Stole worn for ritual purposes only -never for anything else.
Correllian Tradition the Though each Correllian Temple is free to
stole is worn by all initiated clergy, dedicants, and full establish its own policies, as a Tradition Correllianism
OUTER COURT members, especially for more formal takes the position that a robe is a garment, like any other
ceremonies. The stole is used to indicate membership, garment, and that the only actual “vestment” is the stole.
and its color and markings indicate rank. Initiated clergy It may be bad form to wear certain robes for non-
wear purple stoles. HONORARY clergy members wear religious purposes, but only the stole has a sanctity unto
lavender stoles. And dedicants wear white stoles. Outer itself.
Court members wear green stoles.
Many different Pagan Traditions use the stole, as STATE ROBES
do some of the BOOK RELIGIONS, though for very State robes are robes which are worn to indicate
different reasons. rank, and should only be worn by persons who possess
Christians use the stole as the last vestige of the that rank.
Roman TOGA. The Toga, originally a large cloak-like Full Correllian state robes are rarely worn. Each
garment worn wrapped around the body, assumed the part of the state robe has a meaning -a red tabard for
form of the stole during the BYZANTINE period, in the example, is worn by a Third Degree High Priestess or
opening centuries of the AGE OF PISCES. High Priest; a gray tabard by an Elder of the Tradition; a
Certain Pagan Traditions of Mediterranean origin purple tabard by the heads of the Tradition when acting
wear the stole for this same reason. in that capacity. A black Clavis, or narrow tabard, is
wo rn by distinct, usually made of CC
heads of metal and mounted with a
Temples. moon, sun, or other
The symbol. Sometimes a
m o s t coronet may be worn by
commonly someone taking part in a
used part of specific ritual or mystery
the Correll play because of the role
state robes is they are taking -but in that
the stole, case coronet belongs to the
whose color role, and not to the person.
and symbols Usually however the
indicate the coronet is the reward of
rank of the many years study and
w e a r e r . service, and should be left
Outer Court to those who have earned
Members it.
wear green
s t o l e s , SKY CLAD RITUAL
Clerical Another ancient, but somewhat mis-understood
Dedicants form of ritual garb is going “skyclad” -that is to say
wear white naked. This practice arises from the idea that psychic
stoles, and energy is restricted or inhibited by clothing, especially
Clergy wear tight or binding clothing. As we have said, most people
purple stoles. no longer believe this, but it was once taken very
Honorary seriously.
Clergy wear Another reason for the idea of skyclad ritual is
lavender that since we are born naked, we are only truly “pure”
stoles. This when in that state. If we approach Deity nude, we are
system was laying aside the preconceptions and prejudices of the
devised by Rev. Traci Logan-Wood. physical world to reveal our inner, spiritual selves. By
going without clothes we lay aside the social distinctions
JEWELRY and self-deceptions which clothing often represents,
There are several pieces of jewelry which are opening ourselves to the light of the Goddess. T h i s
associated with Wicca. All manner of necklaces, aspect is especially clear in the skyclad SADHUS of
bracelets, and rings are readily available with Wiccan or India -holy people who go naked to show that they have
Pagan themes or symbols, which can be worn by moved beyond the outer form to the inner essence of
anyone. In addition, some Temples have special being.
medallions, pins, or rings, which are available only to On a more pragmatic level, the kind of clothing
their members, and which may or may not symbolize that was worn in earlier times was not very practical for
rank. the exclusivity of such symbols should be dancing or dealing with fire.
respected, as a matter of good manners. Skyclad ritual is a very ancient custom, but is
Moreover there are two particular pieces of not very common in modern Wiccan practice. Many
jewelry which are commonly used to symbolize rank. Wiccans only go skyclad when they are working alone,
The first is the GARTER. The Garter is a piece or with a romantic partner.
of fabric or leather tied or buckled just above or below There are certain distinct advantages to skyclad
the knee, or the elbow. there are many variations on ritual however, and it can be very good to experience it
how the Garter should be made, what color it should be, at least once. Most people have many issues about
etc... These details vary according to the Tradition one their bodies -working skyclad helps you to become
is dealing with. Some Traditions use the Garter to familiar with your body, and to accept it as it is.
indicate a variety of ranks. Most often, however, the Clothing and fashion impose many false and unrealistic
Garter represents the Third Degree, or High priesthood, ideas on our relationship with our bodies. By accepting
and should only be worn by its’ members. our bodies as they are, we can break free of these
The second item is the coronet or tiara. the socially imposed ideas. Also many people use clothing
coronet also represents the Third Degree, and should as a mask, placing their physical self esteem in external
only be worn by Third Degree clergy or Second Degree items of dress. But external items are purely illusory
Temple Heads. Many kinds of wreath or headband are and not always under our own control: by accepting our
worn for many reasons by many people in Wicca - bodies as they are we can put our self esteem where it
especially floral wreaths. But the coronet is something truly belongs -within.
You are not going to encounter skyclad ritual in Exercise #15
most Temples, but in your own personal practice - When you have become comfortable extending
especially if you are not “model-perfect”- you may find it the beam of red light from your Third Eye, you may
very liberating. replace Exercise #14 with Exercise #15.
EXERCISES As you might imagine, Exercise #15 is just like
Exercise #14 up until you have extended the beam of
light from the Third Eye. Now use that beam of red light
At this point in your development you should be to draw simple designs on the wall, just as you did with
doing Exercises #7, #8, #9, and number #13 every day, your palms in Exercise #12. And just like in Exercise
plus Exercise #10 periodically. #12, when you have mastered simple designs, try
The following exercise is meant to follow writing words with the beam of light, using cursive
Exercise #13 directly. letters.
As you get better, try drawing the designs in
Exercise #14 mid-air, and at different distances.
When you have finished Exercise #13 -the This will exercise and develop your Third Eye,
beam of light from the palm Chakra- instead of closing which is extremely important.
down as usual, turn your attention to your Third Eye. And, as with Exercise #12, you can do Exercise
The Third Eye is located in the forehead. #15 anytime that you wish -on the bus, at the store, out
Because each Chakra is actually a collection of many of doors. Just remember that this is in addition to, not in
points, the exact location may appear to vary from place of, your daily exercises.
person to person, according to their individual When you have finished, retract the beam of
development. Your Third Eye may be centered in the light into your Third Eye, do Exercise #10 if you wish,
middle of your forehead, placed toward the top of your then close down your Chakras as always, and ground
forehead, or located between your eye brows. If you and release.
have a strong feeling for any of these places, use it as
the Third Eye -otherwise we recommend using the Exercise #16
approximate middle of the forehead. Exercise #16 is (you guessed it) just like
From your Third Eye, send out a beam of clear Exercise #15 -except that instead of using red light, you
red light -just as you have learned to do with your will use multi-colored light. This increases the effect of
palms. Project that beam out to a wall approximately 5- the exercise, in all other respects do it just the same
6 feet away. Imagine the beam as clearly as possible, way as Exercise #15.
the light as bright a red as possible, and hold it there for
as long as you’re comfortable -just as you did with the
palm in Exercise #11. Then retract the beam of light
back into your Third Eye. SPELL OF THE MONTH
You may find that this gives you a headache. In “The Shadow Knows...”
In LESSON VIII we talk at length about what
people wear for ritual. Near the end of this lesson, we
discuss the idea of ritual nudity -the idea of wearing
nothing at all during ritual.
Ritual nudity is an ancient custom based on the
desire for freedom of movement, an unencumbered flow
of psychic energy, and the belief that when we are
nude -as we were born into this world- we are most
honestly who we are as well as closest to Deity.
In modern Wicca ritual nudity is very rare. It is
generally reserved for solitary ritual, or ritual between
romantic partners.
most people the Third Eye is not used to getting much Many contemporary Wiccans are not
exercise, and it may hurt a bit. If this happens, there is comfortable with the idea of ritual nudity at all, except in
a simple solution to it -one that may be used for any the most abstract sense. This is because so many
other Chakra as well. Run yellow light through it. people have been taught to feel badly about their
Imagine a ball of yellow light in the Third Eye -as clear bodies.
and bright as possible. Continue to see the yellow light Non-Pagan segments of society tell people to
until the headache dissolves. feel bad about their bodies. They are too fat, or too thin,
After this you may do Exercise #10 if you like, their breasts are imperfect, their buttocks sag, their
or go straight to closing down the Chakras as usual. penises aren't big enough, their noses are too large,
they smell bad, they are too hairy or not hairy enough,
they’re too old... as you really are. Include all the lines. All the sags. All
Society tells us these things to control us. No the things you don’t like about your body. Include the
matter what you do, you can’t get away from your body. good things too, but this is meant to focus on what you
If you feel badly about it, you feel badly about yourself - are not comfortable with.
and if you feel that you aren't good enough, then you Don’t worry about the quality of the drawing.
will be susceptible to others who can convince you they This is for a spell, not an art show. Put into the drawing
are better. what you see and what you feel about yourself, but
Society does the same thing with our sexuality. don’t worry what anyone else would think about it.
And our psychology. And our financial and social
position. If we can be made to feel badly about these
things, we feel badly about ourselves, and when we feel
badly about ourselves, we can be controlled.
All of these things are part of our SHADOW.
Our shadow is the part of us which we do not
normally think of, but which holds us back. The shadow
is made up of all the fears, anxieties, and insecurities
which we carry around with us. The shadow is
composed not only of what society does to us, and what
our families do to us, but most significantly what we do
to ourselves.
Working to heal the shadow is one of the most
important parts of the Correllian Wiccan path. No
amount of knowledge or ability has any benefit for you,
if you are controlled by your shadow. Luckily, the
shadow can be worked with.
In Wicca it is not our goal to suppress or
repress the shadow. rather we seek to heal it.
Healing the shadow is an ongoing process
which gets progressively deeper as we grow. If you
have been doing the SPELLS OF THE MONTH in these
lessons, you have already been working on this -as
early as LESSON I the SPELL OF THE MONTH dealt
with releasing aspects of the shadow.
Shadow work always has an effect, though
sometimes it must be done several times to completely
heal an aspect of the shadow. The farther you progress
in Correllian Wicca, the more you will heal of the
This spell is for working with the shadow When you have finished your drawing, think
aspects of our self-image. about all of the things you don’t like about your body.
You will need; On the edges of the paper, around the drawing, write
these things down.
*A black candle Now write down everything else you don’t like
*A red candle about yourself -bad habits, behaviors you wish to
*A mirror, preferably a large one change, things that make you insecure, etc...
*time to be alone Write all of these things down on the paper.
*Two sheets of paper Now take the drawing to your altar.
*A burning dish Clear and release all excess energy.
*A stick or knife to maneuver the burning paper Light the black candle -black here is for
*Some drawing utensils (a box of crayons, releasing.
markers, or colored pencils are ideal) Hold the sheet of paper in front of you. Visualize
a ball of white light around the paper. Concentrate on all
Begin by completely undressing. the things you have written.
Look at yourself in the mirror. If it is a hand held Now make an incantation to this effect:
mirror, hold it at every angle. Study every part of
yourself. Look at things you don’t normally look at.
Now take your paper and drawing implements,
“ here is One Power in the Universe
and find a comfortable position. Draw yourself. And I am a perfect manifestation of that
Draw yourself -nude. Be honest. Show yourself Power.
And as such I release all of these things
Which I have drawn and written on this
paper The spell is done. You may not immediately feel
That they may limit me no more. all of its effects, but they will rise to the surface in the
May they be healed and transformed days to come. And it may be that some of these things
And their energy reused by the Mother may require additional healing -the spell may be
In new ways as She sees fit. repeated as needed. But you will find a pronounced
By my will, with harm toward none effect that only deepens with time.
So mote it be.”
And it is done.”
KEYS -Keys are outer forms (items or concepts) which
are used to help a person to shift their consciousness,
and connect with Higher Self. Anything which makes a
person feel more spiritual or magical can serve as a
Key. Robes, incense, many kinds of atmospheric
trappings are commonly used as Keys, as are all the
techniques and ingredients of spellcraft. Keys are very
useful, especially to the beginner, as they help people
to make shifting consciousness easier and more
automatic. The fully realized magic-user however,
requires no external stimuli to aid in their work, though
they may still enjoy them.
TOGA -The Roman empire dominated ancient Europe GARTER -A band of cloth, leather, or metal, worn
during the Age of Aries, collapsing just before the around the leg just above or below the knee, or on the
advent of the Piscean Age. Beginning as a Republic, arm just above the elbow, the Garter is an ancient
Rome gradually slid into despotism over the course of garment still in use as an item of dress. The Garter is
centuries. A garment which could only be worn by also used by Wiccan High Clergy in certain Traditions
Roman citizens, the elite of the empire, the Toga was a as a symbol of rank. There are many variations on
length of white cloth worn wrapped around the body and exactly how a High priestess’ or High Priests’ Garter
fastened over the lefts shoulder. The Toga took should be made, and these vary with the Tradition.
different forms in different periods, beginning as a Perhaps the most famous example of the Garter from
relatively simple cloak and ending as a version of the history comes from the reign of England’s Edward III.
“stole” -a long thin piece of fabric wrapped around the Tradition has it that a noblewoman, perhaps the
body or worn hanging over the shoulders. Countess of Salisbury or the Fair Maid of Kent (consort
of the Black Prince) dropped her Garter at a royal ball.
BYZANTINE -The Byzantine empire is a term used to The King picked up the Garter, saying “Let none think ill
describe the last phase of the eastern Roman empire. of it,” and proceeded to found the Order of the Garter in
Toward the end of its long history Rome broke into two honor of the event. It is believed that the lady was a
portions -the Western empire with its capitol at the Priestess of the Old Religion, and that in doing this the
ancient city of Rome itself, and the Eastern empire with King extended his protection to her. According to
its capitol at the city of Byzantium, also known as Margaret Murray there are many things to suggest the
Constantinopolis, today’s Istanbul. Although the active promotion of Pagan religion by England’s
Western empire fell at the dawn of the Age of Pisces Plantagenate dynasty.
SADHUS -A Sadhu is a kind of holy person in certain
sects of the Hindu and Jain religions, who pursues a life
of meditation and spirituality. Often Sadhus wear little
or no clothing, to symbolize that they are dealing with
the inner essence, rather than the outer form. A famous
example of such a holy person is Mahatma Gandhi,
who adopted a loincloth as his principle item of dress.
In the Jain religion, founded by Mahavira, holy people
go completely naked, eschewing even a loincloth, after
Mahavira’s own practice. It is Mahavira who coined the
term “skyclad.”
Style A
Style B
The caftan is one of the most dramatic styles of robe. Shown are two
patterns for the caftan, one simpler, one more complex.
A Grecco-Roman style robe may be no more than pieces of fabric attractively draped and
pinned, like the one shown at right. Or it might be a formal Greek Chiton, as shown in the
pattern below.
The most common style of robe is the medieval “T” robe. Shown are two patterns for the
T robe, one simple, one more complex.