Breaking Out of The Box
Breaking Out of The Box
Breaking Out of The Box
ut o f l h e
by Debra Feinstein
PARADIGM THINKING, properly applied, leads window. If the team of software developers and to save more than $100 million over
to tangible results. JM Consultants, Inc., responsible for the project continued the the next three years.
New York-based management consulting development process at their current rate JMW did not teach the team new tech
firm, helps companies boost productivity rate that wa in line with industry niques for developing software. Instead,
through paradigm shifts with an approach standards-the product would not be ready they helped them shift their paradigm. In
called "Productivity Breakthrough on time. If the company hired more pro their old paradigm, the rule was "X (the pre-
Technology." grammers to speed up the process they dictable) amount of work in amount of
Three years ago, major computer would exceed their budget. Clearly, time. The new paradigm was stated as
manufacturer called in JMW to help deal breakthrough was needed. possibility-''Y (the required) amount of
with crisis. After working with JMW the software work in amount of time."
The manufacturer was trying to get an team began to double their previous pro ''The shift was to create a future-the
important product out in order to take ductivity The breakthrough enabled the one they needed-as a possibility not as
advantage of rapidly closing market ng company to get the product out in time- prediction ," says Wemer Erhard, who foun
ded national affiliation of management
Erhard, instead of merely adapting to new the future will be clear about their power to
paradigms is actually going to create them establish realms of possibility and about
Rather than taking something already in their ability to empower and enable people
existence and putting a conceptual "fence" to be effective in those realms."
realms." there are two courses action
around it or generating new products and And he adds there will be a higher you should always take the third."
organizational structures from old para degree of productivity from team-building Jewi pr rb
digms excellent companies will create new project commitments (see sidebar story
paradigms which will give rise to "whole below) than from conformity or elimination "The most interesting
interesting part of manage
new domains of possibilities. of those actions that don't lead straight to ment is the part that's committed to what
That will lead to a situation in which the goal. wasn't predictable to what wasn't going to
omething and its opposite are not the only "What hasn't been recognized is that happen " says Erhard "That s what people
alternatives For example, Erhard points out there is an enormous amount of new possi get paid a lot of money for."
that in trying to solve the problems of hier bility, an enormous amount of room for
archic l, centralized organizations, the first creativity, innovation and for new levels of Th Metaphvsics Paradigms
thing people do is tum to the alternative productivity in new paradigms,"
paradigms," says The secret of paradigms is that with them
provided by tha
thatt model-flattened decen Erhard. "Great executives are those who we construct our own reali
ty A<; Thomas
tralized organizations He suggests that a can create new possibilities for people to Kuhn said in 1962 "When paradigms
different paradigm for an organization work into and to fill up with change the world itself changes with
might be to look at it as a network of accomplishments..
accomplishments them."
them ."
conversations It s a revolutionary thought, and it is
The work gets done in the openings Paradigm Thinking Post· the most important thing to know about
these conversations create, he says "The Graduate Course: .nventing paradigms
culture of an organization is constituted by th Future How reality occurs-or shows up for
thi network of conversations which allows What great executives will do in the 199Os people is not determined by what's there to
for certain things pulls for certain things, says Erhard is to create different para be seen, but by how we are seeing it.
doesn allow for certain things and makes digms that are appropriate to the commit "We know very little about the real
t very difficult for certain things to ments in various parts of the organization. rules of the world what can and cannot be
emerge ." They will be able to shape organiza done and what is and is not possible, says
Erhard points out that this model does tion-wide paradigms that are appropriate to Barker.. " But we can choose to see the
not fit into the prevailing current paradigm the moving sands changing markets, world in new ways."
n which success is seen as a product of changing competition and introduction of In so doing, we will-literally-change
establishing clear-cut goals. new technologies
," he says. A<; fast on its the world that is there for us to see.
Rather than imposing goals on organi feet as an organization is today in changing
zations and managing to narrow people's its focus, that s how fast it will have to be
actions toward the achievement of those to be able to change the paradigms in
goals, the excellent business leaders of the which those focuses are developed."
1990s will establish organizations in which Erhard says that instead of waiting for
there will be a lot more freedom for people a new paradigm to become apparent, we
to actually be proactive and entrepreneurial can create and invent futures that were not
and self-generating Excellent managers in going to happen anyway.
consultants with which JMW is associated. thinking," he says. "In 'business as usual,' erating new paradigm." At some point in
"At that point, no one knew how to do it, but' we get clear about the situation to deter- the process, he says, it will be evident that
they could still create the possibility. mine what we can do and what we can't. you have come up with the best paradigm
Because there was now new paradigm in But to produce breakthrough, you have to for breakthrough in the situation.
which to see the work, the team began stand the usual approach on its head." "Productivity breakthroughs are prod-
seeing the job of developing software differ The process begins with inventing uct of seeing something in new way,
ently They then were able to generate new possibility, without regard to whether which enables you to see new oppor-
commitment to that possibility." you know what to do to realize it. You then tunities and new openings for action that
Erhard points out that when break look back at the s i on m t e s nd couldn't see before," he adds. "Break-
through is needed, what is often called for point of that new possibility. throughs come as result of shifting your
is the development of new paradigm. "That is what gives you the new per- commitment from the predictable future to
"Changing the paradigm does not spective and what allows you to see the possible future."
negate the need for realistic, hard-headed situation in way you haven't seen it before,"
says Erhard. "That is the beginn ng of gen-