Drawing Forth Personal Vision: Helping Passionate Visionaries Grow Their Businesses Through Creativity

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Drawing Forth

Personal Vision

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This practice will help you define your Personal Vision
- what you want to create for yourself and the world
around you. Personal Vision is not only the starting point
of any brand, but the search for Personal Vision is a
practice any founder can use to realign their life.

Since it influences most of your decisions, cultivating
your Personal Vision requires commitment. Many are
unfamiliar with this level of self-examination, but after
following the four steps of this practice, you will see the
power in the question, “What do I really want?”

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 3

The Impetus
This practice has been adapted from The Fifth Discipline
- The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization by
systems scientist and author, Peter Senge.

According to Senge, the five disciplines are systems

thinking, where all events are connected within the
same pattern and can only be viewed as a whole;
mental models, where deeply ingrained assumptions,
generalizations, or even pictures/images influence
how we understand the world and how we take
action; shared vision, where binding people around a
common identity and sense of destiny excels; team
learning, where thinking together without assumptions
allows the group to discover insights not attainable
individually; and personal mastery, where people are
able to consistently realize the results that matter most
deeply to them and are committed to their own lifelong

This adaptation of the practice will focus on developing

your Personal Mastery, which will help you draw forth
your Personal Vision.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 4

A conversation within yourself
The practice of Personal Mastery involves learning to
keep your Personal Vision alongside a clear picture
of current reality. Doing this generates a force within
yourself called “creative tension.” This tension seeks
resolution, which will push you to move reality closer to
your greatest desire.

Personal Mastery teaches you balance. Paradoxically,

keeping with reality teaches you that the content of the
vision is also not important.

It’s not what the vision is.

It’s what the vision does.
-Robert Fritz
(Author, management consultant, composer, filmmaker)

Practicing Personal Mastery involves holding a

conversation within yourself. One voice dreams of
what’s wanted for the future. Another voice sees the
world around you and says that everything gets in the
way of said dreams coming true. And a third voice,
usually hidden, is willing to say, “I have chosen what I
want and I will create it.” In this discipline, try to hear all
of these facets clearly. A powerful vision emerges from
the relationship between them.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 5

Preparing for the practice
This process begins informally. You sit down and write
a bunch of ideas that come to mind when imagining
your greatest desire. We call this goal your “Result”.

You will need a notebook, especially since I encourage

you to perform this practice every year. It’s important to
keep track of your progress throughout your business,
and this personal vision is no different. When you refer
back to your progress, you will be able to reflect and
see what worked, and what didn’t. You can also print
this workbook to help you along.

If the written word is too daunting, feel free to sketch,

dance, paint, or express through music. You will need to
record your reflections in this process somehow, but the
goal is to freely imagine your ideal. Think about yourself
as a child. How did you play? Tapping into this high spirit
will be helpful. Be curious, playful, and creative.

Lastly, consider whether you want to practice alone or

with someone you trust.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 6

Step One - Creating a Result
Begin by bringing yourself into a reflective frame of
mind. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths - in
through the nose and out through the mouth. Let go of
any tension as you exhale. Go ahead and do this a few
times. I’ll wait.

Now that you are relaxed, comfortable, and centered,

open your eyes and imagine a Result in your life that you
deeply desire. For example, imagine that you live where
you most wish to live. Or that you have the relationship
you most want. Ignore how “possible” or “impossible”
this vision seems. Imagine yourself accepting into your
life the full manifestation of this Result.

Now, describe (in writing, sketch, etc.) the experience you

have imagined in a present form as if it is happening
right now - present tense if expressing in writing, song
if expressing through music, etc. What does it look like?
What does it feel like? Take your time with this until you
create your ultimate Result. Check out how I did mine.
on the following page.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 7

Lucin’s Step 1 - Result:
I have many homes all over the country and world. This allows
me to travel to different places and be comfortable in my home.
The world is my home. Let’ s start with one of the homes. It
is in the city, large windows, in a high rise. Of course I have
the balcony because I do work occasionally outside. I sometimes
do work on the roof by the pool that overseas the city. It feels
incredible to finally have made it in the city that I was born and
raised in. I have my family and friends over for dinner and just to
hang out. I host parties there because it is 3 floors. I enjoy also
doing work in the office. My wife does her creations in the crafts
room and library.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 8

Personal Vision
Name: Date:

Imagine achieving a result in your life that you deeply desire. Describe in writing (or sketch) the
experience you have imagines, using the present tense, as it is happening right now. What does it
look like? What does it feel like? What words would you use to describe it?

(If you’re practicing with someone, share your results with your partner.)

Step Two - Reflecting on Your Result
Pause and consider your Result. Did you articulate a
vision close to what you actually want? You might have
found it hard to do. In this step, you will see there are a
variety of reasons why. You might have thought:

“I can’t have what I want.”

“I want what someone else wants.”
“It doesn’t matter what I want.”
“I already know what I want.”
“I’m afraid of what I want.”
“I don’t know what I want.”
“I know what I want, but I can’t have it at work.”

Pretending you could have anything you want may not

be an easy task. Many people find that it contradicts
a habit held since childhood, “Don’t think too much
about what you want because you might not get it.”
This prevents the feeling of disappointment and unfairly
throws desires to the side.

Some people choose their visions based on other

people’s wants. A parent’s, a teacher’s, a supervisor’s, a
romantic partner’s, or a business partner’s needs may
strongly influence you. In this step, identify where you
move for others and concentrate on what you want.

Others are afraid of losing control or of not being able

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 10

to keep up with the change in their lives. However, a
subject frightening you signals a clue to potential
learning. This is an area you should study. Look into
classes online, or find some videos on YouTube about
that subject. A year, or two, from now you will be ready
to come back to that subject—at your discretion.

Some people fear their Personal Vision won’t be

compatible with their organization’s attitudes, thinking
they may jeopardize their job and position. This attitude
keeps many people from articulating their vision or
letting this practice go very far. This is really a question
of current reality. Do some research. Ask a trusting
coworker for advice. Occasionally someone proposes
their vision to their organization, only to find out that
it actually wasn’t a big deal. More often than not,
organizations tend to be accepting of your interests
far more than your fears let you expect. But keep your
Personal Vision open. Your vision might include finding
another place to work.

You may even create a new sense of what you want,

especially if you have not asked yourself this question
for some time. A Personal Vision is not a done deal.
It is something you create, and continue to re-create,
throughout your life. Refer back to your notebook
frequently. Add notes, make updates, grow your
Personal Vision to where it wants to be. This takes time.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 11

Lucin’s Step 2 - Reflection:
Perhaps I am a little afraid of what I want. My dreams are so
big and vast. Spiderman’ s uncle always said, “With great power
comes great responsibility.” Imagining being responsible for an
expensive ass home is a bit intimidating. I’ m not gonna lie. But
I know that is something that I have to suck up. I’ m sure future
Steve will be able to handle it and afford it anyways.
I also connected with “I know what I want, but I can’ t have it at
work.” Really the second part of the phrase. There is something
missing at work and I can’ t quite put my finger on it. I mean I
know that I want to create many fulfilling things, and I’ m just
not sure if I can achieve all of what I want while having a job
where somebody is requiring me to do something that is not part
of what I want to do. But what is it that I want to do? I don’ t
know, but I think I am going to have to figure it out as I go.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 12

Name: Date:

Consider the questions that you might have thought. Did you connect with any of them? Reflect on
your Result.

(If you’re practicing with someone, share your results with your partner.)

Step Three - Describing Your Result
Now, go deeper and answer the questions below. Each
word in bold is a dimension of your Personal Vision. If
a dimension does not fit your needs, remove or adjust
it. Again, use the present tense, as if your desires are
happening right now. Imagine your Result, your deepest
desire fully realized. A more complete picture of what
you want will soon fill the pages before you.

Self-Image: You are exactly the kind of person you

want to be, what qualities do you show?

Tangibles: What material things do you own?

Home: Imagine your ideal living environment.

Health: What is your desired health, fitness, and/or

athletic goal? How does your body look/feel?

Relationships: What does your life with friends, family,

and others look like?

Work: What is your ideal professional or vocational

situation? What impact do your efforts have in that

Personal Pursuits: What do you create in the arena of

individual learning, travel, reading, or anything else?

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 14

Community: What is your vision for the community or
society you live in and/or care about?

Other: What else in life are you creating?

Life Purpose: Imagine your life’s purpose, one in which

you feel fulfilled in what you do, in your relationships, in
the way you live...

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 15

Lucin’s Step 3 - Describing:
Self Image - I am a leader and role model. One tht many look
up to. People see me as an intelligent guru of some sort. They
seek answers and I have them. I am creative and do not have
boundaries. My image is superb.
Tangibles - I own the newest technology, top of the line souped
up computers, hardware, and software. I own audio and visual
equipment that helps unleash my creativity, as well as the
creativity of others. I own gadgets and widgets that make me feel
like Iron Man.
Home - My living environment is spacious, filled with light, clean
and high-tech. It makes me feel like a king and accomplished. My
living environment, at times, is also my creative environment. It
is also very relaxing and secure and private. My home is in many
environments; hot, cool, wamr, cold, and within many cultures.
Health - I am healthy. I ride bike oftne and swim often. I love
swimming because I can be with my own thoughts. I’ m on a
healthy diet that lets me eat unhealthy foods occasionally. I test
my endurance my doing longer bike tours. It makes me feel proud
when I achieve.
Relationships - I have pristine relationships with all my family
and close friends. Even my not so close friends love me. I don’ t
ever burn bridges. I connect and truly listen to what people have
to say. If I hear a cry for help, I do my best to help. I help my
family achieve new and profound goals.
Work - I create businesses and organizations made up of people
who better themselves and the people around them. I have fun
Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 16
being creative in many ways. With art, technology, and with how
these businesses and organizations are ran. The impact I make is
incredible. Many seek to work wtih me and the people in my
circles because they see how all of our lives are being fulfilled
through the work that we do. My people are happy, that’ s what I
strive for, happier people. Work is not work, but a way of life.
Personal Pursuits - Learning is part of my daily routine. It is
highly valued. I learn new skills all the time. I get better at the
skills I love. I support others on mastering their skills. I teach what
I know. Reading is my daily routine as well, it goes hand in hand
with learning. I travel often, visiting places I have never been to. I
get to see new things, gain more perspective, and get inspired to
create new things. I enjoy new cuisine with my wife. I experience
different fun things with my wife. I do exhilerating activities too,
doing things the typical person would not do. I VJ all over the
Community - I help change the way society views the creative
fields. I build my community through Support Creativity. It feels
phenomenal to help others to achieve their goals. The relationships
built within this community are strong.
Other - ?
Life Purpose - I’ ve been put on this earth to uplift my community
through creativity. To show people that life should be spent enjoying
themselves, exploring, and learning.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 17

Describing Your Result

Self image: You are exactly the kind of person you want to be, what qualities do you show?

Tangibles: What material things do you own?

Home: Imagine your ideal living environment.

Describing Your Result

Health: What is your desired health, fitness, and/or athletic goal? How does your body look/feel?

Relationships: What does your life with friends, family, and others look like?

Work: What is your ideal professional or vocational situation? What impact do your efforts have in
that field?efforts to have?

Describing Your Result

Personal Pursuits: What do you create in the arena of individual learning, travel, reading, or
anything else?

Community: What is your vision for the community or society you live in and/or care about?

Other: What else in life are you creating?

Describing Your Result

Life Purpose: Imagine your life’s purpose, one in which you feel fulfilled in what you do, in your
relationships, in the way you live...

(If you’re practicing with someone, share your results with your partner.)

Step Four - Diving into each Dimension
If you’re like most people, the choices you put down are
a mixture of selfless and self-centered elements since
you’ve suspended your judgement about what is “worth”
desiring. These visions are your deepest desires. In this
step, go back through your dimensions. Ask yourself the
following 2 questions about each.

If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I

take it?

People are sometimes imprecise about their desires,

even to themselves. You may, for instance, have written
that you would like to own a castle. But if someone
actually gave you a castle, would you be able to keep with
its maintenance and modernizations? After imagining
yourself responsible for a castle, would you still take it?
Would you amend your desire? Some elements of your
vision won’t make it past this question.

Assuming I have this dimension in my life now, what

does this bring me?

This question launches you into a richer image of

your Personal Vision where you can see its underlying
implications. For example, maybe you wrote down that
you want a sports car. Why do you want it? What would
it allow you to create? You might want to discover
the sense of freedom it offers. But why do you need

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 22

this sense of freedom? The point is not to belittle your
vision, but to dive deep into each dimension. It’s fine to
want a sports car, but if a sense of freedom underlies
that desire, what else could produce it? How can you
understand that deeper motivation more clearly?

Deducing the dimensions of your Personal Vision takes

time. You are peeling back each layer of an onion. You
may never discard your desire to have a sports car but
keep trying to expand your understanding of what is
important to you. At each layer, you ask, once again: If
I could have it, would I take it? If I had it, what would it
bring me?

You may find that many of the dimensions of your

Personal Vision lead you to the same three or four primary
goals. Each person has their own set of primary goals.
Some are buried so deeply that it’s not uncommon to
see people brought to tears when they become aware
of them. The question, “What would it bring me?” begins
to immerse you in a gentle force. Take the time to see
what you deeply want.

Review your response to each dimension. You are

discovering your primary goals, make sure to highlight
or underline them.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 23

Lucin’s Step 4 - Diving Deep:
Self Image - If I could be a leader and a role model now, would
I take it? YES! This brings me a community of people in which
I can share my knowledge with. This community also brings me
knowledge. Having knowledge brings me fulfillment.
Tangibles - If I could own all of technology and gadgets that
I wanted, would I take it? YES! This brings creativity. The
technology also brings me a community for me to share the
findings and creativity that I can make with this technology.
Overall, it also brings me the act of learning new things.
Home - I would definitely take my ideal living environment! It
would bring me balance and peace of mind. It also brings me
the ability to continue learning even when I am home. Because I
would have multiple homes, it also brings me perspective of the
different places I would call home. It definitely brings me a sense
of accomplishment as well.
Health - If I could be the healthy biker and swimmer for the
rest of my life, I definitely would take that now! My overall
health brings me the stability to accomplish other things.
Relationships - If I could have the relationships that I most
wish to have, I would definitely take it! Having people love me
brings me happiness. When I help the people who love me in
however way I can, especially by achieving their goals, that brings
my fulfillment. My relationships also bring me community.
Work - I would asbolutely take me creating businesses and
organizations made up of people who better themselves! This
Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 24
definitely brings me a community of people who have the right
mindset. It brings me a wealth of knowledge and continuous
learning, because we get to learn from each other. When I create
jobs where people are so happy to work, where they love their
lives, this will be incredibly fulfilling to me.
Personal Pursuits - My personal pursuits of constantly learning,
well, brings me knowledge. Being able to travel the world
brings me perspective. Gaining more perspective brings me
more creativity into my life. Creativity brings me happiness and
Community - If I could have the community I most wish to
have, would I take it? YES! I am now realizing that community
is a big deal for me! It seems to be the reason why I do the
things that I do. I want a strong, tight knit, and entrusting
community. One that helps each other grow. If I can continue to
build this community, it will bring me fulfillment.

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 25

Diving into Your Dimensions
Self image: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

Tangibles: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

Home: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

Diving into Your Dimensions
Health: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

Relationships: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

Work: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

Diving into Your Dimensions
Personal Pursuits: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

Community: If I could have this dimension in my life now, would I take it?
Assuming I have this dimension now, what does it bring me?

I have chosen what I want

and accepted that I will create it..


(If you’re practicing with someone, share your results with your partner.)

Moving Forward
How did that feel? Take a moment to appreciate the fact
that you took time for yourself and thought about who you
are, why you exist, and what actually drives you.

Moving forward in life, let the primary goals you have

discovered help guide you in the right direction. When you
are at a crossroads or need to make a decision, ask yourself
which option will move you closer to your primary goals.
This will help you along this journey we call life.

Moving forward in business, let your primary goals be the

driving force for your business. It will help set you apart
from the competition, because you actually know what you
want, whereas most people don’t.

I suggest revisiting this practice at least once every year,

perhaps around the time of your birthday. This Personal
Vision will be entirely different than your Personal Vision a
few years from now. Your Personal Vision is something that
you create and re-create all the time.

If you’d like to go over your Personal Vision with me, schedule

a time to chat with me: stevelucin.com/chat.

Looking forward!

Helping passionate visionaries grow their businesses through creativity. 29

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