Randstad Behavioural Interviewing Tips

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Behavioural Interviewing

The behavioural interview with your prospective employer is a critical point in

determining your success in obtaining the position. It is therefore crucial you are
prepared. Practicing questions is a great way of increasing your confidence and
interview performance.

At randstad we want you to be able to demonstrate your true potential in interviews so

you can start your dream job. We have put together a list of questions you are likely to
be asked in such interviews. Use these questions by preparing responses, drawing on
specific examples from your prior experience. Your consultant is here to guide you, so
never hesitate to request help or advice.

Happy interviewing!

 Tell me about your three most significant achievements in your recent role
 What is one thing your past or present employer(s) could do to improve their
 Why do you believe you were made redundant in your past position?
 What personal qualities do you think you can bring to this role?

 What do you believe are the most pressing issues in this industry?
 Why should you be given the job above other candidates we are seeing today?
 What skills and attributes would you bring to this orgnisation if you were given
the role?
 What appeals to you about this position?
 Why do you think you are suited for this role?
 Tell me about a time you had an unhappy customer, or set of customers that
you found difficult to satisfy. How did you handle this? What was the
 What is your definition of good customer service? Tell me about a time when
you feel you went out of your way for a customer.
 Tell me about a time when it was important for you to build a relationship
with a customer. Why was it important, what did you do & what was the
 How do you maintain your focus and enthusiasm when faced with hostile or
difficult customers? Give a recent example.
 Tell me about a time when you came up with an original idea, concept or
different way of doing something? What did you do? What was the outcome?

 Tell me about a time you were assigned to a project you had to complete very
quickly, yet you did not have all the information you needed. What did you
do? What was the outcome?

 What motivates you?
 Give me an example of a time you went above and beyond the call of duty?
 Tell me a work situation where you were highly motivated? Tell me another
situation where you were not motivated.
 How do you motivate yourself to do monotonous work?

 Tell me about a time you had to adjust quickly to changes in your position,
organisational structure or processes & procedures. What was the situation &
what did you do? What was the outcome?
 Can you tell me about a time when you were put in a difficult situation? How
did you handle it, and what was the outcome?
 How do you contribute to a positive team environment? Tell me about a
particular contribution you made to a difficult situation that involved other
team members.
 Tell me about a time when you had to rely on a team to get things done?
 Describe a time when a team member put forward an idea that you didn’t
agree with? What was the idea and how did you respond?

 What is the name of your current supervisor/manager? What three words
would they choose to describe you?
 Why do you want to work for us?
 What do you enjoy most about your current position and why?
 What are your weaknesses?
 Tell me about a difficult situation you were involved in which meant that you
needed to be sensitive to other people and their reactions. How did you
handle this? Why did you approach it this way? What was the outcome?

 Tell me about a recent goal you have set for yourself and tell me about your
success in reaching it.
 Tell me about a time when you had to bend the rules to get things done?
 Give me an example of a time when conformed to a policy that you didn’t
necessarily agree with?
 How do you keep a balance in your life?

We hope that you find this sample sheet valuable in assisting you with your job
search. Once again, please don’t hesitate to contact any of our consultants if you have
any questions.

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