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Answer the following questions about yourself as fully and precisely as you can.

1. How would you characterize yourself?

- I would characterize myself as a hardworking, passionate, and a loving

person. I am not as smartest like the others but I know I a hardworking
person because right now I’m doing good and got an income.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?

Every single person is a unique that composed of pieces of personality, life experiences,

knowledge, and emotions. Every person has their own perspective and world view that is why
My friends and acquittance always says that I am a funny person that makes them happy and I
always lift up the mood that they forget their problem that is why I’m so happy to hear this
always because of my attitude I can help someone who is sad and a problem.

3. How has your self-transformed itself?

Every year I learned something, as I remember last year 2019 my attitude is

always like I want to go Internet Café and play online games that I forgot the
time, I always out and go home around midnight I don’t care about other people I
always think about my self how to be happy and then I become rebellious to the
point that I forget to know myself, I forgot how to be happy. In that year the
Pandemic has start because of that I know how to cherish the person I love the
most and I go back to being myself because of this I find my happiness and self.

4. How is your self-connected to your body?

In my own opinion myself is connected to my body in ways of my emotions, mind,

my body organs and also my spirit.

5. How is your self-related to other selves?

I think myself would be related to other selves if we understand each other and comfortable with
each other.

6. What will happen to yourself after you die?

Definitely my body will cover with soil, ants and worms then spirits will go to

Were you able to answer the questions on the previous slide with ease? Why? Which questions
did you find easiest to answer? Which ones are difficult? Why?

Questions Easy or Difficult to answer? Why?

1. How would you Easy Because I just know what I

characterize yourself? characteristics I have.

2. What makes you stand Easy Because My friends always

out from the rest? tell me this how I stand up
What makes yourself from the rest.

3. How has your self- Difficult Because I just don’t how I

transformed itself? transform being a better

4. How is your self- Difficult I just know the general

connected to your meaning on how our self
body? connected our body.

Its different your not just

5. How is your self- Difficult describing yourselves also
related to other other selves.

Difficult Its difficult how to predict the

6. What will happen to future and I just know how
yourself after you die? our bodies will compose.

Can one truly know the self? Do you want to know about self?

No, because all of us know that we truly not know ourself just because we are the one who
controlled it doesn’t mean we all know. Of course I want to know about myself.

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