Activity 1: Socialization 9/16/2021 Deza Mae Languido Bsit-1E

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Activity 1: Socialization 9/16/2021

Deza Mae Languido


1. What will happen to a person without socialization like the feral child Genie Wiley?

Answer: Just like the feral child Genie Wiley, a person without socialization would not be able to learn and
develop a capacity for language wherein there is a part of the brain that can’t stimulate which is the cortex
that is responsible for speech and language, they got smaller and that part of the brain physically changes
so that they are getting disconnected and becoming less functional. In addition, this person will develop
poor self-esteem, characterized as having no knowledge how to deal with herself, the people around him
or her and of course towards the society as a whole

2. What are the influences of the family in your development as an individual?

My family members are the first few people with whom I interacted when I was a child that's why they
say a child is the reflection of his/her family. The most common way children learn is by observation of
everyday life. A child’s learning and socialization are most influenced by their family since the family is the
child’s primary social group. All of my first was taught by my mother. So, it really helps a lot the influence
of my family on becoming on who I am today.

3. Think of a time when you felt you were your “true self”. What made you think you were truly who
you are during this time of your life?

Answer: Being that someone who is not really unto sharing something towards my family. But instead, I
am truly being myself whenever I can share all of my problems, pain and disappointments towards my
best friend whom I can share everything to her. In that very moment, I feel that I am being true to myself
as she lets me speak and share to her everything. In that way, I think that I can truly being myself during
this time of life as I can also reflect by the situation that I am into as well as listen to her advices on what
to do so that I can also truly accept failures and mistakes.

4. Following the question above, can you provide a time when you felt you were not living your “true
self”? Why did you have to live a life like that? What did you do about it?

Answer: The time that I feel like I am not living as my true self is when I am talking to a person I don’t
really like. In most cases, I am usually the type of person that when I don’t like someone I don’t really
show off or talk to him or her directly what I really feel because for me I want to keep it just for myself
and I don’t like to build a tension or chaos between us basically involving that someone I don’t like which
I think I am not being true towards myself as well as towards the person I am referring to. I am living a life
like that to avoid conflict and violence towards someone who doesn’t have the idea or the capability to
control my judgement towards his or her personality. What I did is that I usually keep things just for myself
and try to understand and accept why he or she acts in that way so that I will be able to cope with a
positive judgement towards the person.
5. What social pressure helps shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?

Answer: The social pressure that have helped shape myself includes the family pressure towards their
discipline and strict implementation on the rules and limitations that I should abide, peer pressure which
emphasizes having the ability where I should fit in towards their capabilities in a good way in which in
most situations I really chose the peers that I want to belong to, and lastly pressure on performance and
academics wherein the people around me especially my family and relatives are expecting a lot from me
when it comes to grades and performances though that doesn’t mean that I always excel but maybe for
them they have noticed that in everything am putting the best things I can towards something.

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