Name: Bethany Jane Mascardo Understanding The Self 8:00 - 9:00am Activity
Name: Bethany Jane Mascardo Understanding The Self 8:00 - 9:00am Activity
Name: Bethany Jane Mascardo Understanding The Self 8:00 - 9:00am Activity
Defining Beauty
1. For me, beauty means seeing the good things rather than the bad ones. Its not just
the eyes can see but is the impact of the totality of the creation.
2. A beautiful person is the one who sees the good of someone despite the mistakes,
and negative things done to him/her. A beautiful person should have a beautiful
heart because the appearance of the outside is just the result of the character in the
inside. I can’t say that a person is beautiful if she/he has an ugly heart.
3. First and foremost I’m beautiful because the one who created me is beautiful. I
can see myself as beautiful one because I can able to show kindness and love to
everyone even though they treated not in the way they I treated them. I always
consider the good of other people people before my self and that’s what also makes
me a beautiful person.
4. Here are the names of the beautiful persons.
Bishop Cenen Mascardo
Pr. Faulkner Mascardo
Rev. Esmeralda Mascardo
Jasmine Mascardo
Christy Ramirez
Bishop Ombee
Faith Bato, etc.
1. When do we usually observe the changes listed above for the males and females?
ANS. During the puberty stage of human development. Those changes gradually
occur in this stage wherein the child’s body turn into an adult body.
5. Can we really change our natural or innate sexual organ and sexual response?
ANS. Yes, I believe that our natural or innate sexual organ can be changed, well at
least in appearance. Those who want to physically switch genders can go through an
existing medical procedure today if they can afford it. The sexual response is slightly
different, we could say that it is baked into the person right from birth. It is either he
or she is attracted to the opposite or the same sex or both. This, of course, will
depend on whether there is a change in the brain that causes a person to switch his
or her sexual preference. Remember, we are all driven by different amounts of
secretions inside our brain, any alteration changes our behavior and mood, and it is
not doubted that it also may affect our sexual response.