Four Season Lesson Plan
Four Season Lesson Plan
Four Season Lesson Plan
Learning Targets/Objectives:
Students will be able to identify what the forest looks like in winter, spring, summer and
fall by completing a 3d tree fact sheet
Assessment Scale:
1. 3D tree fact sheet
a. Students facts are correct ___________________________________Proficient
b. Students have two correct facts ______________________________ Basic
c. Students facts are incorrect _________________________________ Bellow basic
Subject Matter/Content:
o Students should be able to work in small groups to accomplish a task
o Students should have prior knowledge of what the four season are
Key Vocabulary:
o Winter
The season when the weather is the coldest
o Spring
The season between winter and summer, when we get lots of rain
o Summer
The warmest season in the year
o Fall
The season that comes after summer, during this season leaves start to fall
and the weather starts to get cold
o Winter
What is winter
The season when the weather is the coldest
What are some animals adaptation in the winter
Deer- Move to find food
Shrews- live underground to keep warm
o Spring
What is spring
The season between winter and summer, when we get lots of rain
What are some animals adaptation in the spring
Fox- Shed winter coat, and have babies
Rabbit- Shed winter Have lots of babies in the spring
o Summer
What is summer
The warmest season in the year
What are some animals adaptation in the summer
Bats- fly at night to find food
Raccoons- are teaching babies how to find food in the night time to
keep them safe
o Fall
What is fall
The season that comes after summer, during this season leaves
start to fall and the weather starts to get cold
What are some animals adaptation in the fall
Squirrels- are hiding food for winter, also eating and getting
fat for winter
Raccoons- are eating and getting fat for the winter
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Lesson will begin on the rug area.
1. Teacher will start the lesson by saying, “Boys and girls we have spend the last few days
talking about the forest and the animals that live in the forest. We have talked about
diurnal and nocturnal animal. Today we are going to explore how the four seasons look
in the forest”
2. Teacher will then ask the students
a. What are some changes that happen in the forest during the four seasons?
3. Teacher will use the book a forest year to explore the changes that occur throughout the
forest in a year.
Development/Teaching Approaches:
1. Winter
a. Teacher will continue the lesson by reading page 6 of the book A Forest Year by
Carol Lerner
i. Teacher will display the image on page 7
ii. Teacher will ask student, “What season is displayed in this picture?”
1. Teacher will wait for response
2. Teacher will ask students to describe what they see. Teacher will
write down what the students are saying.
3. If students do not say the following answers teacher will bring
attention to them and add it to the list
a. This picture shows the forest in the winter
b. The ground is cover with snow
c. Animals adaptation in the winter
i. Deer- Move to find food
ii. Shrews- live underground to keep warm
b. Teacher will say, Let’s move on to our next season
c. What season do you think comes next?
i. Teacher will wait for response
2. Spring
a. Teacher will continue by reading page 16 of the book A Forest Year by Carol
i. Teacher will display the image on page 17
ii. Teacher will ask student, “What season is displayed in this picture?”
1. Teacher will wait for response
iii. Teacher will ask students to describe what they see. Teacher will write
down what the students are saying.
1. If students do not say the following answers teacher will bring
attention to them.
a. This picture shows the forest in the spring
b. The flowers are blooming
c. Animals adaptation in the spring
i. Fox- Shed winter coat, and have babies
ii. Rabbit- Shed winter Have lots of babies in the
b. Teacher will say, Let’s move on to our next season
c. What season do you think comes next?
i. Teacher will wait for response
3. Summer
a. Teacher will continue the lesson by reading page 26 of the book A Forest Year
by Carol Lerner
i. Teacher will display the image on page 27
ii. Teacher will ask student, “What season is displayed in this picture?”
1. Teacher will wait for response
iii. Teacher will ask students to describe what they see. Teacher will write
down what the students are saying.
1. If students do not say the following answers teacher will bring
attention to them.
a. This picture shows the forest in the summer
b. The tree have lots of leaves
c. Animals adaptation in the summer
i. Bats- fly at night to find food
ii. Raccoons- are teaching babies how to find food in
the night time to keep them safe
b. Teacher will say, Let’s move on to our last season
c. What season do you think comes next?
i. Teacher will wait for response
4. Fall
a. Teacher will continue the lesson by reading page 36 of the book A Forest Year
by Carol Lerner
i. Teacher will display the image on page 37
ii. Teacher will ask student, “What season is displayed in this picture?”
1. Teacher will wait for response
iii. Teacher will ask students to describe what they see. Teacher will write
down what the students are saying.
1. If students do not say the following answers teacher will bring
attention to them
a. This picture shows the forest in the Fall
b. The leaves are green, yellow and red
c. Animals adaptation in the fall
i. Squirrels- are hiding food for winter, are
getting fat for winter
ii. Raccoons- are eating and getting fat for the winter
5. Teacher will continue the lesson by asking students to compare and contrast what they
have learned about the four seasons in the forest
i. Teacher will write down what the students are saying.
1. If students do not say the following answers teacher will bring
attention to them.
a. In the winter the forest looks white because of the snow
b. In the spring all the flower start to bloom and the forest is
very colorful
c. In the summer the forest trees look very green
d. In the fall the forest looks orange, yellow and red
6. At this point the teacher will tell the student that they are going to choose two facts
about each season. Student will write down the fact they choose on a tree had out.
a. Teacher will hand out a clipboard with four copy of a tree hand out for students
to write down their facts. Each hand out will have the name of the season they
b. Once students have all the facts written down teacher will send students back to
their desk
i. At this point students can color and cut their four trees
c. Teacher will go around and help students put their 3D tree together
1. Once trees are done teacher will display the trees around the
2. Teacher will call one table at a time to look at their class mates
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
1. To close the lesson teacher will call one table at a time to look at their class mates
a. Teacher will give each table a minute to walk around
2. Teacher will then thank the student for doing a good job during the lesson and ask
student to share something new they learn.
3. Teacher will then ask students to give an interested message to show that they are
ready to move on
DA and JO (IEP for ADHD)
o Will both sit next to teacher to help them stay focus
o Have definition of vocabulary word for children to see. Also have the four season
words in other language.
GS, FH (need new glasses)
o Will sit next to white board because they are in the middle of getting new glasses
Striving students
o Will write one fact for each season
Advance students
o Can use the book I read to find new fact about the four season in the forest or
write more then two facts on forest hand out.
o A Forest Year by Carol Lerner
o Copy Season pictures from book
o Small Chart paper
Winter chart
Spring chart
Summer chart
Fall Chart
o 30 box Crayons
o 30 Clipboard
o 120 Tree hand out (4 per student)
o 10 Glue sticks
Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
Remediation Plan (if applicable)
Additional reflection/thoughts