Daily Lesson Plan

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Subject Class Time Date Enrolment Theme Topic : : : : : : : English Language 5 Bistari (Advance Level) 8.45 am 9.45 am (60 minutes) 17 July 2011 42 pupils World of Knowledge The Climb

Skills and Specification: 1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions, and sentences. 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat chants, poems,rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 2.1 Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately.. 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases, expressions,and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation. 3.2 Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught.
4.3.3 Complete simple instructions, texts,rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word(s) (little or no guidance

ng Points

: Keywords almost,voice,shaking,struggles,chances,knock,lose,,moment,side,faith Grammar 1) Present continuos tense dreaming,saying,trying,shaking,waiting,facing,taking, going and moving.


Pupils have heard the song before.

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Pupils sing a song with correct pronunciation and intonation. 2. Give three out of five short replies in response to teachers questions. 3. Read 7 keywords from the text with correct pronunciation and stress. 4. Match the six words to the each both characters in the story.

Educational Emphases : 1. Moral Values hardworking, responsibility, appreciate,kind generous 2. Thinking Skills listing, identifying main ideas and categorizing. Teaching Materials : Slide MS Powerpoint and worksheets.



Teaching Learning Activities


Set Induction (5 minutes)

i) What is in the picture? 1. Teacher shows the ii)Where can you found a Mountain in picture of a mountain in the Malaysia? slide show . iii)How to get to the top of the 2. Teacher asks 4 mountain? questions to the pupils iii) Can you give example the name of according to the pictures. Mountain Malaysia? 3. Teacher introduces the topic for the day;- The Climb.. i) Singing the song: The Climb Keywords: almost,voice,shaking,struggles, chances,knock,lose ,moment,side andfaith . Short Questions based on the text: i)What is the song about?We should never give up to achieve a dream. Shared Reading

Slide show Power point

Stage 1 15 minutes

A4 paper Teacher distributes the lyrics to all the pupils.


Teacher read the lyrics and pronouncing with correct stress and intonation while chanting a singing.

Teacher play the song to introduce the song to the pupils.


Teacher sings the song once and asks few pupils to sing it together.

ii)What is the meaning behind the word Mountain? answers:A challenge for achieving a dream. iii) What is the meaning of the climb? The effort to achieve our dream

Pupils pronouncing the words with correct stress and intonation while chanting a singing.

iii)What should we do if we fail to achieve our dream? We should always keep trying and never give up. iv)What is the meaning of the word Faith? A believe and confidence.

Teacher asks pupils to tell what is the song about.


Teacher asks question based on the lyric and the pupils answer three out of four questions orally.

Stage 2 15 minutes

Keywords: almost,voice,shaking,struggles, chances,knock,lose,moment, side,faith Grammar: 1) Present continuos tense tense:dreaming,saying,trying, shaking,waiting,facing,taking, going and moving

Focused Word Work (Teaching Points) 1. Teacher drills the pupils to the pronunciation of highlighted words on the blackboard. 2. Teacher asks pupils to give the meaning of each words. Teacher explain what is present continuous tense.
3. 4.

Power point Slide show

Teacher asks pupils to circle words in present continuous tense that can be found in the lyrics. Pupils rewrite the root words of each present continuous tense that they found. 6. Teacher asks pupils to construct 5 example of present continuous tense.

Stage 3 15 minutes


Guided Reading /Writing or Independent Work Writing or Independent Work 1. Teacher divides the class into 5 groups. 2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text/lyrics once silently. 3. Pupils need to complete the lyrics of the song with the correct words. Group who answer at least 7 correct sentences out of 11 sentences is the winner.

Manila card

Closure 5 minutes

Summing Up We have to be hardworking and always make an early preparation and caution.

Teacher goes through the days lesson 2. Teacher highlights the moral value of the text. 3. Teacher monitors and assesses how much the

Hardworking, and never give up.

pupils have learnt. .

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