Cot Lesson Plan
Cot Lesson Plan
Cot Lesson Plan
Demonstrates the concept of melody by using intervals in major scales and in
the minor scales.
Applies learned concepts of melody and other elements to composition and
Demonstrates the ability to sing, read, and write simple musical notations in the:
1.1 Key of C Major
1. Identify what melody is.
2. Name different symbols used in reading and writing music.
3. Demonstrate understanding and appreciation for melodies.
A. 1. Vocalization
(Kodaly System), Do Mi So Do
2. Review
What is a rhythmic pattern? Can you make a rhythmic pattern with
2 3 4 6 Time Signature?
4, 4, 4, 8
3. Motivation:
Do you sometimes find yourself singing in the shower or humming your
favorite song while relaxing? What you are humming, or singing is another element in
music called Melody. Melody is the succession of tones and the combination of
pitch rhythm in a composition.
Can you compose your own song? How will you do it?
B. Presentation
What are the uses of the ff. symbols and terms?
To be able to read and write music on the staff you need to recognize the different
musical symbols and terms. The Method of reading and writing down music so it can be
performed vocally or instrumentally is called notation. This helps a person interpret a musical
1. The Musical Staff-. A musical staff consists of five parallel lines and four spaces. It
is enclosed by bar lines at each side. The Staff has a musical clef A Musical clef is a
symbol placed at the left most part of the staff. The treble clef or most known as the
G clef places G above middle C on the second lines of the staff. The bass clef or the
F clef on the other hand, places F bellow middle C on the fourth line of the staff
2. Pitch Names and So-Fa Syllables
Each line and spaces on the staff have a particular tone name or so-fa syllable
and a corresponding pitch name or letter name which are derived from the first
seven letters of the alphabet. (The teacher will play the piano while the pupils will
sing sofa syllables)
3. Ledger Lines
Aside from notes on the lines and spaces on the staff, there are also notes that
can be found below and above musical staff. When this happens, a short
horizontal line is drawn on, above or below the head of the note. This is called a
ledger line. Ledger
lines are used to notate pitches that are below or above the lines and spaces of
the regular staff.
4. Accidentals
There are musical symbols that when placed before the notes, alter or change
the pitch of the notes. These symbols are called accidentals. The sharp and the
flat are 2 examples of accidentals in music. They are very useful in completing
the interval position of a scale. The sharp raises a note by a half step and the flat
lowers the note by a half step
C. Deepening:
1. Describe a musical staff?
2. What are the 2 Musical Clef found on the musical staff?
Differentiate them.
3. What are sofa syllables? Pitch names? Can you give the
corresponding Sofa Syllables on the following pitch names?
C- Do
D- Re
E- Mi
F- Fa
G- So
A- La
B- Ti
4. Let us sing the song DO RE MI.
5. What is the use of ledger lines?
6. What are the 2 examples of Accidentals?
7. What is the use of sharp? Flat?
8. In completing the interval position of a scale, why is it said that
accidentals are very useful?
9. Study the musical score of Leron leron sinta, Atin Cu pung
singsing and Santa Clara.
a. Based on the musical score, what is the time signature, key signature, first
note? Where can we start beating the song?
b. The teacher will sing the song and then you will try to sing with me, then sing
on your own.
10. Using the musical score and the musical arrangements of the
following folk songs, ( Atin cupung singsing, leron leron sinta
and santa clara) record a video that you are singing a song.
D. Application:
(Group Activity)
E. Generalization:
Melody is the succession of tones and the combination of pitch rhythm in a
composition. It is important to know the different musical symbols and terms to be
able to compose a song.
F. Value Appreciation:
How will you reach your dreams?
G. Formative Assessment:
Write the correct sofa-syllable for each notes.
H. Create your own keyboard using used folders with corresponding pitch
names and so-fa syllables.
Prepared by:
Teacher 3
Noted by: