Per Grunnet
Per Grunnet (Cand. Theol.) is ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark. Since 2009 he has served as parish prist in Norway, north of the polar circle.
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Papers by Per Grunnet
Books by Per Grunnet
Brief hagiographical note:
According to legend, Saint Margaret the Virgin was martyred at Antioch. Her martyrdom is traditionally assiciated with the persecution of Christians under Diocletian and Maximian (AD 305-313). She is often represented with a cross and a dragon. She was a much celebrated saint during the middle ages. When the black plague raged across Europe, she was one of the fourteen holy helpers and she was among the saints, who spoke to Jean d'Arc. She is a patron saint of women in general and is traditionally asked to pray for women in childbirth and for protection against barrenness and loss of milk.
Brief hagiographical note:
According to legend, Saint Margaret the Virgin was martyred at Antioch. Her martyrdom is traditionally assiciated with the persecution of Christians under Diocletian and Maximian (AD 305-313). She is often represented with a cross and a dragon. She was a much celebrated saint during the middle ages. When the black plague raged across Europe, she was one of the fourteen holy helpers and she was among the saints, who spoke to Jean d'Arc. She is a patron saint of women in general and is traditionally asked to pray for women in childbirth and for protection against barrenness and loss of milk.