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Nel contesto delle crisi climatiche ed ecologiche in atto gli attori dotati di maggiore potenziale trasformativo sono i nuovi movimenti sociali. Mentre in passato è stato il movimento operaio e il sindacato a frenare lo sfruttamento del... more
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      EcosocialismKarl Marx Theory of the Mode of ProductionWolfgang Streeck
The crucial question of the Habermas-Streeck debate on the crisis in Europe was, ‘Should the political forces resisting the de-democratization of capitalism strive for renewal of the European Union through its deeper integration, as per... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean StudiesMarxismMarxist Economics
The article is a rebuttal of Albrecht von Lucke’s recent critique of left-wing populism. Engaging with left-wing critiques of the strategic notion of populism, it argues that Germany and the Eurozone have entered into a populist moment.... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Buying Time explica cómo el capitalismo democrático ha estado aplazando su propia crisis, la que en parte estallaría en 2008. Diagnosticar que efectivamente estamos frente a la crisis del capitalismo democrático, entender en qué consiste... more
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      Critical TheoryLawCapitalismDemocracy
La Revista de la Universidad de México (UNAM), dedica su número de noviembre de 2018 a las Utopías y Distopías, colaboro con este texto en el que utilizo la fábula del aprendiz de hechicero como metáfora del fin de la utopía del desarrollo.
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAntonio GramsciKarl MarxFriedrich Engels
Negli ultimi decenni molti filosofi hanno lavorato a un “ritorno” alla Teoria Critica della Scuola di Francoforte, nell’intento di riattualizzare il programma che negli anni Trenta fu di Horkheimer, Adorno e Marcuse. In un poderoso sforzo... more
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      Critical TheorySocial PhilosophyFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Theodor Adorno
The paper "Capital, housing and inequality in 21st century" raises critical questions for housing researchers by introducing debates from economics into the field of housing studies. The authors conclude “it is time to debate housing... more
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      Real EstatePolitical EconomyGeopoliticsGlobal cities
Agridopoulos, Aristotelis 2020: Causes, critique, and blame: A political discourse analysis of the crisis and blame discourse of German and Greek intellectuals, in: Stefan Nygård (Hg.): The Politics of Debt and Europe’s Relations with... more
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      Political PhilosophySociology of IntellectualsPolitical Discourse AnalysisContemporary Political Philosophy
A tese de que o tema da democracia é praticamente onipresente na obra de Jürgen Habermas não parece suscitar muita resistência. De fato, as suas análises acerca da noção de esfera pública, assim como seus trabalhos em torno de uma ética... more
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      Critical TheoryDemocratic TheoryJurgen HabermasCapitalism
This article argues that the theory of legitimation crisis developed by Offe and Habermas offers an instructive theoretical framework for explaining the current surge of populism across the West. The article argues that this populist... more
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      GlobalizationWelfare StatePopulismCapitalism
O objetivo desse artigo é o de compreender a evolução do diagnóstico do capitalismo tardio ao longo da trajetória intelectual de Habermas. O nosso interesse é o de investigar se há mudanças significa- tivas no modo pelo qual Habermas... more
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      Critical TheoryJurgen HabermasCapitalismEuropean Union
Las sociedades latinoamericanas crujen en nuestros días por la aparición de nuevas formas de radicalización política que, lejos de impugnar al capitalismo, parecen más bien oficiar de canales de oclusión de sus encuadres... more
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      Critical TheoryLatin American StudiesIdeologyCapitalism
maelstrom: L'Europa nella trappola del deficit democratico. La posizione di Claus Offe (tra Habermas e Streeck) 1/7 di Damiano Palano maelstrom venerdì 18 aprile... more
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      Claus OffeWolfgang Streeck
1 Streeck replica, e la polemica continua
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      Jurgen HabermasEuropean UnionNew LeftHabermas
Tucked into Wolfgang Streeck’s influential crisis theory of contemporary capitalism are various attempts at causally linking processes of neoliberalisation to generalised depoliticisation, while depoliticisation is in its turn attributed... more
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      Economic SociologyConsumptionConsumerismNeoliberalism
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      Marxist theoryJurgen HabernasWolfgang Streeck
An historical inquiry into the economic, political and cultural knots underlying the present inequality era. With particular reference to the organizational problems and social tendencies experienced in the Western world from the dawn of... more
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      SociologyEconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical Science
Partially given as a seminar paper on 2 July 2020.
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      PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyGeorges CanguilhemBernard Stiegler
Revista certificada por la Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR).
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      CapitalismNeoliberalismDemocracyEconomic Crisis
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      Jurgen HabermasEuropean UnionNew LeftHabermas
Integracja europejska jest często postrzegana na wzór liniowego postępu zmierzającego do stworzenia coraz ściślejszego związku między narodami Europy. W tym artykule dowodzę, że powinniśmy analizować integrację europejską w kategoriach... more
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      Social TheoryJurgen HabermasEuropean UnionJürgen Habermas
Wie routiniert ist die Soziologie im Umgang mit älteren und jüngeren Theoriekrisen? Und wie gut kann sie sich auf neue gesellschaftliche Krisenphänomene einstellen? Beide Fragen -und aktuell liefern nicht nur die Medien sondern auch der... more
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      SociologySociological TheoryNiklas LuhmannTheoretische Soziologie
Resenha de Tempo comprado: a crise adiada do capitalismo democrático, de Wolfgang Streeck.
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      CapitalismNeoliberalismWolfgang Streeck
Das Buch „Gekaufte Zeit“ von Wolfgang Streeck erschien bereits 2013 zum ersten Mal. Es basiert auf Streecks Adorno-Vorlesung aus dem Jahr 2012, die mit Adorno aber wenig zu tun hat (vgl. Streeck 2015: 49). Er analysiert in diesem Werk die... more
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      Jurgen HabermasDemocracyHabermasKarl Marx
O presente trabalho procura investigar brevemente o conceito de "crise de representação", suas dimensões políticas, sociais e econômicas e consequências. Para tanto, utilizaremos primeiramente da teoria sociológica sobre partidos... more
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      Political PartiesDemocracyNancy FraserDemocracia
In der fortgesetzten „Krise“ der Europäischen Union hat sich das Verhältnis von Demokratie und Kapitalismus mit Verve als Problem zurückgemeldet. Anhand der Diskussion zwischen Jürgen Habermas und Wolfgang Streeck demonstrieren wir,... more
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      Jurgen HabermasCapitalismNeoliberalismDemocracy