Jurgen Habernas
Recent papers in Jurgen Habernas
Palestra apresentada sobre o livro de Habermas. Este trabalho mostra como foi a evolução da esfera pública e a formação do estado de bem estar a partir da Europa iluminista. (Lecture presented on the book of Habermas. This work shows how... more
Politics, Philosophy and Science: three separate fields of knowledge or overlapping in some way? This study primarily explores Valery's perspective regarding between how these three areas interlink, drawing comparisons with various other... more
Parallellen tussen ontwikkelingen in de culturele antropologie enerzijds en de geschiedeniswetenschappen en de sociale wetenschappen anderzijds
Postmodernism challenged the institutionalized modernism of the mid-20th century, offering more radical forms of social discontents and cultural practice. It meant unmasking the values of progress as involving ideologies of the political... more
RESUMEN: SLOTERDIJK Y HEIDEGGER: REPÚBLICAS DEL SABER, GRANEROS Y CULTIVOS DE LA VERDAD. Sobre la historia de la verdad o ‘economía política de la verdad’. Sloterdijk: Graneros y cultivos de la verdad. Al ocuparse de la cuestión de la... more
Een commentaar op een focusartikel van Guido Vanheeswijck, ‘De ambiguïteit van “postseculiere” en “postmetafysische” verhalen’ '
In this thesis I compare the social history of movements against hydropower projects in two states of India, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, from 1921 to 2004 in three phases. The specific aim of this project is to demonstrate the... more
This was the draft chapter for a volume of essays whose purpose will become clear from reading the first few pages of the paper. The chapter was not included in the volume eventually. But I have let stand here as an archival trace. Do... more
Commento alle posizioni di Jürgen Habermas sulla manipolazione genetica positiva o migliorativa
https://www.annablume.com.br/loja/product_info.php?products_id=804 As formas de dominação social que permeiam a chamada sociedade pós-moderna foram gestadas em uma modernidade ainda incompleta. O que se apresenta como novo não elimina... more
This article asks the question why the social praxis of justification has moved to the centre-stage within the debate on transnational legal ordering. The starting point is the development of a generic concept of legally constituted... more