Thesis Chapters by Vittorio Sabatini
The American thinker Murray Bookchin was an influential exponent of post-classical anarchism in t... more The American thinker Murray Bookchin was an influential exponent of post-classical anarchism in the 20th-century and father of “social ecology”: his academic research is based on identifying the place in which building the alternative community. His utopia of an ecological society was able to combine Marxist criticism against capitalism along with the anarchist ideas of mutualism and community federations or communes: in the essay The Next Revolution he finally renamed his political theory of libertarian municipalism with the term “communalism”.
According to the critical analysis he developed, the infinite growth of neoliberal capitalism in a finite world like ours is untenable. The solution to the current ecological crisis depends above all on the dissolution of hierarchies, or rather on the end of the domination of human by human, so as to be able to recompose the rift between man and the natural environment. Subsequently, it’s investigated the elective affinity established over the years between the libertarian thought of Bookchin and the one of Abdullah Öcalan, both of them at the ground of the recent revolution in Rojava.
In this autonomous region, located in northern Syria, an innovative model of decentralized self-management has emerged, called “democratic confederalism”. It’s based on freedom, ecology and social equality, in opposition to the capitalist, nationalist and unitary nation-state so far present in the Middle East. In this way, it was created a new political sphere from the vacuum of Syrian state.
At the centre of cantonal municipalities with a Kurdish majority there is indeed a certain group of ethical values, an attention for the educational system and a utopian sensibility, which do not provide for any discrimination of gender, religion and ethnicity according to the “unity in diversity” philosophical principle.
Papers by Vittorio Sabatini
Confronto fra il processo decisionale proposto da Sogin con quello adottato per l'inceneritore di... more Confronto fra il processo decisionale proposto da Sogin con quello adottato per l'inceneritore di Torino.
Nel contesto delle crisi climatiche ed ecologiche in atto gli attori dotati di maggiore potenzial... more Nel contesto delle crisi climatiche ed ecologiche in atto gli attori dotati di maggiore potenziale trasformativo sono i nuovi movimenti sociali. Mentre in passato è stato il movimento operaio e il sindacato a frenare lo sfruttamento del lavoro, ora il depauperamento delle risorse naturali trova davanti a sé vari movimenti ambientalisti, i quali possono costituire anch’essi una “barriera sociale” per lo sviluppo capitalistico.
Si genera nel tempo una lotta articolata in due fasi distinte tra il capitale e i nuovi movimenti sociali. La prima fase è costituita dalla lotta per proteggere le condizioni di produzione dallo sfruttamento capitalistico. La seconda fase è costituita dalla lotta contro «i programmi e le politiche del capitale e dello stato, per ristrutturare le condizioni della produzione».
Drafts by Vittorio Sabatini
Il progetto propone la creazione, nel tessuto urbano torinese, di una serra riscaldata tramite il... more Il progetto propone la creazione, nel tessuto urbano torinese, di una serra riscaldata tramite il calore geotermico disperso dalla metropolitana, affinché venga impiegata l'agricoltura aeroponica, e la formazione di un punto vendita gestito dalle associazioni locali del territorio.
Thesis Chapters by Vittorio Sabatini
According to the critical analysis he developed, the infinite growth of neoliberal capitalism in a finite world like ours is untenable. The solution to the current ecological crisis depends above all on the dissolution of hierarchies, or rather on the end of the domination of human by human, so as to be able to recompose the rift between man and the natural environment. Subsequently, it’s investigated the elective affinity established over the years between the libertarian thought of Bookchin and the one of Abdullah Öcalan, both of them at the ground of the recent revolution in Rojava.
In this autonomous region, located in northern Syria, an innovative model of decentralized self-management has emerged, called “democratic confederalism”. It’s based on freedom, ecology and social equality, in opposition to the capitalist, nationalist and unitary nation-state so far present in the Middle East. In this way, it was created a new political sphere from the vacuum of Syrian state.
At the centre of cantonal municipalities with a Kurdish majority there is indeed a certain group of ethical values, an attention for the educational system and a utopian sensibility, which do not provide for any discrimination of gender, religion and ethnicity according to the “unity in diversity” philosophical principle.
Papers by Vittorio Sabatini
Si genera nel tempo una lotta articolata in due fasi distinte tra il capitale e i nuovi movimenti sociali. La prima fase è costituita dalla lotta per proteggere le condizioni di produzione dallo sfruttamento capitalistico. La seconda fase è costituita dalla lotta contro «i programmi e le politiche del capitale e dello stato, per ristrutturare le condizioni della produzione».
Drafts by Vittorio Sabatini
According to the critical analysis he developed, the infinite growth of neoliberal capitalism in a finite world like ours is untenable. The solution to the current ecological crisis depends above all on the dissolution of hierarchies, or rather on the end of the domination of human by human, so as to be able to recompose the rift between man and the natural environment. Subsequently, it’s investigated the elective affinity established over the years between the libertarian thought of Bookchin and the one of Abdullah Öcalan, both of them at the ground of the recent revolution in Rojava.
In this autonomous region, located in northern Syria, an innovative model of decentralized self-management has emerged, called “democratic confederalism”. It’s based on freedom, ecology and social equality, in opposition to the capitalist, nationalist and unitary nation-state so far present in the Middle East. In this way, it was created a new political sphere from the vacuum of Syrian state.
At the centre of cantonal municipalities with a Kurdish majority there is indeed a certain group of ethical values, an attention for the educational system and a utopian sensibility, which do not provide for any discrimination of gender, religion and ethnicity according to the “unity in diversity” philosophical principle.
Si genera nel tempo una lotta articolata in due fasi distinte tra il capitale e i nuovi movimenti sociali. La prima fase è costituita dalla lotta per proteggere le condizioni di produzione dallo sfruttamento capitalistico. La seconda fase è costituita dalla lotta contro «i programmi e le politiche del capitale e dello stato, per ristrutturare le condizioni della produzione».