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Did you know that Americans undertook their first trade mission to China in February 1784? A mercantile partnership led by Robert Morris sent the Empress of China, a 360-ton ship to Canton, China one month and eight days after the... more
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      World HistoryVoyages and TravelsChina Trade
A renewed interest in the study of human mobility -including migratory movements, exiles and other forced migrations- has lately came at the hands of the use of private sources (letters, diaries, autobiographies, memoirs, etc.) of the... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesBiographyMigration StudiesMemoir and Autobiography
هذا تقديم لكتاب الزميل  السفير عبد الوهاب العمراني "رؤية يمنية في ادب الرحلات مشاهدات وانطباعات من الشرق والغرب" والكتاب سجل لرحلاته في اجزاء كثيرة من العالم شرقا وغربا
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      Litterature de VoyagesLiteratures of Voyaging, Discovery, Travel & ColonialismRécits de voyageArabic Travel Literature
Con aportes de : Antonio de Abreu Xavier, Carla Boccheti, Beatriz Bragoni, Isabela Candeloro Campoi, Cristina Cárdenas Castillo, Joëlle Chassin, Fernando Falcón, Luis Galarreta Velarde, Carole Leal Curiel, Georges Lomné, Manuel Lucena... more
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      Travel WritingHistory of Latin AmericaThe Age of Revolutions in the Atlantic WorldTravel Literature
Todos aquellos marineros que desde tiempos remotos dejaron constancia de haber llegado a tierras inhóspitas y que de alguna manera la ciencia e investigaciones modernas consideran pudieran ser las costas del Continente.
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      American HistoryNative American StudiesEuropean StudiesLatin American Studies
An interpretive bibliography involving works on the activities of the Russian empire and of Russian colonization in North America and the Pacific (1741-1867) -- but for the specific genre of Atlantic history, which privileges the early... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesRussian Foreign PolicySiberiaAlaska Native Studies
Shpesh ёshtё menduar qё moderna nuk ёshtё bazuar nga e kaluara, dhe elementet e sё kaluarёs duhet tё mbeten pas. Ky shkrim ёshtё shkruar pёr ta vёrtetuar tё kundёrtёn. Nё kёtё seminar, fokusi kryesor ёshtё se çfarё domethёnie ka patur... more
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      Modern ArchitectureOrientalismLe CorbusierPunime Seminarike
Cette communication vise à présenter quelques directrices en ce qui concerne l’assistance fournie, aux voyageurs, par les organismes de bienfaisance, en particulier les Santas Casas de Misericórdia, dans la région du Minho, au cours de la... more
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      Social AssistanceMisericórdiasVoyageursAssistance
Fondée à la fin du XV siècle, la Misericórdia de Lisboa a rapidement été témoin de la propagation de ces confréries dans tout le royaume et à l’étranger. Les Misericórdias ont transformé les espaces où ils se prenaient place, par la... more
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      FamillePélerinageMisericórdiasVoyages and Travels
Para conhecer a literatura de viagem sobre o Brasil, escrita em língua portuguesa na segunda metade do século XIX, é preciso se ater a figura de Augusto Emilio Zaluar, autor português, nacionalizado brasileiro, que entre os anos de 1859 e... more
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      Travel WritingPeriodical StudiesTravel LiteratureLiteratura brasileira
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyAntiquarianism in the seventeenth centuryAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryJacob Spon
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      Travel WritingEarly Modern HistoryTravel LiteratureTranslation and Interpretation
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      Book HistoryHistory of Natural HistoryNatural HistoryCaptain James Cook 1728–1779
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      Ancient MedicineAntiquarianism in the seventeenth centuryAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryRenaissance Medicine
Il 2019 ha segnato nella storia dei viaggi e delle esplorazioni una ricorrenza importante: sono infatti stati celebrati il cinquecentenario della partenza della prima circumnavigazione del mondo, affidato a Magellano e compiuto da Elcano,... more
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      HistoryGeographySpaceSpace Exploration
Este trabalho aborda a estadia de Ibn Battuta, importante viajante islâmico do século XIV, nas Maldivas. O conjunto de ilhas localizadas a sudoeste da Índia são parte da narrativa construída por esse personagem. Ademais, o relato dele... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamMaldivesIbn Battuta
Se una notte d'inverno... Viaggi e viaggiatori nel Friuli Occidentale tra la metà del '600 e gli inizi dell''800 di Alessandro Fadelli Uno stereotipo abbastanza diffuso nell'immaginario collettivo -ma che talvolta affiora anche negli... more
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      PilgrimageSocial HistoryFriuli Venezia GiuliaViaggiatori italiani
The critical edition of The Principal Navigations is under contract with Oxford University Press in 14 volumes. It will provide an unparalleled resource for researchers and teachers working on early modern travel, trade and colonialism.... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGeographyAsian Studies
In Arquà, the body of Francesco Petrarca repeatedly caught the attention of scholars and scientists, especially following the celebratory atmosphere that surrounded the figure of the great poet in the last two centuries. In May 1843, the... more
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      Community HistoryPetrarch StudiesPetrarchLord Byron
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      Epistolary literatureLitterature de VoyagesVoyageRécits de voyage
Una spezie di agricoltura tutta propria e che maraviglia riscuote dagli stranieri" Achatz von Müller La Lombardia nelle guide turistiche dei tedeschi (XVIII e XIX secolo) Maike Christadler Da Keyssler a Baedeker. Un itinerario pittorico... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe19th C. Landscape PaintingLombardiaJacob Burckhardt
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Many travelers and voyagers visited Kurdistan while they travel across the Ottoman Empire. Those travelers’ on the contrary Ottoman historians (who were writing down the political events mainly) recorded their observations and... more
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      Economic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireKurdish CivilizationVoyages and Travels
Painter and engraver Auguste Raffet (1804-1860) travelled to southern Russia in 1837, accompanying the Russian prince Anatole Demidoff. Based on the drawings he made there and on his way to the destination, he subsequently published a... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesDrawings (Architecture)ChurchesRomanian Principalities
The Getty Research Institute holds thirty-one loose sheets belonging to an original sketchbook attributed to Giulio Parigi, architect, engineer, and set designer active in the Medici court of Ferdinando I and Cosimo II. The sketchbook’s... more
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      17th-Century StudiesLandscapePrints and DrawingsOld Master drawings
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht den archäologischen Befund und die Funktion von fünf Häfen, die auf dem kleinasiatischen Ufer des Bosporus und des Marmarameeres der Hauptstadt des Byzantinischen Reiches, Konstantinopel, unmittelbar... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesTransportationByzantine HistoryPorts and Harbours
Où en est la littérature ‘beur’ ?  Najib Redouane, editor, Paris:
L’Harmattan, October 2012. 93-105.
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    • Voyages and Travels
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      XVIII centurySpanish and French history, culture and literatureCourt of SpainVoyages and Travels
Images du monde arabe dans les relations de voyage de Pierre Belon et d'André Thevet (XVI e s). Plusieurs voyageurs français, missionnés par des Grands ou par le roi lui-même, partent explorer cet Empire ottoman dont l'expansion tend... more
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      Renaissance StudiesAvicennaConstantinopleRed Sea
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      IconographyLandscape History And ConservationMediterranean StudiesLandscape History
Complete study of the extraordinary travel book Description of Crete by C. Buondelmonti (1415) with introduction, translation, notes, very extensive bibliography, two articles previously published by the author and an appendix of color... more
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      Renaissance HumanismMedieval CartographyCretan StudiesArchaeology of Crete
Turazzi, Maria Inez. The Oriental-Hydrographe and Photography. The First Expedition Around the World with an “Art Available to All” (1839-1840). Translation by Inés Trabal. 1st ed. in English. Montevideo: Centro de Fotografía de... more
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      PhotographyMaritime HistoryGlobal HistoryHistory of photography
オランダ国立文書館での綿密な調査研究により、従来一般に認められてきた17世紀の出島商館医のリストは、いまだ不完全なものであることが判明した。新たに見つかった人物の一人に、1655年から1657年まで日本で波瀾万丈の2年間を送ったドイツ人外科医ハンス・ユリアーン・ハンコがいる。本論文ではさまざまな未公開の資料をもとに、ハンコの活動の全貌を明らかにし、彼を取り巻く主要人物の実像に迫る。 各章のテーマは以下の通りである。     ... more
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      Early Modern (Japanese History)History of Medicine in JapanEdo-period JapanDutch East India Company
La remise en question de la distinction entre nature et culture et la prise de conscience de « l’événement Anthropocène » ont profondément marqué les développements récents de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales, et expliquent... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyCommodification (Anthropology)Histoire de la colonisation
Appel à contributions - Les juristes en voyageurs Ce que les circulations humaines font aux savoirs juridiques (XVI e-XX e siècle) N° Clio@Themis. Revue électronique d'histoire du droit, n° 22, 2022.
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      Legal HistoryHistoire du droitHistoire de la pensée juridiqueCirculation of Knowledge
La mirada de Mollien sobre Colombia fue de mayor agudeza que la de muchos viajeros pues, en el sentido propio de la palabra, inventó una república a penas constituida, tal como lo haría Tocqueville en otro contexto y, obvia decirlo, a... more
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      RepublicanismColombiaThe Age of Revolutions in the Atlantic WorldColombian History
In the fifteenth century, the Shirvan region, one of the important areas of Azerbaijan from the geopolitical standpoint, was strengthening both from political and economic points of view. During this period the territory of Shirvan... more
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      History of AzerbaijanVoyages and Travels
Puglia di carta presenta brani tratti dalle pagine di letteratura di viaggio di una serie di scrittori stranieri dell’età moderna e contemporanea – russi, inglesi, francesi e tedeschi – che hanno visitato il territorio pugliese e lo hanno... more
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      Cultural HeritageNarrativeFranceUnited Kingdom
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    • Voyages and Travels
« Therapeutic Journeys in contemporary Spanish Graphic Novels », European Comic Art 11.2 (Winter 2018), p. 98-117. Study of three Spanish pathographies that use use the metaphor of the journey to... more
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      Art TherapyIntermedialityIntimacyComics and Graphic Novels
Le programme complet sera accessible sur le site de l'IHCE
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesLitterature de VoyagesHistoire
The following is an interview with Dane A. Morrison, about his recently-released book, True Yankees: The South Seas & the Discovery of American Identity (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014). Morrison is Professor of... more
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      World HistoryMaritime Trade of Southeast Asia, China and IndiaVoyages and TravelsChina Trade
Edmond G. Reuter, born in 1845 in Geneva, went with the Swiss Egyptologist Edouard Naville during the latter's first trip in the Nile Valley in 1868-­1869. Reuter accompanied him as a painter and ornamentalist. He copied many scenes from... more
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      History of EgyptologyArts and CraftsVoyages and Travels