History of Latin America
Recent papers in History of Latin America
The received view about the origin of the name Brazil seems to be widely accepted: Brazil was the land of Brazil wood. Perhaps this explanation is not enough and something else should be seriously considered, making the story more... more
The paper traces a profound process of educational reform and simultaneous processes of social mobilization, catalyzed by the nitrate era. It follows a group of teachers and officers -who are understood as "transitional personalities"... more
In New Spain, cocoa was a staple food whose high demand at the beginning of the 17th century meant that cocoa beans were imported from Guatemala, Venezuela, and Guayaquil. The viceroyalty of New Spain became the largest world buyer of... more
América Latina es un manual de iniciación al estudio de los países hispanohablantes de América. El libro va dirigido a estudiantes universitarios de español como lengua extranjera y también de secundaria. Por ello, la exposición está... more
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The 1960s in Argentina was a time convulsed by profound social, cultural, and political changes. Reflecting on the effect these processes had on the everyday, conceived as the spaces and routines involved in the reproduction of life that... more
Casi todo lo que podría decirse sobre el descubrimiento de América y sus circunstancias se ha dicho ya. Este libro no aspira a descubrir el Descubrimiento ni a rectificar —aunque en algún punto no tenga más remedio que hacerlo— las... more
Con aportes de : Antonio de Abreu Xavier, Carla Boccheti, Beatriz Bragoni, Isabela Candeloro Campoi, Cristina Cárdenas Castillo, Joëlle Chassin, Fernando Falcón, Luis Galarreta Velarde, Carole Leal Curiel, Georges Lomné, Manuel Lucena... more
With no disregard for the violent greed for wealth of the Spanish conquistadores in the New World during its colonization, the destruction of the indigenous culture and the tragic ethnic cleansing and enslavement of native communities,... more
Questo breve testo si pone come obiettivo l'analisi del rapporto che intercorre fra la difesa del frate domenicano Bartolomé de Las Casas delle popolazioni amerinde e l'inizio dello sfruttamento della manodopera africana. Da questo... more
Jerónimo Sánchez de Carranza ha pasado a la historia como el autor de la llamada ciencia de la verdadera destreza, método de uso de las armas basado en componentes matemáticos, geométricos, filosóficos y teológicos, que posteriormente fue... more
This book deals with a case of political durability. Rather than trying to find the reasons for the collapse of the Spanish presence in America, the accent is placed on how such situation could last so long. How could a country, whose... more
Este trabajo analiza la historia americana partiendo de los escritos de Bolívar e interpreta su pensamiento en relación con su acción protagónica en el proceso de emancipación y organización de las nuevas naciones. Sus discursos,... more
This chapter attempts to analyze the historiographical debate around agency/structure, especially focused on two current historians, Mary Fulbrook and Peter Burke. Likewise, the conception and relationship of the State within the... more
Programa completo del Coloquio virtual "Estudiar las violencias en América Latina. Desafíos teóricos, metodológicos y éticos para el diálogo Interdisciplinario" que se realizará entre el 16 y 17 de febrero de 2022. El mismo es organizado... more
This is a chapter of book about the Chilean experiencia toward Democracy (1983-1990).
Contenidos: Introducción, 11.-- Capítulo I. El retorno del caudillo al poder: la actuación del régimen santanista entre 1858 y 1861. La naturaleza política del santanismo, 27.-- El agravamiento de la cuestión monetaria a partir de 1858,... more
Cristóbal Colón was the first to use dogs with a military function in America during the first campaign, the repression of the island of Jamaica and the La Española in 1494. At this, the use of “man ́s best friend” as a combat weapon was... more
Relations between Spain and Cuba against the background of the conflict with the United States.
This paper analyzes the position of the Chilean Catholic Church in the debate on national development and the Alliance for Progress that took place in the country during 1961-1970. The Church participated in the public discussion through... more
El siguiente estudio historiográfico esta referido a la Historia de los portugueses en Venezuela (1959), de Miguel Acosta Saignes, en ella se propone analizar la obra de forma critica y reflexiva, tanto interna como externamente, para... more
This paper analyzes the reception and influence of the Alliance for Progress in Venezuela during the 1960s (1961-1969). The US assistance program financed various social projects in Latin American countries, with the aim of promoting... more
The history of Turkey–Soviet Russia relations is one of the most controversial topics in Turkish historiography. The controversy was largely a product of the Cold War interpretations when the USSR and Turkey were in hostile camps. This... more
This study will analyze the life and work of Mariano Picón-Salas (1901-1964), and assess their cultural heritage. Picón-Salas is one of the most universal intellectual; Venezuela has offered up to humanity, his thinking is wide and deep... more
Revolutionary processes that led to independence in the Spanish Caribbean, especially in Venezuela, Cuba and Puerto Rico, and the Cuban José Antonio Saco identity analyzes are studied. Se estudian procesos revolucionarios que llevaron a... more
Diplomatic relations between Spain and Cuba during the revolutionary triumph.
Die Verbindungen von Fußball und Politik in der Geschichte Lateinamerikas sind vielfältig und faszinierend. Auf dem fußballverrückten Kontinent spielte der Sport häufig auf der politischen Bühne mit und schrieb dabei kuriose Geschichten,... more
Este livro nasceu a partir da proposta de seminário Arte, Fotografia e Cultura Visual no Brasil nos anos 1960-80, ofertado aos alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, da PUCRS. Tal seminário tinha como proposta refletir, através... more
Available on JSTOR. Link below. Al parecer, tras la secesión de un territorio, no bastan las guerras exitosas, las conspiraciones y los pactos políticos para establecer un gobierno autónomo: para ser independientes hace falta una... more
Los Centros Clandestinos de Detención que la última dictadura cívico-militar argentina (1976-1983) instaló a lo largo de todo su territorio, funcionaron como espacios de concentración, tortura y desaparición de miles de personas. Como... more
El artículo reconstruye la obra sociológica de Jorge Larraín, desde inicios de los años setenta hasta hoy. Sostiene que es posible identificar cuatro fases en esta trayectoria: la primera, en los setenta, es llamada esclarecimiento... more
This article analyzes the role of women in the public space of a colonial frontier territory in Spanish America, focusing on the female syndics of the Franciscan missions of Valdivia, Chile near the end of the colonial era. The article... more
Trabalho apresentado na VI Jornada Setecentista do CEDOPE. Curitiba, 2005. Resumo A vila do Rio Grande recebeu seu primeiro pároco em 1738. Nesse momento iniciaram os Registros Batismais da localidade, nascida em um local ermo, um ponto... more