Trecento and Quattrocento Italian Art
Recent papers in Trecento and Quattrocento Italian Art
This ambitious book is about a way of building that for centuries dominated the making of monumental architecture – yet now not only is it lost as practice, knowledge of its very existence is consigned to oblivion. In pre-modern Europe,... more
London/New York: Prestel, 2018
This essay examines and discusses a hitherto unpublished drawing reproducing a fresco in Siena, now lost but traditionally attributed to Simone Martini by sources ranging from Ghiberti to Della Valle. The drawing, from the collection of... more
Die Domansicht, die Andrea Bonaiuti an der Ostwand des Kapitelsaals des Dominikanerklosters Santa Maria Novella in den Jahren 1366 bis 1367 malte, gehört zu den erstaunlichsten Architekturdarstellungen des Mittelalters. Die Ähnlichkeiten... more
Sgraffito as a decorative element of the exterior of 14th and 15th century Florentine buildings has long been known, although seldom granted much attention. The present dissertation, therefore, examines the phenomenon of sgraffito, a... more
Un análisis visual e historiográfico de la obra de Duccio di Buonisegna permite establecer continuidades estilísticas e iconográficas entre los íconos griegos y bizantinos y la pintura del renombrado Gótico internacional.
Giuliano de’ Medici (1453 – 78) is one of the most prominent yet understudied figures of the Quattrocento, his importance forgotten and legacy reduced to being the assassinated younger brother of Lorenzo the Magnificent. A series of... more
Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi “La Città Europea del Trecento. Trasformazioni, Monumenti, Ampliamenti urbani”, tenutosi a Cagliari nel dicembre 2005. «...Tra le tante ricerche sviluppate in questi anni il convegno sul... more
A heavily repainted wooden Crucifix in the parish church of Ussita (near Visso, Macerata) is here published and attributed to a 14th-century Umbrian sculptor, known as the Maestro della Madonna del Duomo di Spoleto (Master of the Spoleto... more
È soltanto nell'ultimo decennio che si è cominciato a mettere a fuoco la specificità della produzione di cofani in gesso dorato propria della città di Perugia. La svolta decisiva è giunta con gli studi di Chiara Guerzi e Andrea De Marchi... more
Conference presentation, Frick Collection-Institute of Fine Arts annual History of Art Symposium, 2014
This article explores the way Renaissance men and women sought protection against plague by investigating examples commissioned by one representative group of worshippers, confraternities. Scholars have often assumed that during... more
Amor is a prominent figure in early Italian poetry, where the antique image of the god of love was enriched with some new and modern elements. While Brunetto Latini’s Tesoretto introduced the idea of Cupid‘s blindness, very influential... more
Le pareti della Camera d'Amore, che trova posto all'ultimo piano del mastio nel castello di Sabbionara d'Avio, vennero decorate nel Trecento con un ciclo di affreschi di tema profano. In gran parte danneggiati, nel corso del Novecento... more
Performance score of Francesco Landini's madrigal, " Musica Son - Già Furon - Ciascun Vuol" transcribed from the Squarcialupi Codex (121v-122r). For a video of the score with a performance see the link below.... more
Alberti's aims with De pictura/Della pittura are closely mirrored by the tripartite division of the text, as well as the compressed ideas within each section. He sought to elevate the status of painting that of a liberal art, which... more
This paper examines ways in which identity in the later Middle Ages could have been displayed through the means that paradoxically seemed to dissolve the very idea of identity – the image of the decomposed body. In the following pages it... more
This is a comparative manuscript edition of Gherardello da Firenze's (c. 1350) caccia "Tosto che l'alba". Herein you can see the difference between the piece's three available sources listed below. For a performable realization of this... more
This essay investigates reactions to the recurring disaster of bubonic plague by analysing a series of miniatures in the chronicle of Lucchese apothecary Giovanni Sercambi. Completed in 1400, the richly illustrated manuscript (Lucca,... more
This is a performance edition of Gherardello da Firenze's (c. 1350) caccia, "Tosto che l'alba." This edition is a combination of the three available sources for this piece, selecting those options which are optimal when differences arise... more
Storia e lettura dei cicli pittorici affrescati nella volta e sulle pareti della Cappella di S. Agnese e San Gregorio Magno realizzata nella chiesa di San Giorgio Martire a Campobasso fra la fine del XIV e gli inizi del XV per il nobile... more
This article deals with the decoration of the Inferno and Purgatorio Riccardiano (Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana, MS 1005), attributed to the Illustratore by d’Arcais (1978). The Braidense Library in Milan holds the Paradiso (ms AG XII... more
Urbanistic practice in trecento Florence, although it spawned no codified theory, was more conceptually developed than we usually imagine. Buildings wereforcefully presented and tautly interwoven with their sites by means of inventive,... more
For an audio-video animation of the manuscript with the modern transcription see the link below: An edition of the anonymous labyrinthine ballade on three canons, "En la maison Dedalus" (In the... more
Dominican friars were vowed to a life of religious poverty, and yet by the end of the fourteenth century their churches contained many visual riches. This books seeks to understand how and why the friars accumulated and then put to use... more
Il chiostrino dei Morti è uno dei tre cimiteri di Santa Maria Novella, tornato accessibile nel 2012 dopo decenni di chiusura quasi ininterrotta. Il volume è incentrato sulle sue decorazioni murali, affreschi rimasti finora nell’oblio,... more
A più di ottant’anni dalle illuminanti intuizioni di Roberto Longhi e dopo gli studi capillari di Alessandro Conti e di Massimo Medica sulla miniatura bolognese di età gotica, è parso maturo il tempo di dedicare un volume a una delle... more
Resumen: La hipótesis de trabajo del presente artículo plantea la posibilidad de que la doctrina mariológica de San Buenaventura haya ejercido notable influencia directa en varios de los más significativos temas iconográficos marianos en... more
For a video animation of this piece see: This is a pedagogical edition of Senleches' famous piece of augenmusik, "La Harpe de Mellodie" from the 14th century. Find herein complete explanations... more
Cabello Llano, I. (2014), Giotto. La Italia del Trecento a través de los frescos de la Capilla de los Scrovegni en Padua, Trabajo de Final de Asignatura (Arte y sociedad, 1o de carrera), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
This paper aims to highlight the artistic and conceptual relevance acquired by the iconographic theme of The Coronation of the Virgin in Italy during the Late Middle Ages. To achieve this goal we analyzed twenty-seven Trecento and... more
Edition of Lorenzo da Firenze's caccia, "A poste messe" with english lyrical text underlay. For a video-score of this edition with a recording see the link below: Transcribed from the... more
The study deals with the sculptural and pictorial analysis of the Lambertini-Passasepe tomb located in the crypt of Trani Cathedral. Research is divided into two complementary parts. By studying the style and heraldic coat of arms on the... more
Since Roberto Longhi (1934-1935, 1950) modern scholarship has got a critical grasp of the original change Bolognese painting and illumination showed as a result of the epochal turn of the new realism by Giotto in the first half of... more
La stratificazione culturale presente nelle odierne province di Frosinone e Latina rappresenta un campo di ricerca complesso e dalle molteplici sfaccettature. La mia indagine è votata alla scoperta di un linguaggio pittorico... more
İstanbul 2016 iii SANAT TARİHİNDE LORETO MERYEM'İ BETİMLERİNİN İKONOGRAFİSİ Tüles Üresin ÖZ Bu çalışmanın konusunu, İtalyan sanatına özgü bir tema olarak seçkinleşen Loreto Meryem'i betimleri ve bu betim tipinin ortaya çıkışı, dönemin... more