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A geostrategic history of the Central Mediterranean Peninsula since 1763. An Essay in global history and "longue durée" applied to history of Imperial collisions. As the "Russia's clash with the Anglo-Saxon world, which spanned large... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Balkan HistoryFirst World War
Who has been Maria Carolina Habsburg-Lorraine and what has she embodied for the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily? Conceived after the Bicentennial of her death, this volume analyzes the complex personality and the many-sided figure of the... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMusicology
Premio Sele d’Oro Mezzogiorno, riconoscimento speciale, 7 settembre 2013. "Il volume si inserisce nell’ambito di una lunga tradizione storiografica tesa a inquadrare il problema del Mezzogiorno nell’età della Restaurazione nel contesto,... more
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      British LiteratureHistoryModern HistoryDiplomatic History
Just one "errata corrige" at the completely revised & corrected second edition of the precedente work "Feudi Butera e Radalì" of mine. Still thanking Dr. Werner Trolp for his precious suggestions!
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      HistorySicily (History)GeschichteStoria Della Sicilia
Nel corso dell'Ottocento il controllo poliziesco si profilò, per il continente europeo, prima come una delle componenti essenziali del sistema internazionale messo a punto da Metternich e poi come una funzione da rimodulare a fronte della... more
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      European HistoryPoliceExileGlobal History
Collana: Frontiera d'Europa -Studi e Testi, Nuova Serie, 6 Napoli: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, 2016 pp. X+246; 24 cm. ISbN 978-88-89946-51-0 © 2016 Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici questo libro è scaricabile... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEuropean StudiesSpanish LiteraturePortraits
Studio preliminare per una nuova storia militare della "guerra di Velletri" (1744) alla quale sto lavorando con Giancarlo Boeri e Claudio Nardi. Grato di critiche, suggerimento, integrazioni e correzioni
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      Military HistoryModern Italian HistoryAncien Regime FranceModern Spanish History
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      European HistoryEarly Modern HistorySpace and PlaceEnlightenment
STUDI RISORGIMENTALI VITTORIO FROSINI, Breve storia della critica al marxismo in Italia MARIO CONDORELLI, Stato e Chiesa nella rivoluzione siciliana del 1848 ROSARIO ROMEO, Il giudizio storico sul Risorgimento ENzO SCIACCA, Riflessi del... more
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      ExileItalian RisorgimentoCataniaEuropean Counter-Revolution
interessarsi ad aspetti economici e scientifici 6 . Infine, nel 1832 l'istituzione fu completamente riformata e prese il nome di Accademia di Scienze e Belle lettere 7 .
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      Early Modern HistoryRisorgimentoItalian RisorgimentoSicilian History and Culture
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryCultural PolicyCultural Politics
The «Poliorama pittoresco» (1836-1860) was the most popular Neapolitan illustrated magazine in the first half of the 19th century thanks to the «drawings useful to explain the articles about arts, history, archeology and delicious... more
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    • The Kingdom of Two Sicilies
This thesis aims to describe the transformations that occurred in fishing between the middle of the 18th century and the Unification of Italy (1861), focusing on the two Apulian coasts: the Adriatic (Province of Bari) and the Ionian... more
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      History of ScienceFishing GearsMarine MusselsThe Kingdom of Naples
The essay focuses on the Calabrian radical group who had a leading role in the 1848 revolution in Naples, as one of the possible key to interpreting the Neapolitan revolution itself. Moving from the assumption that the subversive choice... more
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      European HistoryRomanticismRepublicanismRevolutions
Having gained the ahdname, ahdname-i hümâyûn or capitulation, a European nation was permitted to establish an embassy in Istanbul and consulates in the ports of the Ottoman Empire. In 1740, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies gained an... more
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      Archival StudiesItalian StudiesInternational TradeCyprus Studies
Exposición celebrada en el Palacio de los Virreyes de Barcelona entre el 29 de junio y el 17 de octubre de 2017 en conmemoración del 300 aniversario del nacimiento de Carlos III (1716-1788), Duque de Parma, Rey de las Dos Sicilias y Rey... more
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      History of the MediterraneanBaroque art and architectureRepresentation Theory18th Century
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryRomanticism
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      RitualEighteenth Century HistoryPower SystemNobility
La questione del Mezzogiorno si è accesa, diventando tema del confronto politico anche in questa complicata legislatura. In realtà si tratta di un problema permanente della politica e del confronto pubblico, che ritorna ciclicamente... more
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      RisorgimentoQuestione meridionaleHistorical RevisionismNapoli Borbonica
From page 25 to page 68, my essays on nationalism and identities in ballets by Salvatore Taglioni, main choreographer at Teatro di San Carlo of Naples during Borbonic Two Sicilies period (XIX century).
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      Dance StudiesNational IdentityDance HistoryItaly
Parlando dei Rothschild ormai qualche anno addietro, David Landes poteva dire, senza tema di smentita, che «a library has been written on this family» 1 . Perché, allora, dedicare un ennesimo lavoro alla celebre casa di origine... more
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      Modern Jewish HistoryEthnicity and National IdentityThe Kingdom of Two SiciliesHistory of Banks
L’articolo prende in esame il progetto di Costituzione inedito del democratico Casimiro De Lieto (Reggio Calabria 1803- Firenze 1874). De Lieto inviò le "Basi d’una Costituzione pel Napoletano" - questo il nome del documento-al ministro... more
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      European HistoryRepublicanismLiberalismFederalism
This article sheds new light on the wedding of Francis of Bourbon (the future Francis I of the Two Sicilies) and his first wife Marie Clementine of Habsburg-Lorraine. The event took place in Foggia, Apulia, on June 26 1797. The essay... more
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      Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesHouse of BourbonApulia
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      Early Modern HistoryEnlightenmentXVIII centuryPolitical History
SOMMARIO: L'articolo si sviluppa in tre parti. Nella prima si affronta il tema della coesistenza della doppia patria, della doppia fedeltà, del doppio senso di appartenenza, borbonica e ital-iana, nel Regno di Napoli fino al 1848. Dopo la... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryContemporary HistoryRevolutions
History of the Neapolitan Navy during the "Decennio francese" (1806-1815) and the rule of Joseph Bonaparte and Joachim Murat. Book Review on Rivista Marittima, November 2017
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      Military HistoryNaval WarfareNaval HistoryNapoleonic Wars
The revolution of 1848 was a crucial step for the apprenticeship in the democratic practices in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Historians have been dedicating scarce attention to this theme, since they consider political life in... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryCultural History
This paper focuses on the hunt against the wolf carried out by the municipality of Foggia, Southern Italy, from 1827 to 1860. The aim is to retrace the policies implemented against this animal, which represented a danger for the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern ItalyApuliaWolves
L’articolo esplora la rete di relazioni politiche che si sviluppò intorno al democratico meridionale Casimiro De Lieto, dai primi scambi epistolari - nel 1833 - sino alle cospirazioni per la liberazione del Mezzogiorno del 1854-56.... more
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      Modern HistoryItalian (European History)NationalismNationalism And State Building
4 Sugli uomini d'affari tedeschi a Bordeaux cfr. P. Butel, Les négociants allemands de Bordeaux dans la deuxième moitié du XVIII e siècle, in J. Schneider (hrsg.), Wirtschaftskräfte und Wirtschaftswege, Stüttgart, Klett-Cotta, 1978, pp.... more
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      French HistoryNational IdentityCitizenship and IdentityMigrations
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      Modern Italian HistoryRisorgimentoSocial BanditryRécit De Soi
ASMI 2015 - PANEL “Pictures from Italy”: Rethinking the Italian educational systems (pre-1861)
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      Modern HistoryHistory of EducationHistory TeachingThe Kingdom of Two Sicilies
La relazione raccoglie i risultati parziali della ricerca sul sistema di relazioni del patriota Casimiro De Lieto.Calabrese di Roccella Jonica (Reggio Calabria), di famiglia borghese impegnata nel commercio degli agrumi e delle essenze,... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryContemporary History
During the reign of king Ferdinand IV, thanks mainly to his wife the queen Mary Caroline, Naples pursued a foreign policy that aimed to break the secular borders of the Neapolitan Kingdom and expand its influence. The new, modern Navy... more
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      Naval HistoryBlack SeaNeapolitan HistoryThe Kingdom of Two Sicilies
Among the various stereotypical depictions of Sicily circulating in Europe between the XVIIIth and the XIXth century, there are several concerning the family, the differentiation of roles within it, its educational procedures and the... more
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      Family studiesHistory of EducationSocial HistoryFamily history
The article focuses on the French Reformed migrants in pre-unification Naples and it confirms what scholars have so far pointed out about ethnocentrism and cohesion of the Protestant minorities in nineteenth-century Italy. However, it... more
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      Migration HistoryMinoritiesModern ItalyReligious Minorities
Biografia di Giuseppe Ricciardi (1808 - 1882), Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani
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      RepublicanismRadicalismThe Kingdom of NaplesKingdom of Italy
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      HistoryRevolutionsSocial movements and revolutionHistoria
Nuove ricerche di storia politica e culturale Aula Imbucci 22-24 Maggio 2018 Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici Centro di Ricerca interdipartimentale sui Conflitti in Età Contemporanea (CIRCEC) Dottorato di Studi letterari, linguistici e... more
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      International RelationsFrench HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian History
il mestiere di storico Rivista della Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea X / 2, 2018 viella SOCIETÀ ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO DELLA STORIA CONTEMPORANEA sede operativa c/o Dip. (carta) ISBN 978-88-3313-200-6 (e-book pdf... more
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      European HistoryHistory of DemocracySocial movements and revolutionRisorgimento
L'analisi della sorveglianza sugli stranieri consente di mettere a fuoco due aspetti particolarmente importanti della nuova gestione del controllo statale. Il primo attiene alla dialettica tra la dimensione territoriale, caratteristica... more
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      Police19th Century (History)SurveillancePolice History
Sie erhalten dann per E-Mail einen Zugangslink zu der Videokonferenz sowie zu dem virtuellen Foyer für die Treffen in den Pausen und vor/nach der Veranstaltung. Mehr Informationen unter: Diese... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureSpain (Mediterranean Studies)Spain (History)
Negli anni del pontificato di Leone XII (1823-1829) e del regno di Francesco I di Borbone (1825-1830), la scelta del successore del defunto mons. Alessandro Tommasini, arcivescovo di Reggio Calabria dal 1818 al 1826, rappresentò un... more
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      18th & 19th CenturiesChurch HistoryNaplesCorruption
""Studiare il Mediterraneo alla luce dei problemi odierni è di cruciale importanza e significa misurarsi con questioni ampie che attengono alla crisi e trasformazione del sapere storico, nelle sue premesse metodologiche e nelle sue... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryOttoman HistoryMedieval History
Finito di stampare nel mese di novembre 2021 da Pressup-Roma Caratteristiche Questo volume è composto in Minion Pro disegnato da Robert Slimbach e prodotto in formato digitale dalla Adobe System nel 1989; è stampato su carta Smeralda da... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryChurch History19th Century (History)
Francesco Paolo Ruggiero, deputy and two times minister of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, deputy of the Italian parliament, was one of the most influential lawyers of the Bourbon state before the 1848 revolution. The entry traces... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryHistory of EducationContemporary History
Esta comunicación fue defendida el 10 de junio de 2021 en la mesa B4 "La guerra omnipresente en época moderna" dentro de la XVI Reunión Científica de la Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, organizada en la Universidad de Burgos. Este... more
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      Military HistoryItalian StudiesPolish HistoryStrategic Planning
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      IconoclasmPolitical HistoryRisorgimentoVisual History