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This article is to analyze the processes of the revolutionary disintegration of the Empires and the emergence of Bolshevism and the monarchist counter-revolution in the former Russian Empire and Austro-Hungary, as the historical... more
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      HistoryRussian RevolutionCentral and Eastern EuropeEuropean Counter-Revolution
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      European Counter-RevolutionKing Ferdinand VII
Motivi della ricerca, fonti e breve quadro storico pag.5
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
Contrarrevolución es más que un libro sobre la historia de la primera guerra carlista en Aragón y el norte de Valencia. Propone un modelo de explicación del fenómeno insurreccional carlista, en el contexto de los movimientos... more
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      Civil WarEuropean Counter-RevolutionGuerra CivilCarlism
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      European HistoryViolenceRevolutionsHistory of Communism
STUDI RISORGIMENTALI VITTORIO FROSINI, Breve storia della critica al marxismo in Italia MARIO CONDORELLI, Stato e Chiesa nella rivoluzione siciliana del 1848 ROSARIO ROMEO, Il giudizio storico sul Risorgimento ENzO SCIACCA, Riflessi del... more
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      ExileItalian RisorgimentoCataniaEuropean Counter-Revolution
Los procesos revolucionarios tuvieron tal impacto en las sociedades europeas y americanas que casi apagaron la imagen de aquellos que se opusieron a su avance. Anclados en el pasado, inertes, desconcertados, difusos, ésta es la imagen que... more
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      European HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismHistory of Political ThoughtLatin American History
Mit ungetrübtem Bekennermut posaunt der Klappentext des vorliegenden Buchs seine Parteinahme für die Aufklärung hinaus: „Die Vernunft,“ heißt es hier, „kann nur die Oberhand gewinnen, wenn sie ihre Gegner kennt.“ Wie versprochen macht... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural Cold WarHistoricismMartin Heidegger
Mythography and history of the unification plebiscites in the Two Sicilies The paper is a critical investigation of the origins and fortunes (including recent developments) of the discourse of delegitimisation of the unification... more
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      RisorgimentoThe Kingdom of NaplesItalian RisorgimentoEuropean Counter-Revolution
Apesar de existir abundante literatura científica e trabalhos académicos sobre o miguelismo e sobre o reinado de D. Miguel (1828-1834), continua a faltar uma análise detalhada e fundamentada de quem foram os ministros que serviram sob a... more
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      European Counter-RevolutionRevolution and Counterrevolution2º Visconde de SantarémD. Miguel of Portugal
En el paisaje sentimental de los zaragozanos, la Virgen del Pilar ocupa un lugar especial. Lejos de la ilusión de inmovilidad que caracteriza los relatos de la tradición, su significado ha cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, adaptándose a... more
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      ReligionCatholic StudiesReligion and PoliticsPolitical Culture
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      Basque StudiesBasque HistoryEuskeraBasque Language
Guerre de Vendée et chouanneries sont similaires et différentes. L'habitude est de s'interroger sur leurs natures, alors qu'il convient plutôt de comprendre que ce fut l'intervention de l'Etat qui ne fut pas identique et qu'elle dépendit... more
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      RevolutionsFrench RevolutionCounter-Revolution in FranceRobespierre
No seguimento de capítulos de livros e de papers dedicados aos moderados e ultras na regência e reinado de D. Miguel, proponho agora abordar o posicionamento ideológico de José Agostinho de Macedo e de outros ultra-realistas desse tempo.... more
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      European Counter-RevolutionRevolution and CounterrevolutionKing Miguel of PortugalJosé Agostinho de Macedo
The essay analyses the development of Joseph de Maistre’s ideas on war and peace. Commonly seen as advocating militarism and bloodshed, Maistre’s insights and propositions on the nature of war are in fact highly modern and original. As a... more
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      Napoleonic WarsWar and PeaceJoseph de MaistreEuropean Counter-Revolution
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      ExileEuropean Counter-RevolutionItalian UnificationItalian Southern Question
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryDiplomatic History
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      Basque StudiesBasque HistoryEuropean Counter-RevolutionCarlism
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryThe Age of Revolutions in the Atlantic WorldCounter-Revolution in France
The counter-revolution and the places of political struggle. Lisbon in 1828
La contre-révolution et les lieux de la lutte politique. Lisbonne en 1828/
La contrarrevolución y los lugares de la lucha política. Lisboa en 1828
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      Historical GeographyPolitical SpaceEuropean Counter-RevolutionRevolution and Counterrevolution
La casa rota. Grupos familiares, distanciamiento cultural y conflicto en las provincias vascas (1823-1839) 
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      Basque StudiesLiberalismKinshipSocial Conflict
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la respuesta de la Iglesia a la amenaza planteada por la Revolución francesa. Con tal fin, se utilizarán fuentes impresas y documentos de la época que nos permitirán conocer las diferentes posturas... more
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If the Counter-Revolution could be seen as a phenomenon common in Europe, each country possess its own history. France counter-revolution is specific due to its birth during the French Revolution and its links with the Old Regime... more
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      HistoriographyFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionCounter-Revolution in France
Introduction au colloque de 1999. Comment comprendre la Contre-Révolution?
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      French RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulism
La Revolución francesa tuvo un impacto brutal en la conciencia de los coetáneos. Los acontecimientos se sucedían a tal velocidad que generaban una sensación de que el tiempo se aceleraba. Para algunos autores, esto produciría a su vez una... more
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      French RevolutionCounter-Revolution in FranceCounter revolutionary theoryEuropean Counter-Revolution
La dernière guerre de Vendée est trop souvent réduite à « l'épopée romantique » de la duchesse de Berry. Les insurrections légitimistes, menées par les partisans de Charles X et d'Henri V, entre 1830 et 1840, suscitent un fourmillement... more
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      French RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionCounter-Revolution in FranceFrench Revolution and Napoleon
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      Transnational HistoryEuropean Counter-Revolution
The political mobilization in Portugal between 1820 and 1834
La movilización política en Portugal entre 1820 y 1834
La mobilisation politique au Portugal entre 1820 et 1834
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      Political HistoryEuropean Counter-RevolutionRevolution and CounterrevolutionRevoluciones XIX XX
My interview on Joseph de Maistre with Julia Netesova.
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      Russian StudiesRhetoricNineteenth Century StudiesConservatism
De l'utilité de la guerre civile, de la place des grands hommes et de Robespierre en particulier, de la Contre-Révolution : quel est l'intérêt de l'histoire aujourd'hui
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      HistoryRevolutionsFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French Revolution
Retour sur les étapes qui virent la création du mot contre-révolution et de ses effets politiques en France, de 1787 à 1794
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      French RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionCounter-Revolution in FranceEuropean Counter-Revolution
Etudes de cas de trois sites contre-révolutionnaires en France (Puy du Fou) en Espagne (le musée carliste Estella) en Italie/Tyrol (le musée A. Hofer) pourapprécier l'évolution du rapport à la mémoire militante
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      History and MemoryFrench RevolutionMemory StudiesCultural Memory
The publication of Nicola Spedalieri's "De' diritti dell'uomo" ("On the Rights of Man") in 1791 marked a turning point in the relationship between Catholicism and modern political culture. While after the outbreak of the French Revolution... more
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      ReligionModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
liberalism and counter-revolution, Portugal, 19th century Portugal at war: the miguelist anti-liberal reaction (19th century) Portugal en la guerra: la reacción antiliberal miguelista del siglo XIX Le Portugal en guerre: la réaction... more
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      Political HistoryEuropean Counter-RevolutionRevolution and CounterrevolutionContre-Révolution
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      Cultural HistoryCounter-Revolution in FranceEuropean Counter-RevolutionRestoration Europe
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      LiberalismPress and media historyImprensaLiberalismo
... Fernando VII em Espanha (Herrero 388), D. Miguel tornara-se, mais do que o titular do absolutismo politico, o messias, o libertador ... Um desses simbolos ea bandeira.7 Os inimigos da patria sao tambem, "naturalmente", osque... more
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      NationalismLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesNacionalismoEuropean Counter-Revolution
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      War StudiesFrench RevolutionEdmund BurkeLouis Althusser
Théoricien de la Contre-Révolution, Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) a développé une pensée sur le destin de l’Europe post-révolutionnaire. Comme son contemporain Louis de Bonald, il entrevoit la régénération du continent après le chaos de... more
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      Conservatism (Political Science)Counter-Revolution in FranceJoseph de MaistreHistory of Conservatism
Parmi les penseurs conservateurs, le théoricien français de la Contre-Révolution Louis de Bonald (1754-1840) a développé une conception originale de l’histoire de l’Europe et de son destin. En effet, la Révolution française constitue pour... more
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      Counter-Revolution in FranceEuropean Counter-RevolutionCounter-revolution
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      Counter-Revolution in FrancePopular PoliticsEuropean Counter-Revolution
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      European Counter-RevolutionCounterrevolutionRevolution and CounterrevolutionContre-Révolution
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      Military HistoryContemporary Spanish HistoryHistoria Contemporánea de EspañaEuropean Counter-Revolution
Generalmente la entrada del mundo occidental en la modernidad se ha leído a partir del eje de la revolución y del liberalismo como factores determinantes del cambio político y social. Esta posición de análisis ha tendido a subrayar... more
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      French RevolutionNapoleonic WarsCounter-Revolution in FranceAntiliberalism
If the Counter-Revolution could be seen as a phenomenon common in Europe, each country possess its own history. France counter-revolution is specific due to its birth during the French Revolution and its links with the Old Regime... more
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      French RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionCounter-Revolution in FranceFrench Revolution and Napoleon
This paper focuses on the ways Catholic writers conceived the war against revolutionary France as a crusade—a war fought by all the Catholic powers in defense of their religion and formally sanctioned by the pope. The idea of an... more
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      Modern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
press and political life (1820-1834) portugal. Liberalism and counter-revolution Imprensa e política: alguns dados sobre a imprensa periódica portuguesa durante as lutas liberais (1820-1834) / Press and politics: the Periodic Portuguese... more
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      LiberalismPress and media historyImprensaLiberalismo
Nationalism and counter-revolution in Portugal, first half of 19th century
Nacionalismo y Contra-Revolución en Portugal: El episodio miguelista (1823-1834)
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      NationalismNacionalismoEuropean Counter-RevolutionRevolution and Counterrevolution