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It is obvious that not all texts are of the same type. We may distinguish between political texts, legal texts and medical texts; fairy tales, novels and short stories differ from newspaper reports, essays, and scientific papers; food... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTranslation StudiesText Types
En el último tercio del siglo XIX surgió en Gran Bretaña un importante movimiento artístico llamado Arts & Crafts que tenía como objetivo ofrecer una alternativa al arte mecanizado e impersonal del momento, producto de la Revolución... more
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      British LiteratureDesignDesign HistoryChaucer
The purpose of this study was to explore whether there was a significant correlation between vocabulary and reading comprehension in terms of text types as well as whether the vocabulary was a predictor of reading comprehension in terms... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsVocabularyReading ComprehensionText Types
PISA (Uluslararası Öğrenci Değerlendirme Programı) OECD tarafından düzenlenen bir eğitim projesidir. Üç yılda bir uygulanan bu proje 2000 yılından bu yana OECD ülkeleri başta olmak üzere dünyada yürütülmektedir. Türkiye PISA’ya ilk defa... more
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      PISA and TIMSS ResultText Types
This study investigates the most common morpho-syntactic Arabic-English and English-Arabic translation errors made by fourth year students of the English Department (Translation Program) at the University of Science and Technology (UST)... more
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      TranslationText TypesErrors
No âmbito das classificações textuais, observa-se o uso da designação "narrativo(a)" em construções como "modo narrativo", "género narrativo", "texto narrativo" e "sequência narrativa". Sendo expectável que a mesma designação seja usada... more
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      GenreGenre TheoryText LinguisticsLinguística Textual (Text Studies)
Teaching writing at Tokai University can be challenging. The curriculum is intended to have all first-year and second-year students build productive skills for actual communicative tasks. However, the curriculum goals are hard to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLiteracyIntercultural CommunicationPragmatics
This article approaches the problem of theorizing genre from the perspective of Folklore Studies. Although it is developed with particular concern for folklore, the view taken is quite broad, and readily relates to a broad range of forms... more
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      SemioticsMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesComparative Literature
Textual criticism of the New Testament illuminates the pseudepigraphic issue insofar as the reception of a text in the early Church is inseparable from the circulation of its manuscripts. David PASTORELLI confronts the Epistle of Jude to... more
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      New Testament Textual CriticismPseudepigraphical TextsText TypesEpistle of Jude
Negative sentences have been extensively studied in European and Asian languages (cf., for example, Jespersen 1917, Pullum & Huddleston 200, Manzotti & Rigamonti 1991, Bosque 1980, Sánchez López 1999) as a ‘pragmatic universal’: every... more
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      InterlinguisticsComparative LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
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      StatisticsGenreCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisText Types
Quelle relation la poésie entretient-elle avec le langage ? Dans un texte inédit en français, dont nous produisons ici la traduction intégrale et annotée, E. Coseriu a formulé une série de thèses qui défendent l’identité entre le langage... more
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      SémiotiqueHerméneutiquePhilosophie du langagePoésie
Vocabulary is an important aspect of language learning, but how to teach it has not been fully developed and vocabulary items are often taught separately from skills to express oneself. In this paper, I discuss how vocabulary should be... more
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      WritingSystemic Functional LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsEnglish Grammar
This article provides an overview of key terms in text linguistics according to different theoretical models, from cognitive approaches to the systemic-functional model and genre analysis. Basic notions such as text type, pragmatic... more
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      Text LinguisticsGenresText TypesTipologie testuali e linguistica del testo
Comment poser la question du style du point de vue d'une sémantique interprétative et au sujet de textes relevant de la poésie moderne (Gérard Macé, Jacques Dupin) ? En prenant pour point de départ la dimension interprétative de... more
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      SemanticsLiterary StylisticsLinguistic stylisticsSémiotique
Quel est l’objet de la linguistique des genres et de quelle complexité est fait ce champ d’études ? Quels critères objectifs doivent assurer le maniement de la notion de genre ? En quoi réside la complexité de la relation entre un texte... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeCultureLinguisticsLanguage Variation
Text-type determines the linguistic and paralinguistic means for conveying the message. The present study investigates how to discriminate between text-types and which types should be focused on in language teaching. One of the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionGenresSpeech TechnologyLanguage Teaching
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      PhilologyChristianityHistoryWorld Literatures
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      English as a Foreign Language (EFL)Text TypesChilean EducationESOL/EFL Assessment and Testing
Within the framework of university and school cooperation, the Turkish language teacher education is a multi-element system including Turkish teacher candidates, field academicians, Turkish teachers and primary/secondary school students... more
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      CurriculumText Types
The main goal of this investigation is to establish the temporal and aspectual properties of these four types of textual sequences: narrative, descriptive, explicative and argumentative (cf. Adam (1992)). Our analysis takes into account... more
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      SemanticsGenreGenre TheoryText Linguistics
One of the most important language competencies in teaching learning process is writing. The present study focused on investigating the effect of communicative approach with task-based language teaching and communicative approach on the... more
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      Academic WritingTask-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)Text TypesCommunicative Approach
The purpose of this study was to explore whether there was a significant correlation between vocabulary and reading comprehension in terms of text types as well as whether the vocabulary was a predictor of reading comprehension in terms... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsVocabularyPredictionReading Comprehension
The main goal of this article is to identify parameters of the genre Master Thesis. Our analysis is based upon some theoretical key concepts as proposed by Coutinho and Miranda (2009) – parameters of genre, mechanisms of textual... more
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      GenreGenre TheoryText LinguisticsText Classification
The paper presents an application of Multi-dimensional (MD) analysis initially developed for the analysis of register variation in English (Biber, 1988) to the investigation of a genre diverse corpus, which was built from modern texts of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGenreDiscourseLinguistic Variation
Associations between words and grammatical patterns have been studied under various labels. Such studies have consistently shown that grammatical structures are typically associated with an above-chance frequency with sets of lexical... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsText TypesCollocationsCollostructional Analysis
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      Intellectual HistoryComparative LiteratureClassicsBuddhist Studies
Propomo-nos reflectir, neste artigo, acerca da expressão do tempo em textos de instruções a partir da análise de um género discursivo particular: a receita de culinária. Assinalaremos as especificidades que caracterizam a temporalidade... more
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      SemanticsGenreGenre TheoryText Linguistics
Text means meaningful and coherent writings that words, sentences and paragraphs form together. Informative texts are written to inform the reader about a subject. Establishing a semantic and logical integrity between units of information... more
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      Turkish LanguageText TypesInformational Text Structures
Wie strukturieren und gliedern WerberInnen in Suchmaschinenanzeigen die Werbepropositionen, die uns überzeugen? Sprechen sie uns dabei direkt an? Welche Typen von Werbepropositionen sind in den Werbetexten besonders wichtig? Welche Rollen... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsText TypesAdvertising and Marketing CommunicationsLanguage of Advertisement
While Sentiment Analysis aims to identify the writer's attitude toward individuals, events or topics, our aim is to predict the possible effect of a written text on the reader. For this purpose, we created an automatic identifier of the... more
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      EmotionLanguages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Neste artigo, propomo-nos analisar a expressão do tempo numa sequência textual de tipo explicativo. O objectivo da nossa investigação consiste em verificar se existem propriedades temporais e aspectuais inerentes às sequências... more
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      SemanticsText LinguisticsLinguística Textual (Text Studies)Text Types
The main goal of the investigation that is presented in this article is to establish the temporal and aspectual properties of these four types of textual sequences: narrative, descriptive, explicative and argumentative (cf. Adam (1992)).... more
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      SemanticsText LinguisticsText ClassificationText Types
Malgré leur importance pour l'étude des arts du langage et la linguistique du texte en général, les rapports entre genre et style individuel demeurent peu étudiés, même dans des domaines aussi propices que la poétique et la stylistique.... more
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      Littérature FrançaiseText TypesStylistiquePoétique
This article presents some comparative results of an investigation project about temporal and aspectual properties in texts of different sequence types (namely narrative and descriptive; cf. Adam (2001)) and, simultaneously, in texts... more
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      SemanticsGenreGenre TheoryText Linguistics
This is the contents of my doctoral thesis, see the url of the publisher:
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesRussian
The objective of this study is to prove that the basic philosophy teaching on an academic level is compulsory in translation and interpretation departments by taking into account the challenges encountered in the translation of... more
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      Translation StudiesText TypesTranslation TeachingPhilosophical Texts
Text-type determines the linguistic and paralinguistic means for convey-ing the message. The present study investigates how to discriminate between text-types and which types should be focused on in language teaching. One of the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage TeachingText TypesFormality
Uma vez que caracterizar os géneros do discurso académico permite identificar os processos de construção dos textos que os integram, permitirá também melhorar a proficiência dos estudantes do ensino superior. A este respeito, Parodi... more
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      GenreGenre TheoryText LinguisticsText Classification
This investigation aims at establishing the temporal and aspectual properties of the narrative sequences that occur in texts which belong to a specific discourse genre: the live narration of a sporting event (such as a football game). As... more
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      SemanticsGenreGenre TheoryText Linguistics
The goal of my investigation is to establish the existence of temporal and aspectual properties which are prototypical of the descriptive sequences. I intend to answer the following questions: is there a tense (present tense, for... more
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      SemanticsText LinguisticsLinguística Textual (Text Studies)Text Types
Malgré les avancées réalisées depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’étude de la productivité lexicale demeure épineuse en raison de difficultés définitionnelles mais aussi méthodologiques, notamment concernant la variation en discours de la... more
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Results are reported from an extensive experiment where speech syntehsis was compared to natural speech among a group of visually disabled persons in a recall study of connected prose. The results indicated effects of text type as well as... more
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      Visual ImpairmentsText Types
Usos y normas de la comunicación escrita: Libro de estilo de la Universidad de Cádiz. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz, 2012. 254 páginas. En febrero del pasado año 2013 se presentó en la Universidad de Cádiz (España) este libro de estilo... more
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      StylisticsSpecialised languagesText TypesText Typology
Uma vez que caracterizar os géneros do discurso académico permite identificar os processos de construção dos textos que os integram, permitirá também melhorar a proficiência dos estudantes do ensino superior. A este respeito, Parodi... more
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      GenreGenre TheoryText LinguisticsText Classification
Bölüm 9. Metin Türleri ve Öğretimi
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      PoetryText TypesşiirNarrative Text
The main goal of this article is to identify parameters of the genre Master Thesis. Our analysis is based upon some theoretical key concepts as proposed by Coutinho and Miranda (2009) – parameters of genre, mechanisms of textual... more
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      GenreGenre TheoryText LinguisticsText Classification