Recent papers in Productivity
Theory at both the micro and macro level predicts that investments in superior human capital generate better firm-level performance. However, human capital takes time and money to develop or acquire, which potentially offsets its positive... more
Firms’ ability to compete in the global market crucially depends on their ability to innovate and to introduce new products or processes into the market. This typically requires more complex and structured business organization and... more
Since New Labour came to power in the UK in 1997, there has been a drive to improve the effectiveness of public services through the use of private sector principles. From, the Modernising Government White Paper to the development of the... more
Como bien puedes saber, Internet es un administrador de contenido masivo en el que puedes encontrar millones de artículos en blogs, archivos descargables, música y fotos.
Robotic technologies are being employed increasingly in the treatment of lower limb disabilities. Individuals suffering from stroke and other neurological disorders often experience inadequate dorsiflexion during swing phase of the gait... more
Developing economies may face a trade-off between specializing according to existing comparative advantage (in low-technology goods), and entering sectors in which they currently lack a comparative advantage, but may acquire such an... more
Rapid population growth ceased in Canada when the baby boom ended, and gave way to the baby bust; rapid labour force growth lasted for another two decades. As the century closes growth has become much more dependent on immigration. This... more
In 1998, and in the context of the European Directives, a reform of the Portuguese rail sector was implemented, through the vertical separation of the two basic rail activities, and an access charging system with economic regulation was... more
امروزه حجم انبوهی از سازمان¬ها با ابعاد کوچک و متوسط در صنعت تولید قطعات شرکت نفت فعالیت داشته و تأثیر قابل توجهی در رشد اقتصاد و اشتغال¬زایی در عرصه ملی دارند. با توجه به محیط پر رقابت ناشی از تعدد این شرکت¬ها و عدم پیچیدگی فرآیند تولید... more
This paper analyzes productivity growth trends in emerging-market economies vis-à-vis advanced economies, both in the recent global productivity slowdown and from a long-term perspective. While income has converged in most countries in... more
An improvement methodology is proposed for the design process in construction projects. Based on concepts and principles of lean production, the methodology considers the design process as a set of three different models-conversion, flow,... more
Telecommunication and more specially mobile phones have the potential to provide solution to the existing information asymmetry in various lagging sectors like Agriculture. India’s agricultural sector suffers from low growth rates and low... more
This paper describes the performance of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) in 10 Latin American countries under the New Economic Model (NEM). Based on an original databank, the authors analyze SME performance in... more
There is a long-standing debate in labour economics on the impact of workers' intrinsic motivations on equilibrium wages. One direction in economic theory suggests that intrinsically motivated workers are willing to accept lower wages and... more
[Excerpt] Using data from a large cross section of British establishments, we ask how different firm characteristics are associated with the predicted benefits to organizational performance from using team production. To compute the... more
This paper uses a new set of industry data for the US and the UK non-agricultural market economy, to provide new evidence on the impact of ICT on TFP. We compare the results from standard panel data techniques with newly developed dynamic... more
This study describes the optimality in resource utilization of the manufacturing firms in the south-west region of Bangladesh. A translog production function has been estimated to describe the input-output relationship. The large scale... more
IDS is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (No. 877338). The IDS programme on Strengthening Evidence-based Policy works across seven key themes. Each theme works with partner institutions to co-construct... more
The Theory of Constraints (TOC) offers an interesting alternative to the use of management tools, in especial yours TOC cycle. Although it is an interesting alternative, only a small number of publications focus on the TOC cycle. This... more
The effects of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) is one of the economic mysteries of the current literature. However, at sectoral-level, it has still failed to provide any obvious empirical evidence regarding any direct link between... more
This article was downloaded by: [Ingenta Content Distribution - Routledge]On: 6 June 2011Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 791963552]Publisher Psychology PressInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered... more
A review of the literature on employer-based training (EBT) and case studies of 17 exemplary EBT programs (9 of which were Job Training Partnership Act [JTPA] programs) were used to determine best practices in EBT and make recommendations... more
This paper uses a traditional compiler architecture to discuss how a transformation component can be integrated in CASE tools. The architecture outlines some general requirements to the transjbrmatwn component as well as to the source and... more
The a.borigi?zaf d~t~b~Lt~~~ of ~a~~~~~a~ irk North Alnerka is found not to be positively related to the richrkess of the n&ml ~~~r~~r~l~, cantmy to thr: ~edicti~~ of the ~~~u~th~s~ark model, the dominant one irk Anthr~lo~y. Great... more
Changes in the status and distribution of Wisconsin's double-crested cormorant (DCCO) breeding population during the 20th century closely approximate a similar pattern throughout the Great Lakes and generally along the Atlantic coast:... more
The study had established empirical relationships between remittances and indicators of agricultural productivity (agricultural GDP/total GDP, Agricultural productivity index and crop productivity index) in Nigeria. Augmented... more
The purpose of this study was to determine whether water quality parameters commonly associated with primary productivity may be used to predict the susceptibility of a specific water body to exceed proposed fish consumption advisory... more
This article is about an unexplored area of information and communication technology (ICT) use in organizations related to the assumed productivity gains by the use of ICTs. On the one hand, we focus on the losses of labor time that are... more
Agile and flexible manufacturing systems make it mandatory that control programs have features such as agility, flexibility and reusability to meet fast changing, customer demands. To cope with this, a task-oriented model of the control... more
Efficient management of mass algal cultures requires appreciation of the most important factors governing the light regime of the average cell, i.e. the interrelationships between the intensity of the light source -never the sole factor... more
Currently the industry is trying to improve its competitiveness. This makes the manufacturingindustry needs to adapt the Lean-Kaizen concept. Lean-Kaizen means eliminating waste through small improvements made on an ongoing basis. This... more
This study examined the relationship between organizational climate and employees’ productivity in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted the correlational research design. The area of the... more
A circulating loop bioreactor (CLB) with cells immobilized in loofa sponge was constructed for simultaneous aerobic and anaerobic processes. The CLB consists of an aerated riser and a non-aerated downcomer column connected at the top and... more
The objective of this study is to develop statistical models to predict the depth limit stop of water drilling in Conception de modèles statistiques à variables hydrogéologiques pour la prévision de la profondeur limite d'arrêt de forage... more
ence on Roborics and A U~O I W K 2. S h i l l e r S. 3ubowsky l a s e a r c h Assisunc Pro terror The mtioa of c u r r e n t i n d u s t r i a l n r n f p u l a t o r s is t y p i c a l l y c o n t r o l l e d so L ! C tasks are not done... more
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Loughborough University Business School for awarding funds to pursue the quantitative element of the project.
Overall equipment effiiency (OEE) measures the ratio of how much of a product or part is being made defect-free versus how much could be made according to the equipment’s design. A machine or process that has an OEE of 100 percent is... more
Design patterns, which encapsulate common solutions to the recurring design problems, have contributed to the increased reuse, quality and productivity in software design. We argue that hardware design patterns could be used for... more
The eighth international census of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain, Ireland and Iceland (also including the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands) took place in January 2020, to update the estimates of the size, midwinter... more
There has been substantial academic interest surrounding innovation, change management, and the individual attributes that permit and promote learning, organisational change and innovative behaviour. This research uses a psychometric tool... more
The digital revolution that has been taking place for the past two decades propelled by major breakthroughs in the ICT field has changed the way we communicate, work, travel, live-and even the way we use public space. Our cities are... more