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15 Motschenbacher, Heiko. 2006. "Women and men like different things"? Doing Gender als Strategie der Werbesprache ["Women and men like different things"? Doing gender as a strategy of advertising language]. Marburg: Tectum, 459 pp., EUR... more
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      Language and GenderCritical Discourse AnalysisLanguage of Advertisement
This study illustrates how body-part vocabulary can contribute to linguistic gender construction. As a starting point, gendering mechanisms pertinent to body-part terms are delineated. On a theoretical plane, the study is indebted to... more
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      Language and GenderCritical Discourse AnalysisBody parts termsLanguage of Advertisement
AbstractAdvertising plays an important and crucial part in our media culture. The language an advertiser uses plays an equally important role in selling of product. Themainpurpose of this research was to investigate the language used by... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage of Advertisement
This paper reports preliminary observations on (im)politeness inIndian TV advertisements. Advertisements target a multicultural mostly urban and semi-urban audience and are, therefore, expected to reflect a linguistic and societal picture... more
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      Linguistic PolitenessSociopragmaticsLanguage of Advertisement
This essay will take a quantitative research approach to study the language used to create discourses of gender in catalogue toy advertisements. For the purpose of this study an issue of Argos catalogue will be used to inspect the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesMedia StudiesLanguage and Gender
A sociolinguistic and discourse analysis paper on the gender identity difference between the normative and metrosexual males in English adverts.
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      Discourse AnalysisSociolinguisticsLanguage and GenderCritical Discourse Analysis
Tourism in Bali has increased significantly since 1970's and recently many people from foreign countries come to visit Bali every single year. This provides excellent opportunities for locally and non-locally owned businesses in the... more
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    • Language of Advertisement
This study aims to discover the Literature Review of Advertisement sector. Advertisement is one of the greatest media of a country which can easily portray and influence a country, its population, ideas, philosophy and culture. In this... more
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      PR and AdvertisingAdvertisingAdvertising And Social CultureAdvertising And Children/Adolescents
W przedstawianym tomie opublikowano 27 artykułów ujętych w ramach 5 rozdziałów, omawiających zagadnienia pragmatyki językowej, translatoryki, terminoogii, inżynierii języka, kulturologii a także glottodydaktyki. W poszczególnych... more
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      Applied LinguisticsLanguage and Media DiscoursesBusiness CommunicationLegal Language
This study aims at investigating the syntactic patterns of phrase used in advertisement slogans. The research design of this study is descriptive qualitative. The sources for this research are taken from 42 slogans from four different... more
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      Language of AdvertisementSlogan
Профессор кафедры антропологии Калифорнийского университета в Беркли ПО СЛЕДАМ ЖЕНСКОГО ОБРАЗА Cимволическая работа нового рекламного дискурса В сборнике: «Женщина и визуальные знаки », ред. Анна Альчук, М.: Идея-Пресс, 2000 Это эссе... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBusiness EthicsSemioticsGender Studies
Wie strukturieren und gliedern WerberInnen in Suchmaschinenanzeigen die Werbepropositionen, die uns überzeugen? Sprechen sie uns dabei direkt an? Welche Typen von Werbepropositionen sind in den Werbetexten besonders wichtig? Welche Rollen... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsText TypesAdvertising and Marketing CommunicationsLanguage of Advertisement
Abstrak Bali merupakan ikon pariwisata Indonesia yang sangat terkenal di seluruh dunia. Hal ini tidak lepas dari peran iklan pariwisata sebagai sarana untuk mempromosikan pariwisata Bali. Iklan pariwisata selain dijadikan sebagai media... more
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    • Language of Advertisement
The Igbo wh-phrases display interesting variable behaviours in movement, with respect to whether they move to the left peripheries of direct or embedded interrogative clauses. A question arises why, unlike the English wh-phrases, the Igbo... more
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      Formal syntaxIdeology and Discourse AnalysisTheoretical LinguisticsMinimalist Syntax
Over the past 15 years, one of the basic functions of the Linguistic Landscape (LL) has been to measure and assess the visibility of multiple languages in public spaces. In research carried out around the world, English has recurrently... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMultilingualismSociolinguisticsLinguistic landscapes
Der folgende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit werbesprachlicher Genderstilisierung. Anhand von Untersuchungsmaterial einer Studie zu sprachlichen Genderperformanzen in den geschlechtlich positionierten Lifestylemagazinen Cosmopolitan und... more
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      Language and GenderCritical Discourse AnalysisLanguage of Advertisement
Proposals Submission Deadline: June 30, 2018
Full Chapters Due: October 30, 2018
Submission Date: January 30, 2019
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      PR and AdvertisingNarrativeAdvertisingAdvertising And Social Culture
Módní angličtina v současných reklamních textech plní nobilitační funkci.
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    • Language of Advertisement
This paper proceeds as a case discourse analysis of a singularly important 1988 advertising campaign, “Hoshii mono ga hoshii wa” (I want what I want) for the Seibu Department Stores, an energetic driving force of Japan’s taste culture.... more
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      DesireConstructions of femininityPerformativity of GenderLanguage of Advertisement
Tourism advertisements of Bali island typically use local terms, signs, symbols, and pictures which implicitly deliver the local values. This study aims at discovering Balinese local values within tourism advertisement. It is done by... more
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    • Language of Advertisement
The aim of this study is to examine transformation process of the advertising narration in Turkey. For this purpose, the chapter is divided two parts: In the first part of the study, the components of the advertising narration are defined... more
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      PR and AdvertisingNarrativeAdvertisingAdvertising And Social Culture
Abstract This thesis explores radio advertising in Ghana, focusing on the characteristics of a genre that is often termed ‘slice-of-life’ and that is popular with advertising producers. Slice-of-life adverts seek to represent a version... more
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      MarketingAfrican StudiesMultilingualismSociolinguistics