Papers by Marco Angelosanti
Automation in Construction
Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2023
2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEn)
Journal of Building Engineering
Journal of Cultural Heritage

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In recent years, three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) has proven to be a reliable... more In recent years, three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) has proven to be a reliable technique for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) by allowing full line-of-sight, high-resolution, and contactless measurements of structures. The large amount of raw output resulting from 3D-DIC requires appropriate methods to visualise and analyse the data systematically. In this context, Building Information Modeling (BIM) emerges as a robust repository and data management tool to store, query, and assess long sequences of SHM data. Different sensors have been used to collect SHM data and digital sensors have been created in the BIM environment to mimic the behaviour of the physical ones on site. This research focuses on the BIM implementation of virtual sensors from information retrieved using 3D-DIC to store frequency and time domain data and monitor structural changes in a targeted system over time. The application of the Phase-based Motion Magnification (PMM) technique is proposed as a preprocessing tool for 3D-DIC analysis videos to obtain displacement information in specific frequency bands and make those values structurally effective. As a case study, a three-story aluminium frame structure with a damaged and undamaged configuration is used to validate the developed methodology.

Rivista Tema
The historical built environment (HBE) is constantly prone to many risks causing sudden (e.g., ea... more The historical built environment (HBE) is constantly prone to many risks causing sudden (e.g., earthquakes and terrorist attacks) or slow (e.g., climate change-related and environmental pollution) onset of emergency conditions. Morphological, physical, and constructive characteristics are critically linked to system vulnerability and users’ exposure. In particular, open spaces (OSs) in the HBE represent typical attractors for the community in urban areas for leisure and touristic purposes and critical scenarios in case of a disaster. In fact, besides daily and hourly temporalities in everyday use, OSs also play a pivotal role in the immediate disaster response phases, considering sudden-onset events. Understanding which scenarios characterize OSs is critical to evaluate them from a multi-risk perspective and to propose effective mitigation strategies in multiple critical situations. To this end, this work offers a survey form template of the OS within the HBE according to a holistic...

Facing with the great problem of the safety of the historic towns of Central Italy, the loss of h... more Facing with the great problem of the safety of the historic towns of Central Italy, the loss of human lives and the responsibility for the built heritage of the historic urban landscape preservation for future generations, the research group is specifically committed to two objectives considered closely linked. - On the one hand to drive the activity of technicians, urban planners, restorers from emergency management and reconstruction to prevention and, even better, urban preparation and structural restoration; - On the other hand, to identify the evolution of the Italian historic towns and to define the data that must be studied in order to preserve this architectural and landscape heritage for future generations. Many scholars and the research group that presents this paper worked over the years with the aims of identifying the necessary knowledge for an advanced urban landscape management, also in terms of safety. To reach this objective, it is fundamental to know what data to r...

Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale a cura di Edoardo Currà, Marina Docci, Claudio Menichelli, Martina Russo, Laura Severi , 2022
La maggior sensibilità sul tema dell'archeologia industriale e la riscoperta di una cultura ad es... more La maggior sensibilità sul tema dell'archeologia industriale e la riscoperta di una cultura ad essa associata hanno portato istituzioni comunali e ministeriali a riflettere sul potenziale del recupero e della valorizzazione di beni legati alla produzione. Tra questi, il caso dell'ex cartiera Segrè nel distretto produttivo cartario di Tivoli rappresenta un esempio di stratificazione di interventi di epoche successive, a partire dal complesso di epoca romana del Santuario di Ercole Vincitore risalente al II secolo a.C. La ricerca ha come obiettivo l'illustrazione di una proposta progettuale per la sua musealizzazione e fruizione, in accordo con lo studio delle fasi storiche, dell'evoluzione architettonica e dello sviluppo costruttivo del complesso. Lo studio si è avvalso, oltre che della sistematizzazione della letteratura sull'argomento, anche di rilievi digitali basati su nuvola di punti, che hanno permesso la rappresentazione del complesso e la successiva gestione delle fasi di progetto attraverso soluzioni basate sul Building Information Modelling (BIM). L'esito della ricerca propone un piano di musealizzazione del complesso in tre fasi, il quale supporti un processo di recupero flessibile, che coniughi le esigenze a breve e lungo termine, definendo percorsi museali in continuità con quelli già presenti. Il modello sviluppato oltre a permette una fruizione anche virtuale del complesso, costituisce una prima forma di archiviazione digitale dei suoi dati storici e costruttivi.
The increasing awareness of industrial heritage sites and the rediscovery of a culture associated with them have led local and national institutions to reflect on the potential of recovering and enhancing assets linked to manufacturing production of the past.
Among these, the case of the former Segrè paper mill in the paper district of Tivoli represents an example of stratification of interventions from successive periods, starting with the Roman-era complex of the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor, dating back to the 2nd century BC. The aim of the research is to illustrate a design proposal
for its musealisation and use, in accordance with the study of its historical phases, the architectural evolution, and the constructive development of the complex. In addition to a wide literature research on the subject, the study also made use of digital surveys based on point clouds, which allowed the representation of the
complex and the subsequent management of the project phases through solutions based on the Building Information Modelling (BIM). The result of the research proposes a three-phase plan for the musealisation of the complex, which supports a flexible recovery process that combines short and long-term needs, defining
museum routes in continuity with those already present. The model developed not only allows a virtual use of the complex, but also constitutes a first form of digital archiving of its historical and construction data.

Sustainability, 2022
Industrial heritage with secular production activity constitutes a specific field of application ... more Industrial heritage with secular production activity constitutes a specific field of application to refine digital tools for knowledge within the HBIM (Heritage Building Information Modeling) process. Industrial sites are traditionally linked to the exploitation of local resources, and, not infrequently, are settled by recovering the ruins of ancient buildings and monuments. The Sanctuary of Hercules in Tivoli represents a significant case study that moves between classical and industrial archaeology, in particular the “Cartierà Segrè”, hereinafter referred to as former Segrè papermill, to test ArchaeoBIM concepts and to investigate current and lost heritage. Starting from the documents and the digital survey with the use of UAV videogrammetry, the aim is the construction of the informative model with particular attention to the 4D management to describe the evolution phases and the exploration of the construction specificities of buildings and machines between pre-modern techniques...

Sustainability, 2021
Planning for preparedness, in terms of multi-hazard disasters, involves testing the relevant abil... more Planning for preparedness, in terms of multi-hazard disasters, involves testing the relevant abilities to mitigate damage and build resilience, through the assessment of deterministic disaster scenarios. Among risk-prone assets, open spaces (OSs) play a significant role in the characterization of the built environment (BE) and represent the relevant urban portion on which to develop multi-risk scenarios. The aim of this paper is to elaborate ideal scenarios—namely, Built Environment Typologies (BETs)—for simulation-based risk assessment actions, considering the safety and resilience of BEs in emergency conditions. The investigation is conducted through the GIS data collection of the common characteristics of OSs (i.e., squares), identified through five parameters considered significant in the scientific literature. These data were processed through a non-hierarchical cluster analysis. The results of the cluster analysis identified five groups of OSs, characterized by specific morpho...

VOL. 7 N. 1 (2021), 2021
A validated method for the digital representation of historic construction through HBIM permits a... more A validated method for the digital representation of historic construction through HBIM permits assessment of compliance with workmanlike practices and structural performance. The construction of an appropriate model is closely linked to survey methodology, to the integrated application of multiple techniques of direct and indirect survey and non-destructive tests. The paper specifically deals with the complementarity between photogrammetry based on UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) with TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanner). Finally, through this methodology, the HBIM model set for structural use allows the analysis of local mechanisms in order to verify the performance of the building. The methodological approach to the relationship between constructive survey and construction of the HBIM model to understand and evaluate the building organism from a structural point of view is exposed using Villa Palma-Guazzaroni in Terni as a case study. The Villa is representative of architectural herita...

Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2020, 2020
In this paper a Weyl geometric scalar tensor theory of gravity with scalar field φ and scale inva... more In this paper a Weyl geometric scalar tensor theory of gravity with scalar field φ and scale invariant cubic ("aquadratic") kinetic Lagrangian is introduced. Einstein gauge (comparable to Einstein frame in Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory) is most natural for studying trajectories. In it, the Weylian scale connection induces an additional acceleration which in the weak field, static, low velocity limit acquires the deep MOND form of Milgrom/Bekenstein's gravity. The energy momentum of φ leads to another add on to Newton acceleration. Both additional accelerations together imply a MOND-ian phenomenology of the model. It has unusual transition functions µ w (x), ν w (y). They imply higher phantom energy density than in the case of the more common MOND models with transition functions µ 1 (x), µ 2 (x). A considerable part of it is due to the scalar field's energy density which, in our model, gives a scale and generally covariant expression for the self-energy of the gravitational field.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
3D Modeling & BIM, 2019
Despite the use of instrumental methodologies, architectural relief is anyway a critical action s... more Despite the use of instrumental methodologies, architectural relief is anyway a critical action subordinated to the choice of the most appropriate methodology. The study of Villa Palma-Guazzaroni in Terni, a Renaissance mansion that has undergone many transformations over the centuries, reveals the advantages of the integrated use of digital photogrammetry and LST (terrestrial laser scanner).
Papers by Marco Angelosanti
The increasing awareness of industrial heritage sites and the rediscovery of a culture associated with them have led local and national institutions to reflect on the potential of recovering and enhancing assets linked to manufacturing production of the past.
Among these, the case of the former Segrè paper mill in the paper district of Tivoli represents an example of stratification of interventions from successive periods, starting with the Roman-era complex of the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor, dating back to the 2nd century BC. The aim of the research is to illustrate a design proposal
for its musealisation and use, in accordance with the study of its historical phases, the architectural evolution, and the constructive development of the complex. In addition to a wide literature research on the subject, the study also made use of digital surveys based on point clouds, which allowed the representation of the
complex and the subsequent management of the project phases through solutions based on the Building Information Modelling (BIM). The result of the research proposes a three-phase plan for the musealisation of the complex, which supports a flexible recovery process that combines short and long-term needs, defining
museum routes in continuity with those already present. The model developed not only allows a virtual use of the complex, but also constitutes a first form of digital archiving of its historical and construction data.
The increasing awareness of industrial heritage sites and the rediscovery of a culture associated with them have led local and national institutions to reflect on the potential of recovering and enhancing assets linked to manufacturing production of the past.
Among these, the case of the former Segrè paper mill in the paper district of Tivoli represents an example of stratification of interventions from successive periods, starting with the Roman-era complex of the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor, dating back to the 2nd century BC. The aim of the research is to illustrate a design proposal
for its musealisation and use, in accordance with the study of its historical phases, the architectural evolution, and the constructive development of the complex. In addition to a wide literature research on the subject, the study also made use of digital surveys based on point clouds, which allowed the representation of the
complex and the subsequent management of the project phases through solutions based on the Building Information Modelling (BIM). The result of the research proposes a three-phase plan for the musealisation of the complex, which supports a flexible recovery process that combines short and long-term needs, defining
museum routes in continuity with those already present. The model developed not only allows a virtual use of the complex, but also constitutes a first form of digital archiving of its historical and construction data.