Papers by Marco Zerbinatti
The widespread network of Alpine towns is a cultural heritage whose enhancement is of fundamental... more The widespread network of Alpine towns is a cultural heritage whose enhancement is of fundamental importance for a large area in the center of Europe. This paper outlines some results of the international project Interreg AlpStone, describing studies and guidelines developed for the survey and the representation of traditional urban settlements in the territory between Italy (Ossola Valley) and Switzerland (Tessin). The proposed methodology combines established approaches and innovative techniques to produce multi-thematic and multi-scale surveys (territorial, urban and building scale).

IOP conference series, Sep 1, 2019
The complexity of the architectural and structural restoration of historical buildings requires a... more The complexity of the architectural and structural restoration of historical buildings requires a careful choice in the use of repair mortars compatible with the original materials of the existing building. It is important to set up an atlas of reference, compared to many mixtures of mortars and conglomerates, useful to support the operational choices in the project of restoration, recovery, and maintenance of historical buildings. The aim is also to encourage the use of local materials with a "short supply chain", compatible with buildings and applied by traditional techniques. The research makes use of experimental bending, compression and elastic modulus tests on different mixtures of mortars. This paper describes some of the first results obtained so far, because the research is still underway for many different mixtures to test and catalogue. The comparison between the data and the reference values that will be identified, will lead to set up a reference atlas of mechanical behaviour of repair mortars in order to direct the design and operational choices in function of requirements and performance (of the wall systems) of each specific cases in the field of the restoration of historical buildings.
Il contributo riprende in modo sintetico alcuni principi di formulazione, nonche criteri di scelt... more Il contributo riprende in modo sintetico alcuni principi di formulazione, nonche criteri di scelta e di applicazione, per malte, intonaci e cementi decorativi, utili per interventi di manutenzione e conservazione.
Dronitaly 2018 - Working with drones, 2018

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2020
The work presented is the achievement of a master degree project, developed at Politecnico di Tor... more The work presented is the achievement of a master degree project, developed at Politecnico di Torino. The paper aims to provide standards for the formulation and mixing of earth-based mortars, for the rehabilitation of historic buildings of the Roero area, in Piemonte region. Roero presents a large architectural heritage, consisting mainly of fired or earth bricks rural and residential buildings, which was anciently protected using lime or earth-based plasters perfectly integrated with local landscape and environment colours appearance. In recent decades (and still to present days), vernacular plasters are frequently replaced by cementbased products, resulting hardly compatible with local bearing walls materials and landscape aesthetic features. While Roero traditional buildings plasters were produced using local earth and sands coming from streams, today, aggregates extraction in watercourses proximity is not allowed, or strictly regulated by rules and regional regulations. The paper presents a classification of the characteristics of different soils from Roero area, through different types of particle distribution size analysis and diffractometric tests, and propose a method for the production of local earth-based plasters stabilized with lime, making use of earth and rocks from local excavation sites, considered in Italy as secondary raw materials or special waste. Produced plasters compressive and bending strength have been tested, while their suitability for building maintenance and restoration, as their compatibility with Roero architecture and landscape, have been verified through spectrophotometric measures.
TeMa, Feb 15, 2023
Remarkable historic timber roofs. Knowledge and conservation practice Part 2-Investigation, analy... more Remarkable historic timber roofs. Knowledge and conservation practice Part 2-Investigation, analysis, and interventions Year 2022 (Issues per year: 2) Cover illustration: Auxiliary truss for the strengthening of the roof of San Giovanni Battista church
The attention toward the Building Heritage preservation and protection assumes all along a role o... more The attention toward the Building Heritage preservation and protection assumes all along a role of fundamental importance for the culture and personality of every country. The present paper wants to show how survey and representation are being shaped in way of taking advantage of the new digital techniques so that the building process is more efficiently managed from several professionals working in different moments
TeMa, Feb 15, 2023
Remarkable historic timber roofs. Knowledge and conservation practice Part 2-Investigation, analy... more Remarkable historic timber roofs. Knowledge and conservation practice Part 2-Investigation, analysis, and interventions Year 2022 (Issues per year: 2) Cover illustration: Auxiliary truss for the strengthening of the roof of San Giovanni Battista church
CICOP Italia ONLUS Centro Internazionale per la Conservazione del Patrimonio Architettonico – Italia, 2020
Società degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino, 2019
Papers by Marco Zerbinatti