Recent papers in Fractal
Receiving of remote sensed data's signals in urban space information reception centers is usually difficult, because of complex electromagnetic situation in cities and insufficient EMC. Traditional methods for digital... more
Fractal analysis of the morphology of ice crystal particles in frozen food was attempted for frozen soybean curd (tofu). From a microscopic image analysis of the ice crystal particles, it was found that the perimeter of the ice crystal... more
Many desirable properties make fractals a powerful mathematic model applyied in several image processing and pattern recognition tasks: image coding, segmentation, feature extraction and indexing, just to cite some of them. Unfortunately,... more
Fractal measurements using the Cantor's dust method in a linear one-dimensional analysis mode were made on the fracture patterns revealed on two-dimensional, planar surfaces in four granites. This method allows one to conclude that: (1)... more
The temporal structure of macroscopic brain activity displays both oscillatory and scale-free dynamics. While the functional relevance of neural oscillations has been largely investigated, both the nature and the role of scale-free... more
In recent years there has been deep development in the use of techniques to analyse the statistical properties of point process time series. Furthermore many efforts have been made to establish robust methods to identify time clustering... more
The Fractal Nature of Human Consciousness,
The Evolution of the "Global Human,"
The Driving Forces of History.
Carl Christopher Zdenek III
The Evolution of the "Global Human,"
The Driving Forces of History.
Carl Christopher Zdenek III
В статье рассмотрены основные положения теорий динамики рынков, в частности, гипотезы эффективного рынка, гипотезы когерентного рынка, гипотезы фрактального рынка и гипотезы синергетического рынка. Проанализированы инструменты... more
A wide band iris excited fractal slotted array has been realized and experimentally verified at X band. The design starts with a centered plus shaped slot in the broadwall of a rectangular waveguide and the same has been used in second... more
Fractal properties of surfaces have been explored by many investigators. Most have concluded that fractal characterisation is useful. This note questions the philosophy of using fractals to describe and control engineering surfaces. It... more
A study of the quality and accuracy of the methods based on frequency analysis for the fractal characterization of surfaces as measured by scanning tunnelling microscopy (or profilometry) is made. The study is based on computer simulation... more
A novel methodology ''fractal browning indicator" (FBI) is presented, that describes the enzymatic browning kinetic based on the use of irregular color patterns from banana slice images. It uses the fractal Fourier texture image value in... more
It has been known for a century that small particles dispersed in liquids and gases can form aggregates with extraordinarily low densities, and a variety of studies in the 1960s and 1970s, based on conceptual models and computer models,... more
Within the expanded field of drawing, my Master of Fine Art project explores this liferidden planet's journey through time and space by investigating the role played by cataclysm and renewal in planetary deep time. Instead of binaries,... more
O que se apresenta em sala de aula em relação à geometria sempre é o básico, mas não percebemos que ao nosso redor existe uma geometria de figuras não regulares, que apresenta auto similaridade fragmentada, essas figuras chamadas de... more
This paper should be interpreted as an introduction to the concept of space filling curves. Looking at examples created by Peano, Hilbert and Lebesgue. Such curves have motivation in computer science as an efficient way to traverse... more
Синергетика, фракталы, социальные процессы, самоорганизация, Россия XIX века,
In this paper, we discuss some applications of exciting fields like Mathematics, Statistics, Medical, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Economics etc. We show their real-life applications both theoretically and analytically considering... more
Temas: 1) monstruos matemáticos; 2) música experimental; 3) música fractal; 4) Phil Thompson; 5) publicaciones de arte contemporáneo; 6) programa Gingerbread, 7) compilación de 57 melodías del autor de este ensayo, y 8) comentarios.
Study and analysis of the history and development of the Fractal within the architecture.
Grafik tasarım içerisinde dolaylı ya da doğrudan matematik ile ilişkisi bulunmaktadır. Oran, sembol, renk değerleri gibi konular içerisinde sayısal olarak da ölçülebilinen estetik kurallar grafik tasarımı etkilemiş ve değiştirmiştir.... more
La inmensa plétora de obras narrativas escritas en español en los últimos treinta años con técnicas fragmentarias, reticulares o “fractales”, no pocas de ellas creadas por algunos de los más importantes autores y novelistas, obliga a... more
This paper presents a review of the fractal approach for describing the large scale distribution of galaxies. We start by presenting a brief, but general, introduction to fractals, which emphasizes their empirical side and applications... more
Durante un periodo più o meno lungo di relativa stabilità, il sistema riesce a neutralizzare le perturbazioni, ma ad un certo punto elementi pregressi provocano una crisi di instabilità durante la quale i vari elementi del sistema sono... more
There is always another way to say the same thing that doesn't look at all like the way it was said before." Richard Feynman. In this essay, a novel approach to cosmology is presented that mathematically models the Universe as an iterated... more
This article engages with the works of Sudanese American poet Safia Elhillo, a rising star in Arab, African, and diasporic literary circles. It explores the chronotopic use of metre, repetition, keywords, and mise-en-abyme in Elhillo’s... more
Regarding the foundations of matter as energy fields in a fractal gearing structure can redefine the foundations of quantum physics in a unique new way, while remaining consistent with modern probabilisitic theories. Further, working... more
1872 Felix Klein Erlangen Program unifies Geometry
1992 Chaos and Metapsychology introduces Erlangen to Fractals
2022 celebrates 150 Erlangen
no other celebration in world academies
30 years after Freud spirit event
1992 Chaos and Metapsychology introduces Erlangen to Fractals
2022 celebrates 150 Erlangen
no other celebration in world academies
30 years after Freud spirit event
Essa obra vislumbra conceitos da Física quântica, associando a hipótese, do universo programado com a teoria dos fractos.
In this study the general theoretical framework of Complexity theory is presented, viewed through non-extensive statistical theory introduced by Constantino Tsallis in 1988. Nonlinear dynamics, fractional dynamics, thermodynamics and... more
"The Harmonic Math, Chromatic numbers and sounds" presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the... more
We investigate Tsallis qq-statistics for various complex physical systems. In particular, the Tsallis qq-triplet is estimated for space plasmas, atmospheric dynamics, seismicity, and brain and cardiac activity. Remarkable agreement... more
only 150 year celebration in worldwide academy
This article presents a summary of applications of chaos and fractals in robotics. Firstly, basic concepts of determin‐ istic chaos and fractals are discussed. Then, fundamental tools of chaos theory used for identifying and quantifying... more
Do literary texts have fractal pattern distribution of words? Perhaps. In this chapter from my dissertation I provide some preliminaary evidence that theme words in texts may in fact have a fractal distribution. More work needs to be done... more
O objetivo deste texto e ilustrar uma mudanca de foco das simetrias classicas em musica (fundada em espelhamentos) as simetrias complexas (fundadas em similaridades hierarquicas), oferecendo perspectivas importantes para a exploracao de... more
Nearly all nontrivial real-world systems are nonlinear dynamical systems. Chaos describes certain nonlinear dynamical systems that have a very sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Chaotic systems are always deterministic and may be... more