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      HistorySports HistoryEnlightenmentXVIII century
In looking at the other side of the crisis regarding solidarity networks in Greece, this piece provides an introductory overview for a special section of SA/AS that deals with topical issues such as the effects of austerity measures. It... more
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      Political AnthropologyEconomic AnthropologyEgalitarianismKarl Polanyi
La preparación del profesorado universitario ha cambiado tanto en la competencia digital como en la competencia social en las últimas dos décadas debido al contexto social y cultural. El profesor ha adquirido la conciencia global, mayor... more
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      Digital Media & LearningOnline LearningSociabilitySociabilidad
De la charité chrétienne à la bienfaisance en cours de laïcisation, de la philanthropie libérale à l’affirmation des exigences de solidarité, puis aux combats politiques contre l’exclusion, la philanthropie est un marqueur précieux pour... more
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      Cultural HistoryEnlightenmentHistory of Sociability18th & 19th Centuries
The major task of this article is to examine the notion of "sociability" inspired oti Siinmel's work. It is an attempt to place this notion within streams of contemporary social thought, taking into consideration some dilemmas... more
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      SociabilityGeorg SimmelExperience
This thesis brings attention to the loss of public spaces throughout America over the last seventy years. Public spaces in the urban realm, known as urban plazas and city squares, are particularly important for the social health of... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningUrban SociologySociability
Dans un livre stimulant, Dominique Poulot définit la ville des Lumières comme la « ville sociable » 1 . Les contemporains aspirent à des cadres associatifs moins contraignants que ceux de la sociabilité patentée, officiellement reconnue... more
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      Cultural HistorySocial NetworksSocial NetworkingEnlightenment
* Din lat. eligere, a alege; electi, cei care au fost aleşi, cei mai buni dintr-un grup.
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      Cultural HistoryUrban HistorySocial HistoryEntertainment
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryHistorical GeographyPostcolonial Studies
Friendship, an acquired relationship primarily based on choice rather than birth, lay at the heart of Enlightenment preoccupations with sociability and the formation of the private sphere. In Brotherly Love, Kenneth Loiselle argues that... more
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      French HistoryMasculinity StudiesRitualFrench Revolution
This article explores correspondences between the ideals of “civic nationalism” (hereafter CN) and the practices of Freemasonry, a worldwide male fraternity. Freemasons practice an elitist stance of civilizing the self, translated into a... more
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Les pratiques de sociabilité des migrants sont marquées par des référents identitaires associés aux trajectoires migratoires, aux dynamiques locales ainsi qu’aux rapports de genre4, de classe, d’ethnicité et de religion. S’ils se... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyMontréalEthnicity
O Partido Republicano Nacionalista (PRN) procurou ser uma alternativa conservadora ao Partido Republicano Português (PRP), partido dominante da I República. Este livro contextualiza e analisa a sua acção no centro do poder, no Parlamento... more
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      HistoryPolitical PartiesRepublicanismPolitical Science Istvan Hont’s classic work on the theoretical links between the seventeenth-century natural jurists Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf and the eighteenth-century... more
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      Intellectual HistoryNatural LawEnlightenmentIntellectual History of Enlightenment
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      HistorySocial SciencesHistory of SociabilitySociability
Why did thousands of nineteenth-century artists leave the established urban centers of culture to live and work in the countryside? By 1900, there were over eighty rural artists’ communities across northern and central Europe. This is the... more
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      History of TourismEuropean paintingTourism HistoryGenre Painting
This thesis focuses on the development of sociability within digitality, through an examination of three primary relationships: people and music, people and the Web 2.0 and people and each other. Mobile digital devices, such as the iPod,... more
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      SociologyMusicMusicologyGender Studies
Resumo: O presente trabalho pretende analisar os modos particulares em que expressão de gênero e idade/geração se entrelaçam para conformar as sociabilidades dos grupos que se constituem em três espaços de di vertimento noturno: Arena e... more
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La publicación en formato Ebook reune una serie de trabajos seleccionados, presentados en las VII Jornadas de Historia de la Patagonia, realizadas en noviembre de 2016. Link de acceso:... more
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      SociabilityEducaciónPatagoniaHistoria Argentina
Nel 1769, al ritorno da un lungo soggiorno in Francia che lo aveva visto per quasi dieci anni segretario dell'ambasciatore del re di Napoli a corte e apprezzato protagonista dei salotti più in vista nella capitale, Ferdinando Galiani... more
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      Courts and Elites (History)Sociability
Felix Bovie first made a career as a landscape painter. Later on however, he completely devoted himself to the writing of poetic texts for songs he interpreted himself as a mid-19th-century singer songwriter. A scion of a wealthy family... more
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      French LiteratureSongwritingPoetryHistory of Sociability
This thesis studies a subset of players of video games called “power-gamers” who play games in a way that mirrors labour as opposed to leisure. Through ethnographic fieldwork and exploration this thesis examines what constitutes... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAnthropologyGame studiesDigital Humanities
Affective communities do not only evolve from processes of collectivization, but are themselves a mode of relating individuals toward each other. Mutual affectability serves as a prerequisite for the construction of communal... more
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      Social TheoryAffect TheoryAffect/EmotionSociability
Schiller's political thought has been subject to conflicting interpretations. Taking Schiller's historical essay The Legislation of Lycurgus and Solon as a point of departure, this article locates him more precisely within the context of... more
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      RepublicanismLiberalismFrench RevolutionEnlightenment
Cultural historians of the volatile early eighteenth century have described the period in various terms: a growing public sphere with new freedoms of expression markedly influencing social discourse; a new culture of social interaction,... more
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      DiscoursePublic SphereModernitySociability
This monographic is about Leisure in XIXth and XXth Century Spain and Vasc Country. Was coordinated by Joseba Aguirreazcuenaga. It includes many empirical works, so needed in sociability area. Maria Zozaya gives a general perspective... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesHistory of SociabilityLeisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)
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      Urban AnthropologySociability
This practicum will propose a planning and design strategy to create a central urban plaza in downtown Athens, Georgia. The strategies are informed by specific theory, and will be organized into four parts: the " plaza district " concept,... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningSociabilityPublic Space
Trata-se de estudo sobre as Sociabilidades de Adolescentes em idade escolar, ou seja, sobre a forma como estudantes engendram, sofrem ou medeiam influências sobre (ou de) seus pares no interior da Escola Básica brasileira. Em relação à... more
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When strangers meet in social clubs, watch reality television, or interact on Facebook, they contribute to the social glue of mass society—not because they promote civic engagement or democracy, but because they enact the sacred promise... more
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      Cultural SociologyPerformance StudiesNationalismReality television
Este é um dos relatos do funeral de Maria Izabel de Jesus Vieira, uma distinta senhora fazendeira do município de Santa Thereza de Valença. A notícia de seu falecimento, em 3 de Agosto de 1903, na sua fazenda intitulada de Saudade, causa... more
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      FamilyHistory of SociabilitySociabilityVale do Rio Paraíba do Sul
This paper aims to reveal how the circulation of homosexuals in the outskirts and downtown areas of the city of São Paulo – Brazil – takes place highlighting the flows and counter- flows of that circulation. Research outcomes revealed... more
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      SociabilityHomosexualitySão Paulo (Brazil)Urban Renewal I Downtown Areas
In his early years Herder is known to have been a follower of Rousseau (via Kant). This article argues that there was indeed a substantial overlap between Herder's and Rousseau's ideas in Herder's early writings, particularly in terms of... more
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      SociabilityJohann Gottfried HerderJean Jaques RousseauPatriotism
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      SociabilityGated Community
In its hybridized, intertextual and multifaced core, internet memes carry hereditary characteristics of cultural repertoires, such as day-to-day matters, media content and socio-political discourses. They are part of a vast digital... more
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      EpistemologySocial NetworksInternet StudiesDigital Literacy
L’eau est un élément de plus en plus présent dans les aménagements urbains, et plusieurs métropoles (pour des raisons économiques et touristiques, notamment) font réémerger leur rivière urbaine et démocratisent leur accès. Il existe... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesRiversMontréal
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      Sociology of CultureGender StudiesWomen's StudiesYouth Studies
Esta tese de doutoramento analisa a sociabilidade na metrópole de São Paulo como um fenômeno social que vem sendo remodelado pelas transformações oriundas do acelerado processo de urbanização neoliberal. Para tanto, realizou-se um... more
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      Urban StudiesUrbanismSociabilitySão Paulo (Brazil)
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      Social NetworksConversation AnalysisSociabilitySmartphones
This paper deals with the phenomenon of the ‘microphone gaffe’ in the context of sports broadcast talk. This peculiar communicative event is characterized by the public mediation of live talk to media audiences without the speakers being... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesFootball (soccer)Pragmatics
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsSociologyCultural Studies
In this chapter we describe the historical context in which Yucatecan identity, often referred to locally as ‘the Yucatecan soul’, is grounded and often displayed in opposition to a ‘Mexican’ identity. Locals use sociability customs,... more
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      Popular MusicSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodBeer (Alcohol Studies)
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      HeterotopiaAutopoiesisState TheoryAnthropology of the State
"En 1761, un groupe d’aristocrates milanais fondent un cercle de réflexion réformateur, baptisé Accademia dei Pugni, l’« Académie des coups de poing », pour accréditer la rumeur qui prêtait à leurs débats un tour si animé qu’ils... more
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      AtheismHistory of SociabilitySociabilityEuropean Enlightenment
This essay argues that the British empire played a key role in the “gentry resurgence” of the late Georgian and Regency periods. It shows how colonial salaries and service helped transform the finances, reputation, and sociopolitical... more
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      TransnationalismFrench RevolutionClassColonialism
What is civility? This paper shows it at play in everyday urban interactions.
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      EthnographyLinguistic PolitenessHistory of SociabilitySociability
The founding members of the Society of Dilettanti have been considered as arbiters of taste and culture in their native country. London clubs seem to be the perfect places for the formation of Taste. Club sociability not only contributes... more
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      SociabilityGentlemen's clubs
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      Intellectual HistoryGerman StudiesPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory