Jeffrey Tyssens
Jeffrey Tyssens obtained his History PhD at the "Vrije Universiteit Brussel" where he currently teaches contemporary history. He is the chairman of the Secular Studies Association Brussels of the "Vrije Universiteit Brussel". He is member of the editorial boardof the "Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña", of "BTNG-RBHC Journal of Belgian History" and of the "Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire-Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis". Since its inception in 2007, he was member of the academic committee of the International Conference on the History of Freemasonry (the last one was organized in Edinburgh in May 2013). In 2009, Jeffrey Tyssens was Pieter Paul Rubens professor in the Dutch Studies department of the University of California at Berkeley. In the spring of 2014 he was holder of the Verhaegen chair at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In the spring of 2016 he was senior research fellow at the Institut für Europäische Geschichte in Mainz (Germany). He is board member of the Flemish historical database on intermediary structures ODIS (Onderzoekssteunpunt Intermediaire Structuren in Vlaanderen 19e-20e eeuw). Jeffrey Tyssens has written extensively on the history of secular movements in Belgium, on secular ways of dying and burying, on political conflicts regarding education in several European countries, on teacher trade unionism and strike practices, on liberal leadership in Belgium, on the history of Freemasonry and American fraternalism.
Phone: 02/6291371
Address: VUB
History Department
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussel
Phone: 02/6291371
Address: VUB
History Department
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussel
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Books by Jeffrey Tyssens
In Vrijmetselarij en vooruitgang worden de interne organisatie en de rekrutering van deze Franstalige loge belicht in de eerste eeuw van haar bestaan. Daarnaast gaan de auteurs na welke rol zij speelde in het politieke en sociale leven in Gent en daarbuiten. De aandacht gaat daarbij onder meer uit naar het optreden van La Liberté in het kader van de schoolkwestie, haar inspanningen voor de laïcisering van de samenleving en haar houding inzake de positie van het Nederlands in Vlaanderen.
Deze studie verschijnt naar aanleiding van de 150e verjaardag van La Liberté.
Sous le signe du progrès aborde l'organisation et le recrutement de cette loge francophone pendant le premier siècle de son existence, ainsi que son rôle dans la vie politique et sociale à Gand et au-delà. Il interroge l'action de l'atelier dans le contexte de la question scolaire, des efforts pour la laïcisation de la société et des revendications flamandes en matière linguistique.
Cette étude paraît à l'occasion du 150e anniversaire de La Liberté.
In Vrijmetselarij en vooruitgang worden de interne organisatie en de rekrutering van deze Franstalige loge belicht in de eerste eeuw van haar bestaan. Daarnaast gaan de auteurs na welke rol zij speelde in het politieke en sociale leven in Gent en daarbuiten. De aandacht gaat daarbij onder meer uit naar het optreden van La Liberté in het kader van de schoolkwestie, haar inspanningen voor de laïcisering van de samenleving en haar houding inzake de positie van het Nederlands in Vlaanderen.
Deze studie verschijnt naar aanleiding van de 150e verjaardag van La Liberté.
Sous le signe du progrès aborde l'organisation et le recrutement de cette loge francophone pendant le premier siècle de son existence, ainsi que son rôle dans la vie politique et sociale à Gand et au-delà. Il interroge l'action de l'atelier dans le contexte de la question scolaire, des efforts pour la laïcisation de la société et des revendications flamandes en matière linguistique.
Cette étude paraît à l'occasion du 150e anniversaire de La Liberté.
Leopold’s mourning lodge was a most significant event on many levels. Its representation of the country’s first king as a liberal monarch –unquestionably a manipulation of the facts: Leopold was a conservative who favored the Catholic party and disliked the liberals– showed how the Grand Orient used its official commemorative actions to defend political views. At the same time the ritual was a carrier of a very typical invented tradition of the Belgian left, i.e. the ritual creation of a continuity between Leopold and a pantheon of national heroes, where the 16th century rebels against Spain and Catholicism were represented (by dint of Marnix of Sint-Aldegonde) as direct ancestors of the anticlerical struggles of 19th century liberalism-cum-Freemasonry.
Leopold’s mourning lodge highlighted the “classical” funerary practice of Belgian Freemasonry in an epoch where the brethren had already broken with Catholicism but had not yet set the important step toward a secularization of their ritual heritage. Its three step rite of passage scenario symbolically accompanied the deceased towards immortality. The ritual genre had gathered a growing splendor, notably since its performance for Grand Master ad interim Verhaegen in 1863, and now reached a summit in the ways this significance was symbolically staged. Indeed, the Brussels lodges, who were closely connected to the actual event, provided for a monumental material context and –due to their connection with the capital’s opera house– a high quality musical surrounding that gave the ritual a particular aura.
Presentación general
Introducción del Tomo V
Ricardo Martínez Esquivel (Universidad de Costa Rica)
La ilustración radical y la masonería
Margaret C. Jacob (Universidad de California en Los Ángeles)
Sociabilidad y masonería. Propuestas para una historia de las prácticas sociales y culturales en el Siglo de las Luces
Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire (Universidad de Niza Sophia Antipolis)
La cultura material como fuente para la historia de la masonería: El caso de los mandiles en la masonería inglesa (1720-1820)
Felipe Corte Real de Camargo (Universidad de Bristol)
Rituales funerarios y masonería. El caso de la conmemoración del rey Leopoldo de Sajonia-Coburgo Gotha
Jeffrey Tyssens (Universidad Libre de Bruselas)
Fraternidad global: masonería, imperios y globalización
Jessica Harland-Jacobs (Universidad de Florida)
Imperialismos, masones y masonerías en China (1842-1911)
Ricardo Martínez Esquivel (Universidad de Costa Rica)
La masonería en Italia: en la frontera entre fanatismo y libertad
Aldo Alessandro Mola (Universidad de Milán)
La masonería española en el protectorado marroquí: un proyecto colonial y cosmopolitizador
Valeria Aguiar Bobet (Universidad Jaume I de Castellón)
En busca del Apple Tree: una revisión de los primeros años de la masonería inglesa
Andrew Prescott (Universidad de Glasgow) y Susan Mitchell Sommers (St. Vincent College)
The Non-Religious and the State: Choices and Frameworks for Seculars from the Age of Revolution to the Current Day
Les non-croyants face à l’Etat. Options et cadres définis pour les laïques, de l’époque des révolutions à nos jours.
Lo no-religioso y el estado. Opciones y estructuras desde la era de la revolución hasta nuestros días
The Secular Studies Association Brussels (SSAB) invites submissions for its inaugural conference to be held in the Fall of 2022 (21 & 22 Octobre). The Institute and its partners welcome abstracts for individual papers, panels, roundtables and other options. The conference is open to a variety of disciplines as papers are welcomed with, but not limited to, a historical, legal, sociological or political science approach. Generally speaking, research will be presented in English, but this call is open to other languages as well, i.e. French and Spanish.
Contributions may cover any organizations, networks or committed individuals that have existed within a specific context (national, regional, local) since the era of the revolutions. Apart from simply presenting a factual legal status, we further aim to understand the strategies made by freethinkers, rationalists, secularists, humanists and the ‘nones’ of today in order to function within the public sphere.
Please read the uploaded document for further details.
Our webpage: https://ssab.research.vub.be/non-religious_the_state
The work done during the conference will result in a publication in the peer reviewed series New Perspectives on the History of Liberalism and Freethought (De Gruyter) in 2023. This event will thus open up discussions within secular studies that are linked to historical and judicial work, adding a new dimension to a field that is known primarily for its research into sociological and psychological aspects of the secular(s). This is of course linked to current issues of ‘vivre’ ensemble’ in a post-secularist society that struggles to guarantee freedom of religion or belief (FORB) for its citizens.
Program & registration: https://ssab.research.vub.be/node/67