Recent papers in Slovenian
Riccardo Pasqualin, Martin Krpan, un eroe popolare sloveno nel racconto di Fran Levstik, in, 03-05-2021:
(= Slavonic names for mosque with special regard to Polish, Silesian, Czech and Slovak data). -- Abstract: Even though mosques are a typical element of the Islamic culture the channels through which their designations came into Slavonic... more
La Repubblica riconosce il 10 febbraio quale "giorno del ricordo" al fine di conservare e rinnovare la memoria della tragedia degli italiani e di tutte le vittime delle foibe, dell'esodo dalle loro terre degli istriani, fiumani e dalmati... more
The word order parameter in Slovenian Sign Language Transitive, ditransitive, classifier and locative constructions
In this paper the gender structures (grammatical, lexical, social, referential) of Slovenian are described, following the system developed by Marlis Hellinger, Hadumod Bußmann and Heiko Motschenbacher.
The author deals with a historical and theoretical survey of the notion "intertextuality" (slov. medbesedilnost) in the wide range from antique philosophers and retholricals till contemporary scholars.
. Lubia (Foto direttore: Giampaolo Valdevit; condirettori: Paolo BI asina, Tristano Maua, Gloria Nemee, Raoul Pupo responsabile: Galliano Fogar direzione, redazione e amministrazione: Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di... more
Prispevek je kratek povzetek pogovora med Dušico Kunaver, Branko Urbanija in menoj o koreninah Slovencev, ki se je odvijal v Tunjicah avgusta 2021. V prispevku so na kratko predstavljene korenine Slovencev, kaj predstavljajo in zakaj so... more
A survey on the existing Italian State laws for protection of language pluralism at National and Local level.
The article discusses the differences between the Slovenian and Italian language systems by adopting the methodology of error analysis of written production in Italian by Slovene mother tongues. The working corpus includes spontaneous... more
This thesis deals with an analysis of Slovenian ditransitive constructions within the theoretical framework of generative grammar. Using the generative analysis of predominately English ditransitive constructions as a reference point, the... more
Because of the overuse and misuse of antibiotic, an increase in antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria is evolving. Attention should be focused on natural alternatives to antibiotics, like propolis and honey. They all have strong... more
Dr Janez Drnovšek was one of the main protagonists in the Slovenian secession from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He was also the key figure of the Slovenian transition and the creator of the Euro-Atlantic... more
The central part of the article focuses on the geographical imagination of landscapes, depicted in the photographs. The research stems from the assumption that photographs play an important role in shaping and preserving individual and... more
V dolgoletnem raziskovanju slovenske zgodovine sem prišel do podatkov, ki se nanašajo na glagolico, in prišel do zaključka, da Konstantin (Ciril), ko je prišel v 9. stoletju k Slovencem v Panonijo, ni bil prvi avtor glagolice, ampak jo je... more
The Person-Case Constraint (PCC) is a ban on co-occurrence of different case and person feature combinations of phonologically weak elements such as clitics, agreement affixes and weak pronouns, which is observed in many languages. In... more
The article deals with two basic verbs of visual perception in Slovene and Russian. It includes a contrastive analysis of constructions containing videti/видеть 'to see', that denote predominantly static and unconscious perception, and... more
The paper proposes a new type of control configuration: perspectival control. This involves control of a non-argument PRO that combines with a directive modal operator in the Mood domain. This PRO encodes the individual to whom the public... more
This article deals with the usage of Slovenian naj and Russian pust’ (пусть). The first part presents a classification of constructions in which naj and pust’ function as particles. Both languages use the respective particle in an... more
Book Review. Ladislav Hladký (ed.), České a slovenské odborné práce o jihovýchodní Evropě. Bibliografie za léta 1991-2000, Brno: Masarykova universita 2003. In: Slovanský přehled /Slavonic Review, vol. 90, nr. 1, 2004, pp. 91-93.
The article presents the results of the research on development of health literacy factors among members of the Slovenian and Italian national minorities in the Slovenian-Italian border region. It included 186 respondents, who have always... more
Настоящее пособие представляет собой расширенный переработанный текст пособия «Именное словообразование в словенском языке XVI-XVIII веков» (2010) и содержит полное систематическое описание суффиксального словообразования имён... more
In the article, I examine two diverse processes that contribute to state-building, but are quite different. Nation-building, in the sense of the established definition of this term, is initiated by an already established state. As an... more
Book Review of Jaroslav Pánek: Češi a Jihoslované. Kapitoly z dějin vzájemných vztahů /The Czechs and the South Slavs. Chapters from the History of Mutual Relations/, Brno 2015, 425 pgs.
Članek novinarke Maše Likosar o mojem predavanju v Kranju z naslovom Dežela Karniola po domače Krajnska.
This article discusses Drago Jančar's 1997 essay, Adam Michnik ali premišljevanje o Poljski (Adam Michnik; Or, Reflections on Poland). The essay was translated into Polish first by Joanna Pomorska (2001) and then, about two decades later,... more
Ricostruzione dell'ideologia razzista antislava del fascismo italiano e delle politiche discriminatorie e persecutorie delle minoranze slovene e craote in Italia fra le due guerra mondiali e poi durante l'occupazione dei balcani
Review of NEWCOMERS: BOOK ONE by Lojze Kovačič
The aim of this study was to determine the level of stress that managers experience at workplace, and to determine possible differences between the selected independent variables, including gender, age and participation in recreational... more
Izvleček V pričujoči seminarski nalogi bom predstavil listino št. 425 iz zbirke listin (1163-1868). Listina je nastala leta 1414 in jo je bratom Lambergar podelil Ernest Železni, ki je bil prav tistega leta kot zadnji ustoličen na koroški... more
The paper deals with the Slovenian comitative constructions that encode two human participants who fulfil the same semantic role and are involved in the same event. It analyses their formal and semantic characteristics. A special focus of... more
This is a foreword to the first Czech edition of any of works of this Slovenian writer. It presents his Zgodbe s panjskih končnic and his life's work to the readers.
Slovenian has been argued to embed imperatives more freely than other languages. We argue that the phenomenon is subject to semantic constraints that have been overlooked in the previous literature and that shed light on the semantics of... more
The presentation is prepared for the XVI International Congress of Slavists (Belgrade 2018)
В статье рассматриваются формальные, смысловые и коммуникативно-прагматические особенности субъектно-имперсональных рефлексивных конструкций в словенском языке. Предметом исследования являются конструкции с возвратными формами... more
The article discusses the reception of Mark Twain and his works in serial publications by Slovenian immigrants in the United States of America. The analysis encompassed writings published in newspapers and magazines with different... more
V prispevku so v okviru kartografskega pristopa obravnavana večkratna k-vprašanja v slovenščini. Na podlagi raziskave o sprejemljivosti različnih zaporedjih vprašalnic v slovenskem jeziku ter podatkov o vrstnih redih vprašalnic glede na... more