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In his cycle Manom Josipa Murna-Aleksandrova (1904) Oton Župančič, a contemporary of Murn's and thus his “ideal” reader, recognizes in his prematurely deceased, till then undervalued friend the qualities of an intense Necromantic poet. He... more
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      Slovene literatureIntertextualityModernism
Okrugli stol "Pogledi na suvremenu slovensku književnost", Odsjek za južnoslavenske jezike i književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
Svibanj 2008.
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      Literary TheorySlovene literature
Didactic presentation of the novella The Daughter of Matko by Ivan Pregelj.
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      Slovene literatureThe NovellaExpresionismIvan Pregelj
The contemporary Central European and Slovene theatre of the last decades of the 20th century can therefore, probably very justifiably, be interpreted through several theoretical concepts. That is, Jacques Derrida’s and Philip Auslander’s... more
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      Postdramatic theatreSlovene literatureCentral and Eastern EuropeHans-Thies Lehmann
Evaluation of teaching literature in second class of high school.
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureWorld Literature
Just like other national markers that classify literary discourse, the term Yugoslav literature(s) functions as a prominent ideologeme of methodological nationalism. Historically, ethno-lingual markers delineated the subject area of... more
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      Comparative LiteratureSlovene literatureYugoslav LiteratureSouth Slavic Languages and Literatures
Evaluation of teaching literature in second class of high school.
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureWorld Literature
Teaching plans for two decades of teaching slovene language and literature in secondary school.
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureSlovene Language
Didactic presentation.
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      Russian LiteratureThe NovelSlovene literatureInterpretation
Didactic presentation.
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      French LiteratureComedySlovene literatureMolière
Didactic presentation of Za narodov blagor, Kralj na Betajnovi, Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski and Hlapci (four dramas, written by Ivan Cankar).
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureDramaticsLearning chain
The list of 64 epic poems, prose and dramatic texts (classical literature) with questions and instructions.
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      Slovene literatureWorld LiteratureClassical LiteratureClose Reading
This contribution focuses on the question of the moral imperative in the novella Balada o trobenti in oblaku by Ciril Kosmač and the film adaptation of the same name by France Štiglic. First, there is a brief presentation of the elements... more
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      Film AnalysisFilm AdaptationSlovene literatureFilm Aesthetics
Didactic presentation of the novella The Black Orchid by Edvard Kocbek.
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      Slovene literatureNational IdentitySecond World WarThe Novella
Didactic presentation of the famous romantic poem by France Prešeren.
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureProsificationFrance Prešeren
A chapter from a book / Poglavje iz knjige Levitve drame in gledališča, str. 137-153. Založba Aristej, Maribor, 2008.
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      Slovene literaturePolitical theatreSociology of the Theatre
The Nation Between the Epic and the Novel: Prešeren’s The Baptism on the Savica As a Compromise “World Text” Nineteenth-century literature witnessed the move from classical to modern writing: while peripheral European literatures seek to... more
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      RomanticismSlovene literatureNational IdentityEpic poetry
Gregorčič was using traditional verse systems, traditional metrum and traditional stanzas. Most poems are accentual-syllabic, only few are written in strict-stress meter and there's no free verse. His most common metrum is iamb and,... more
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      Slovene literatureVerse Theory
The identity and relevance of literary studies require a conceptual and institutional reconstruction in response to the global reshaping and commodification of knowledge. The author thus proposes a theory of literary discourse and... more
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      Literary TheorySlovene literatureLiterary History
Vaje zaprtega tipa za ponovitev slovenske in svetovne književnosti na ustnem delu maturitetnega izpita iz slovenščine na splošnih in strokovnih gimnazijah.
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      World LiteraturesDidacticsSlovene literatureOral Examinations
Rešitve nalog delovnega zvezka za domače branje Poljub zlata.
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureWorld Literature
S prenovljenimi učnimi načrti za pouk slovenskega jezika in književnosti naj bi dosegli privlačnejši pouk književnosti, uporabnejše jezikovno znanje in predvsem uresničljiv obseg obvezne snovi. Menim, da sta v obravnavanem učnem načrtu... more
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      Slovene literatureHigh SchoolSlovene LanguageTeaching Plan
The essay is a chapter of the book Slovenian literature of the ХХth century / Ed. by Nadezhda N. Starikova. This scientific publication created by Slovenian and Russian authors continues to acquaint the reader with the history of... more
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      Slovene literaturePoetic DramaExistentialismAbsurd Drama
Didactic presentation.
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      French LiteratureComedySlovene literatureMolière
Didactic presentation.
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      Slovene literatureInterpretationThe NovellaPrežihov Voranc
Didaktična predstavitev besedil Rošlin in Verjanko, Slovo od mladosti, Sonetje nesreče, Sonetni venec, Pevcu, Zdravljica, Romeo in Julija, Gospa Bovary, Plašč, Matkova Tina, Dogodek v mestu Gogi, Režonja na svojem in Tujec. Priročnik za... more
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureAlbert CamusWilliam Shakespeare
POVZETEK Slovenska književnost v angleških prevodih: kdo sestavlja antologije, komu so namenjene? Pričujoča razprava si zastavlja osnovno vprašanje o možnostih za vidljivost in mednarodno prisotnost izrazito majhne kulture, kakršna... more
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      SloveneSlovene literatureSlovenian Language
250 novels were published in Slovene between 1873 and 1918 as a feuilleton, near one half of them among the Slovene emigrants in the U. S. A. The production grew constantly, the newspapers, novelists and translators were clearly labeled... more
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      Translation HistorySlovene literatureLiterary translationLiterary Genres
Boris Pahor è oggi riconosciuto come il massimo autore vivente di lingua slovena e uno dei più interessanti nella letteratura europea contemporanea. Ma è anche un testimone di un passato che non possiamo dimenticare
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      Slovene literatureSlovenian HistoryStoriaSlovenia
Naloge za dejavno ponovitev izbranih književnih besedil na splošni maturi leta 2015.
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureWorld Literature
Rešitve nalog delovnega zvezka za domače branje Zlati poljub.
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureWorld Literature
From Latin "Graecus"-"gray", today "Grigio,Griso" in plain Italian: 7 8 There is also historical and linguistic evidence on the still later shifts from... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Didaktična predstavitev besedil Oče Goriot, Obrazi, Jara gospoda, Visoška kronika, Mejnik, Nebo nebo, Sneg, Gospod stotnik, Hlapci in Duma. Priročnik za učitelje (urednik Vinko Cuderman).
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureHonoré de BalzacHandbook
The book directly opens possibilities for cross examination of the theatre theory status, the formations from the history of theatre and the potential contextualisations of theatre works (procedures, institutions, events) in Slovenian... more
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      Theatre StudiesPostdramatic theatreAntonin ArtaudRoland Barthes
Slovene novel
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      Slovene literatureNarrative TheoryNovel
– An anti-fascist scholar of Catholic faith and liberal ideals, Stanko Vuk was born in 1912 into a Slovenian family in Merna/Miren near Gorizia. He studied in Gorizia, Ljubljana and Venice. During the Fascist regime, together with Boris... more
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      Slovene literaturePolitical PrisonersEpistolary literature20th Century Italian Literature
The Slovene avant-garde movements of the first three decades of the twentieth century can be clearly linked to Italian Futurism. All three generations of the Slovene historical avant-garde were familiar with Futurist activities from their... more
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      FuturismSlovene literatureCentral European Literature20th century Avant-Garde
The ties of a literary text - Literariness - Intertextual figures - Intertextuality and influence // Intertextuality and tradition in baroque sermons - Literary text and national/cultural differerence - Jenko and the imaginary of ruins -... more
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      Slovene literatureIntertextuality
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryIndustrial HeritageSlovene literature
Didaktična predstavitev Prešernovih sodobnikov in poezije Franceta Prešerna in romantične proze.
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      RomanticismSlovene literatureGlosaFrance Prešeren
On the case of the literary tale of Fran Levstik: Martin Krpan (1858), the article illuminates Levstik’s political agenda and his literary implementation of the outlaw hero, Martin Krpan, for the needs of Slovenia’s nation-building... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHeroesNational HeroesSlovene literature
O Prešernovi romantični poeziji, o Jenkovih povsem drugačnih pesmih, o cenzuri Antona Janežiča, o pogledih Antona Mahniča in o Prešernovi erotični poeziji.
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      RomanticismSlovene literatureParodyErotica
Didactic presentation of the poems Nebo, nebo (Sky, Sky) and Sneg (Snow).
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      PoetrySlovene literatureLyricsImpressionism
Tako kot v slovenskem kulturnem in narodnem življenju nasploh tudi v berilih besedni umetnik z Vrhnike zaseda položaj drugega kulturnega svetnika, takoj za Francetom Prešernom. Čeprav je zapustil Slovencem impozanten literarni opus, zajet... more
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      CensorshipDidacticsSlovene literatureInterpretation
Didactic presentation.
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      Slovene literatureInterpretationThe NovellaPrežihov Voranc
Trideset nalog zaprtega tipa za ponovitev domačih in tujih besedil (pripovedna proza, epska poezija in dramatika).
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      DidacticsSlovene literatureForeign Literature
Glej, soba. Tri svetlobe bi jo mogoče raztrgale, če ne bi senca lepila ploskev in dajala oblike prostoru, predmetom in človeku v njej. Tako pa lega obnje in se zgošča v razdalje med njimi. Soba je sicer majhna in vse je pri roki, še... more
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      The NovelSlovene literatureRomanFiction
„Эмигрантология славян” – электронный ежегодник – является научно-информационным органом Комиссии эмигрантологии славян Международного комитета славистов. Журнал учрежден в 2015 г. при Институте славистики Опольского университета. Общей... more
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      Russian LiteratureSlavic LanguagesBelarusian StudiesRussian contemporary Literature
Jameson’s concept of modern third-world literature as national allegory is also pertinent for the 19th-century peripheries of the first-world literature. Aware of their dependence on imperial powers, the protagonists of (semi)peripheral... more
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      World LiteraturesRomanticismSlovene literatureNational Identity