Recent papers in Imperatives
Kant based his ethical theory on the belief that reason should be used to determine how people ought to act. He did not attempt to prescribe specific actions but instructed that reason should be used to determine how to behave. The... more
This paper attempted to examine the validity of the definition of vocative in Japanese by focusing on expressions of request. First, we analyzed syntactic features of words (or phrases) which refer to the hearer but are not followed by... more
Este artículo describe la estructura morfosintáctica de construcciones prohibitivas (imperativas negativas) en cinco lenguas mayas del subgrupo cholano-tseltalano. Estas lenguas, aunque son estrechamente emparentadas, utilizan al menos... more
This paper aims to study the imperative constructions in Ibanag, an Austronesian language spoken mainly in Isabela and Cagayan of the Northern Philippines. The study will focus on two levels: 1) syntactic, and 2) morphological. Syntactic... more
This paper continues a whole series of previous articles on the so-called Russian double verbs, but examines them for the first time on the basis of data from the Russian national corpus. It focuses on just one grammatical form out of the... more
“Fifty Baha’i Principles of Unity: A Paradigm of Social Salvation.” Christopher Buck Baha’i Studies Review 18 (2012): 3–44. (Published June 23, 2015) (2017 update, with original Persian & Arabic primary sources added.)... more
This paper explores the morphosyntactic features of the imperative constructions in Ayta Mag-antsi, a Sambalic language spoken mainly in Pampanga and in nearby districts in Central Luzon. A short description of the forms of imperatives in... more
"Directive strategies, i.e. strategies through which the speaker orders someone to do something, are very frequent in everyday speech, and are particularly subject to processes of diachronic renewal. Based on a 200-language sample, this... more
The squib analyses an asymmetry concerning the availability of V-to-C movement with different Romanian finite (the imperative) and non-finite (the gerund) verbal forms in the presence of clausal negation: with imperatives negation blocks... more
U radu se utvrđuju značenjske razlike između primarnih morfoloških sredstava za izražavanje semantičkih kategorija optativnosti i imperativnosti – optativa i imperativa – s jedne strane te sekundarnih sredstava – oblika glagolskih vremena... more
First lucidly formulated by Gottlob Frege, the distinction between illocutionary force and semantic content has been largely accepted by philosophers of language and linguists for much of the last century. In recent years it has come... more
Imperatives in Malayalam: Structure, Typology and Relations P. Sreekumar Dravidian University, Andhra Pradesh ABSTRACT This paper is a descriptive and typological study of the structure and type of imperative construction (henceforth... more
From E. Craig (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Routledge, 1997)) Imperatives lie at the heart of both practical and moral reasoning, yet they have been overshadowed by propositions and relegated by many philosophers to the... more
Following the seminal work of J.L. Austin, we can consider speaking as a social communicative interaction: when we say something (for instance, "Today I am in Zagreb" or "Go home!") we also do something (describing in the first case,... more
In this article, I provide a unified explanation for two puzzling phenomena concerning sentence-initial negation: the ban on True Negative Imperatives that is attested in many languages and the ban on sole negative markers in... more
We show that a number of movement-related phenomena from Asturian as well as from the Spanish spoken in the Principality of Asturias, especially from the realm of cliticization, are amenable to accounts where the Pronounce-Highest-Copy... more
This paper focuses on the morphological marking of imperative mood. Drawing on evidence from longitudinal monolingual and bilingual first language acquisition data, we argue that typological differences play out differently in monolingual... more
The modal variation and morpho-syntactic mismatches of imperatives have challenged model-theoretic linguists, making it hard to unify them as a notional category. Depending on specific theories, imperatives inherently contain an... more
Camille Denizot, Donner des ordres en grec ancien. Étude linguistique des formes de l'injonction, Mont-Saint-Aignan, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2011, 571 p. Le livre de Camille Denizot (désormais CD) est un... more
The main goal of this paper is to describe some functional and formal similarities in the expression of imperatives and hortatives in various languages which are spoken in the Sakhalin Island. The suggestion is made that such similarities... more
В статье анализируются наиболее влиятельные неформальные концепции императивного вывода с точки зрения их прагматической и логической приемлемости. Парадоксы императивного вывода объясняются методологической установкой параллелизма,... more
Affective experiences motivate and rationalize behavior in virtue of feeling good or bad, or their valence. It has become popular to explain such phenomenal character with intentional content. Rejecting evaluativism and extending earlier... more
In this article, I consider Russian triclausal constructions (complex sentences including three clauses, one main and two dependent). More specifically, I analyze constructions where C1 (the main clause) embeds C2 (an embedded clause),... more
Aubrey, Michael. 2016. "Greek Prohibitions." Pages 486-538. InThe Greek Verb Revisited. Edited by Steven E. Runge and Christopher J. Fresch. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press. I propose that both the STOP DOING X and DO NOT START X meanings... more
Many pieces of advice, recommendations and warnings in Egyptian teaching texts are introduced by imperative verbal lexemes (which linguists call 'directive speech acts'): Ssp rd.t=f, 'Accept what he gives' ('Ptahhotep' 6, 11), m jr TnH... more
The article suggests a comprehensive discussion on the syntactic and semantic properties of the second-person jussives (used in non-negated clauses) in the language of Ugaritic poetry. The reconstructed system of volitive... more
The paper is focused on the phenomenon of syntactic doubling in Russian - a strategy of complementation where the form of the embedded verb repeats the form of the matrix verb. Doubling is highly untypical as a complementation strategy:... more
In this paper, I argue that imperatives do not incorporate a covert modal component (contra Han 1998, 1999, 2001; Schwager 2005a, 2005b, 2006a; as Kaufmann 2012) and deontic modals do not incorporate an imperative-like performative... more
In this paper, serialized chains of verb forms of the type pojdem posmotrim are first examined with respect to their grammatical homonymy (1PL.IMP vs. FUT1PL) and lexical, syntactic and contextual cues that allow to disambiguate it. In... more
Cuando hablamos del trabajo en Inteligencia, pero también de todo lo que tiene que ver con la seguridad, las fuerzas armadas o los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad del estado, siempre aparecen dudas, recelos, conflictos y situaciones que... more
Evidence from Arabic-based pidgins, such as Bongor Arabic, Juba Arabic, Pidgin Madame, and Gulf Pidgin Arabic, and from the Arabic-based creole Ki-Nubi, shows that in these varieties verbs often derive from Arabic imperatives. In some of... more
In general linguistics, the functions of the perfective and the imperfective aspect have been thoroughly investigated in the domain of realis, especially in the past tense. However, there are languages which exhibit this sort of contrast... more
The paper deals with irregular and suppletive imperatives in a sample of about 200 languages. It demonstrates that by far the most frequent meaning, which is expressed irregularly in the 2nd person imperatives, is 'come': in about 15% of... more
There are two traditions of determining the foundation of legal validity – metaphysical and anti-metaphysical. At the beginning of the 20th century the anti-metaphysical tradition was supplemented by psychological realism, which was... more
A typological survey of the imperative forms in more than 200 languages (Moscow, 2013).
This article focuses on Santiaguense Capeverdean words derived from Portuguese non-infinitive verbal forms and among these, more specifically on those elements which were not recently borrowed from modern Portuguese and do not compete... more
The paper proposes a new type of control configuration: perspectival control. This involves control of a non-argument PRO that combines with a directive modal operator in the Mood domain. This PRO encodes the individual to whom the public... more
This article deals with the usage of Slovenian naj and Russian pust’ (пусть). The first part presents a classification of constructions in which naj and pust’ function as particles. Both languages use the respective particle in an... more
The imperative should be thought of as a comparative concept, defined as a sentence type whose only prototypical function is the performance of the whole range of directive speech acts. Furthermore, for a non-‐second-‐person form to... more
This article is dedicated to the memory of Stephanie Chrysostomou, a student who unexpectedly passed away in July 2017, struck by a car. Stephanie was a brilliant student, who attended two of the modules I taught at the University of... more
This research provides evidence in favour of the fact that Old Spanish, as well as other Old Romance languages (Portuguese and Italian, for example) accommodate to Rivero and Terzi’s (1995: 301, e.g. 1) pattern II in which imperative... more
The study is aimed at detecting stable wording patterns of the utterances with directive function in Russian, and based on the material of speech corpus containing long-term audio recordings of everyday spoken communication. The... more