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      Medieval HistorySerbian historyMedieval ArtMedieval Serbia
In the first part of the introductory text, I present a theoretical framework that places the attitude towards the Ottoman heritage in a broader socio-cultural context. I distinguish between the two basic strategies in relation to the... more
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      Cultural HeritageBalkan HistoryImperial HistoryApplied Linguistics
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      Russian LanguagePhraseologyModern Greek LanguageBulgarian Language
PREDGOVOR NIKOLAJA LEVAŠOVA ,13 januara 2011 godine : " Ova knjiga je postala Hima heroja iz proslosti, čija imena su osudjena na zaborav, kao Isidora, ili sećanja iskrivljena o Radomiru i Magdaleni. Svetlana je uspela da vrati dobro... more
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      BosniaSerbianSerbian historyBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literature
Темчин С.Ю., Гомилиарий Михановича в монастыре св. Прохора Пшинского: неучтенный фрагмент родственного сербского пергаменного списка XIV века, in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, nr. 14, 2018, s. 213‒220.
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      Old Church SlavonicSerbianTranslation Greek into Old Church SlavonicSlavic
Peritexts such as covers, dust jackets, prefaces and epilogues are among the first elements of literary translations potential readers see of a book. Originally, they were added mainly by the publisher to attract attention and to give an... more
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      Translation StudiesRussian LanguageDutch LiteratureCzech language
Krstić, Višnja. ‘Ekonomska i ideološka pozadina „Pisama iz Amerike” Jovana Radenkovića iz časopisa Umetnički pregled’ [An Economic and Ideological Background of Jovan Radenković’s ‘Letters From America’ from the Journal Art Review].... more
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      History of ArtInterwar Period HistorySerbian LiteratureNew York City
LE PROJET DE QUESTIONNAIRE POUR LA COLLECTE DE VOCABULAIRE MYCOLOGIQUE L’article part du fait que les champignons, au niveau linguistique, sont insuffisamment étudiés dans l’environnement mycophobe serbe, mais que le lexique, qui leur est... more
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      LexicologyDialectologyMushroomsSerbian Language and Literature
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureMedieval LiteratureHagiography
This article describes the experience of the community of Serb-Catholics living in Dubrovnik in the early twentieth century. It is based primarily on an investigation of the literary and cultural periodical Srdj (1902-08). This study... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLiteratureBalkan StudiesBalkan History
Detey, S., Racine, I., Kawaguchi, Y. & Eychenne, J. (éds) (2016). La prononciation du français dans le monde : du natif à l’apprenant. Coll. Références. Paris : CLE international, 263 p. ISBN 9782090382419 - With CD-Rom. Preview of the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyLanguage Acquisition
Књига Милоша Луковића, Развој српскога правног стила, издата пре тачно двадесет година, један је од ретких лингвистичких и функционалностилистичких осврта на правни подстил административног функционалног стила српског језика. Наиме, аутор... more
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      StylisticsHistory of Political LanguageLaw, Language, and LiteratureLaw and Language
The thematic issue consists of eleven papers of different disciplinary backgrounds: ethnomusicology, literature, ethnology and anthropology, cultural theory, history and sociology. The initial papers focus on the role of Islam in the... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistorySocial and Cultural AnthropologySerbian history
STRUCTURE OF WH-QUESTIONS AND WH-MOVEMENT IN ENGLISH AND BOSNIAN/CROATIAN/SERBIAN Theoretical accounts and description of the syntactic operation of Movement (Internal merge) is based largely on the structure of wh-questions and the... more
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      English languageCroatianSyntaxEnglish Grammar
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      SerbianSerbian historySerbian LiteratureSerbian Politics
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      Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureSerbian LiteratureSerbian Language and Literature
Симо Ц. Ћирковић БИРАНА КОЛОНА (Портрети новинара и штампара) Једна од позитивних особина јаких, расних личности је у томе што могу да се згаде и огорче тако снажно и достојанствено да од свога огорчења направе тренутно садржину живота и... more
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      JournalismSerbian historyYugoslavia (History)Serbian Politics
Knjiga obrađuje temu finansiranja JVuO generala Mihailovića putem britanskih pošiljki zlatnog i papirnog novca, kao i problem političke mitologije koja je nastala u vezi tako dobijenog „četničkog zlata”, konstrukciji koja je nastala... more
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      Cultural HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryWar Studies
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Serbian historyMedieval LiteracyMedieval Balkans
ТИМОТИЈЕВИЋ, Милош, 1969- Драгиша Васић (1885-1945) и српска национална идеја / Милош Тимотијевић. - Београд : Службени гласник, 2016 (Београд : Гласник). - 566 стр. : илустр. ; 23 cm. - (Библиотека Саборник / Службени... more
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      History of IdeasLiteratureBalkan StudiesBalkan History
Book 1 of several books. These documents are developed from the Chicago Oriental Institute Akkadian dictionary which is alphabetized as Akkadian-English. I needed an English-Akkadian document, and – finding nothing readily... more
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      Semitic languagesGreek LanguageHebrew LanguageRomance philology
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      SociologyPsychologyEnglish LiteratureEnglish language Fernando Pesoa. Knjiga nespokoja. Prevod s portugalskog: Vesna Stamenković. Beograd: Dereta, 2017. ISBN: 978-86-6457-137-1, 611 p. Pismo:... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePortuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePortuguese StudiesLiterature
This paper offers an insight into ongoing work on the concise etymological dictionary of Serbian and its contribution to contemporary etymology. This is illustrated by ten lemmata (dàska, glȍmāzan, kléti se, nevàljao, obèćati, pȍrez,... more
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      EtymologySlavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic EtymologySerbian Language and Literature
Un ritrovo di esuli serbi a Salonicco, durante la Prima guerra mondiale: mentre si fa musica, si beve, si discute, ci si prepara alla riscossa contro l’occupazione austro-ungarica, si svolge la tragedia di una coppia di amanti-traditori.... more
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      Serbian TheatreSerbianBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureSerbian Literature
This paper treats the problem of faith, life, and death as represented in Meša Selimović’s novel Death and the Dervish. Ahmed Nurudin loses his faith in god and justice when his earthly dealings take a wrong turn: when his brother is... more
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      Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureSerbian LiteratureSavremena Srpska KnjizevnostSerbian Language and Literature
Апстракт: Истраживање покушава да истакне могуће везе Дисове поезије и националног историјског пута Србије с почетка XX века. Преиспитује се негативна оцена критике родољубиве збирке песама Ми чекамо цара и наглашава религијска... more
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    • Serbian Language and Literature
Камена књига предака : (о натписима са надгробних споменика западне Србије) / Радојко Николић. - 2. допуњено изд. - Чачак : Народни музеј Чачак, 2018 (Чачак : Артера). - 399 стр. : илустр. ; 24 cm Тираж 300. - Стр. 7-18: Плави хоризонти... more
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      HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistorySerbian history
Cyrillic script was used as the main means of written communication of the South Slavic nations in the Balkans since the 9 th Century. From neighbouring Bulgaria and Serbia, Slavic language and Cyrillic alphabet were introduced to the... more
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      Medieval LiteracyOttoman BalkansMedieval BalkansMedieval Hungary
U okviru predmeta Turcizmi u srpskom jeziku, na master studijama, je nastao ovaj rečnik turcizama, ili orijenaliazama, iz "Ramazanskih večeri" sa 714 odrednica. Odrednice su razvrstane po abecednom redu, dato je njihovo značenje i... more
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      Loanwords, Language contact & changeBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureSerbian LiteratureOriental Studies
Ka rečniku srpsko-slovenačkih lažnih prijatelja Sažetak: Jezici koji su deo iste jezičke porodice, kakvi su srpski i slovenački, genetski su srodni i odlikuju ih brojne međujezičke podudarnosti. Komparativno-kontrastivna lingvistička... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesComparative LinguisticsComparative Slavic Studies
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      HistorySociologyPsychologyEnglish Literature
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      EtymologyBalkan StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesLanguage contact
In this chapter, I examine two types of Slavic derived collective nouns, namely spatial collectives such as Polish kwiecie 'clump of flowers' and social collectives like duchowieństwo 'collective of priests, clergy'. While the former... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsSlavic LanguagesMereotopology
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      Serbian Language and LiteratureSerbian LanguageHistory of Serbian Language
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      SociologySociology of EducationSerbianDrama
This paper is concerned with the Byzantine, Turkish and Serbian sources of the Kosovo Battle. As this battle was a turning point in the consciousness of the Serbian people, it is, as a historical fact, transposed into the oral legend,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryKosovoEpic poetry
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      Serbian historySerbian linguisticsSrpski JezikSerbian Language and Literature
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      MythologyEthnologySerbian historySerbian Language and Literature
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      Serbian linguisticsSerbian StudiesSerbian Language and LiteratureSerbian Language
By using different primary sources and perspectives of various disciplines, the purpose of this paper is to describe the types of play and relation between individual and society in the second half of the 19th century in Serbia. The texts... more
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      Gender and SexualityWomen's LiteratureBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literaturePhilosophy of Play
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      SociologyPsychologyEnglish LiteratureEnglish language
У драмском рукопису Александра Поповића песме/сонгови заузимају изузетно значајно место. Њима се исказују синтетички судови, превасходно из корпуса идентитетских ознака појединца и (националног) колектива. Такође, оне су инструмент којим... more
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      DramaPostmodern LiteratureSerbian Language and Literature
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      Political PhilosophyHumanitiesSocial SciencesMedieval History
Циљ овог рада јесте анализа Симовићевог односа према миту, који је у извесној мери иронијски, као и упућивање на друга читања мотива жртвовања у драмама Бој на Косову и Бој на Косову, друга верзија. Драме Љубомира Симовића говоре о... more
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      Modern DramaSerbian LiteratureHistorical DramaMyth and Literature
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureComparative PoliticsPolitical Philosophy
La revista Colindancias es el fruto de la colaboración entre los profesores de lengua y literatura española de universidades de Europa Central, que crearon la Red Regional de Hispanistas de Hungría, Rumanía y Serbia (Regional Network of... more
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      Eastern European StudiesSpanish LiteratureRomanian LiteratureGeocriticism
This is one of the articles included in the collection of essays entitled "Linguistic Regionalism in Eastern Europe and Beyond: Minority, Regional and Literary Microlanguages" edited by Dieter Stern, Motoki Nomachi and Bojan Belic
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and PolicyRegionalismMinority Languages
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      Gender StudiesBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureWomen and Gender StudiesMisogyny