History of Political Language
Recent papers in History of Political Language
William F. Buckley afforded conservatives of all stripes a provocative rhetorical style, a gladiatorial style, as I term it. The gladiatorial style is a flashy, combative style whose ultimate aim is the creation of inflammatory drama. I... more
Aspects of political language in the age of "post-democracy" and beyond Editors: Luke Blaxill (University of Cambridge), Emilia Di Martino (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa) Copy-editor: Jacqueline Aiello (New York University/Università... more
Књига Милоша Луковића, Развој српскога правног стила, издата пре тачно двадесет година, један је од ретких лингвистичких и функционалностилистичких осврта на правни подстил административног функционалног стила српског језика. Наиме, аутор... more
The ability of skillful and persuasive use of language is a politician’s most powerful weapon. Throughout history, the most successful political leaders have been considered great orators, for they knew how to captivate their audience.... more
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
Este libro se asoma, desde un momento crítico como el actual, a otro tiempo convulso, el de las revoluciones liberales y de independencia en los mundos ibéricos, y lo hace desde un prisma poco común: el de la semántica histórica. A mitad... more
Poche idee hanno avuto, nella storia del pensiero politico occidentale, l'importanza e la fortuna del principio racchiuso nella c.d. lex regia de imperio. Frutto di una commistione e di un intreccio continuo tra linguaggio politico e... more
Nella coscienza collettiva i guelfi e i ghibellini evocano insanabili discordie civili e feroci lotte intestine, e rappresentano il lato oscuro di quell’età comunale che per altri versi simboleggia un momento altissimo nella storia civile... more
This paper presents a comparative analysis of six dicta testium from the Tuscia from 1177 to 1237, highlighting fascinating elements of political language and discourse. For instance, the study of a particular theme (violent conflict) and... more
I aim to locate the scriptural force of American conservatism’s secular canon. My basic claim is that the canon created and managed the potential for symbolic fusion and fracture among conservatives. The canon provided the tools to... more
The history of the Venetian translation of Emer de Vattel's "Droit des gens" (1781) with the an account on the life and career of the translation Ludovico Antonio Loschi and an analysis of the translation choises as a case of the... more
En esta investigación sostenemos la tesis de que existe una teoría política venezolana, que se articula en torno a la paradoja de si el gobierno reforma al individuo o el individuo al gobierno y cómo cada uno de ellos escapa a la... more
Indice Introduzione 2.2. Applicazioni empiriche di modelli ideali: il caso della teoria della deliberazione 2.2.1. Argomentazione e negoziazione 2.2.2. L'indice per la qualità del discorso 2.3. La dislocazione della deliberazione.... more
A sustained form can be located in the complicated history of populist rhetoric. Despite its chameleonic qualities, the advancement of populism is constituted by alterations in the focus and content, not the structure, of populist... more
, 2, pp. 399-441 © dell'autore -Distribuito in formato digitale da "Reti Medievali"]. Il toponimo «Canavese» ha conosciuto, nel corso dei secoli, una lunga serie di variazioni di significato. Mentre nell'accezione attuale esso indica per... more
Il tema della solitudine del tiranno in età moderna.* Vorrei sostanzialmente attirare la vostra attenzione su due fonti classiche centrali per la trattazione del tema dell'amicizia in età moderna. Il De amicitia di Cicerone, qui già... more
This paper examines the earliest regulation of the cities in Tuscany (especially Pisa, Pistoia, Siena and Volterra). The results of the diplomatistic, archivistic and codicological investigations carried out by specialists, analysis of... more
Despite its massive presence in our cities, the accusations of vandalism have caused scholars of Italian language and culture to shy away from the analysis of graffiti. Another factor might also have been a certain traditional elite... more
Estudio sobre los lenguajes públicos del proceso de consumación de la independencia de México a través de las publicaciones de Fernández de Lizardi entre junio de 1820 y septiembre de 1821.
Az 1950-es évek hivatalos diskurzusában a kulák velejéig romlott, céljai eredendôen gonoszak, kizsákmányolási vágya csillapíthatatlan, és ilyenformán ellensége az új idôk keresztes lovagjainak, az igazság bajnokainak, vagyis a... more
Le retour du « bien commun » est patent dans le vocabulaire public de l'Europe en crise, à côté des «biens communs». Les deux formules constituent un topos discursif massivement utilisé mais très ambigu. Pour essayer de décrypter cette... more
The presidential election cycle guarantees a quadrennial infusion of new items into the political lexicon, and the overheated campaign rhetoric of 2012 did not disappoint on this score.
Las opiniones y afirmaciones contenidas en las ponencias de este volumen son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores Primera edición en CD: 2007
Based on the first years of Takvîm-i vekayi' and Le Moniteur Ottoman, this study aims to shed light on the Ottoman political language and the rhetoric of the political authority in the early 1830s, focusing on one of the semantic fields... more
Il minimo comun denominatore degli autori-testi che sono al centro di questo saggio è dato dalla loro specifica funzione consiliativa che li connota tanto formalmente quanto nei contenuti precipui. Siamo dinanzi ad opere destinate ad... more
This article offers an analysis of political language as manifested in the representation of two historical episodes in the Crónica de Castilla (c. 1300): the minorities of the Castilian kings Alfonso VIII and Enrique (Henry) I. In... more
This review analyses "The Political Discourse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Terms and Ideas", a monograph written by Anna Grześkowiak-Krwawicz. The work describes the main concepts of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth’s... more
Actualmente nos encontramos en medio de un debate metodológico en la historia de las ideas, en donde sus protagonistas principales son los planteamientos de Skinner, Pocock y Koselleck. Uno de los problemas que se han traído a colación en... more
stato. -È nota l'abbondanza degli usi della parola stato negli scritti di Machiavelli. È altrettanto nota la pluralità delle accezioni, la diversità delle sfumature, con significati a volte difficili da individuare con precisione. Molti... more
Political turbulence in Europe in the early 1990s challenged the fundaments of Finnish foreign policy. The reunification of Germany, democratisation processes in Central and Eastern Europe and mostly the dissolution of Soviet Union did... more
In the latter half of the 12th century, the families of the groups overseeing the comuni forged widespread, implementable and strictly regulated military alliances. These alliances were organized around the control of tower houses.... more
As a part of wider research project drawing on the methodological tools of both history and linguistics, the article aims at analyzing the international circulation and reception of Filangieri's "Scienza della legislazione". The article... more
This article aims at contributing to the documentation of the transition from the spelling system known as "ortografía chilena" (‘Chilean orthography’) or "ortografía casera" (‘domestic orthography’) to that of the Royal Spanish Academy... more
Here is the latest proofs version. The poems of circumstances written in England during the Wars of the Roses, in the second half of the fifteenth-century, have never been properly studied, mainly because of their little aesthetic value.... more