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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada na Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa em 2014.
Tem como objecto a reconstrução do princípio da separação de poderes e a consequente fixação da fronteira entre legislador e juiz no sistema português.
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawConstitutional TheoryConstitutionalism
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      Separation of PowersSeparation of Power
Decía al inicio de este trabajo que la discusión sobre conflictos de interés público en sede judicial, con la consiguiente mayor injerencia de los tribunales en el campo de las políticas públicas, es un fenómeno relativamente novedoso en... more
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      Judicial ReformClass ActionsCivil ProcedureDireito Processual Civil
Pada abad Pertengahan (kira-kira tahun 1000 – 1500 M), kekuasaan politik menjadi persengketaan antara Monarki (raja/ratu), pimpinan gereja, dan kaum bangsawan. Kerap kali Eropa kala itu, dilanda perang saudara akibat sengketa kekuasaan... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceSeparation of Power
In India, the Constitution is regarded as Supreme law of the land. No one is above the Constitution. It provides for three organs of the Government, viz., the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary, each to function independently so... more
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      LawComparative LawConstitutional LawPolitical Economy
This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional law. The legal corpus of Deuteronomy provides a utopian model for the organization of the state, one that enshrines... more
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      Comparative ReligionAmerican HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
This collection of texts is intended as a practical tool. It contains the relevant international agreements, declarations and standards on judicial independence that are to be observed in judicial activity, but also in dealings with the... more
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      International LawPolitical ScienceRule of LawSeparation of Power
According to many social scientists, democratic institutions are subject to much discontent and distrust today. Citizens sense the existence of a substantial disconnect between the rhetoric of representative democracy and its reality—what... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryDeliberative Democracy
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      Constitutional LawPublic LawBritish ConstitutionSeparation of Powers
Cette these propose une definition des termes de centralisation et de decentralisation par reference a la separation du pouvoir selon la repartition des facultes de statuer et d'empecher entre organes centraux et non centraux. En... more
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      Political ScienceDecentralizationDecentralisationSeparation of Power
Аутор у раду разматра институте амнестије и помиловања, и то њихове уставноправне и кривичноправне елементе. Хронолошки излаже историјски преглед од правних система старог вијека до данашњих правних система. Посебну пажњу поклања правној... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawSeparation of Power
Крізь призму теоретичних і практичних, конституційних і політичних вимірів, а також в рамках конституційного права і порівняльної політології проаналізовано особливості та наслідки поділу і дуалізму виконавчої влади в рамках різних видів... more
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      GovernmentSemi-presidentialismExecutive PoliticsSeparation of Powers
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      Asian StudiesComparative LawConstitutional LawComparative Politics
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    • Separation of Power
Rational choice scholars argue that there is no such thing as legislative intent, and that courts should abandon futile efforts to find and enforce that intent. Faced with ambiguous statutes, these scholars suggest judges either actively... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical ScienceAmerican Political DevelopmentCongressional Politics
Nowadays, the notion of the State Treasury does not generate particular interest in the legal doctrine. This situation raises concerns because opinions on said entity’s nature presented in the literature on the subject often contradict... more
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      Separation of PowersSeparation of PowerImperiumState Property
This book is a recollection of al the works and papers of the author (Allan R. Brewer-Carías), written during the past twenty years (1999-2021), studying the continuous process of demolition of the autonomy and independence of the... more
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      Judicial independenceJudgesSeparation of PowerJudiciary
Yale Maestro Bruce Ackerman wrote his famous 93-page thesis on New Separation of Power in Volume 113, No. 3 of the Harvard Law Review in the year of 2000. Since then the theory has drawn unprecedented curiosity in the academic arena. One... more
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      American PresidentialismProportional RepresentationSeparation of PowerPresidentialism
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawEuropean Constitutional LawConstitutional Theory
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawChinese LawChinese Studies
This essays discusses whether the growing power of judiciary over-shadows the parliamentary supremacy
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      Constitutional LawSupreme CourtRule of LawThe role of the judiciary
Abstract: in this paper the author, inspired by the reading of Sergio Cotta, analyses the hypothesis that Montesquieu’s travels had influence on the development of Esprit des Lois. In particular, he analyses the elements contained in the... more
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      PhilosophyTravel WritingSociology of LawPolitics
Observers have long speculated about the effect of war on judicial behavior. While common lore maintains that courts are reluctant to affirm claims against the government in wartime, over the past sixty years a number of notable cases... more
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      Public OpinionU.S. Foreign PolicyWar powersHistory of U.S. Supreme Court
\\jciprod01\productn\N\NDL\87-4\NDL402.txt unknown Seq: 2 29-MAY-12 12:28 1406 notre dame law review [vol. 87:4 \\jciprod01\productn\N\NDL\87-4\NDL402.txt unknown Seq: 3 29-MAY-12 12:28 2012] transtemporal separation of powers 1407... more
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      LawJurisprudenceConstitutional LawCourts
Nigeria does not have a long history with executive orders like other jurisdictions. Hence whenever the President issues an executive order it is viewed as an overreach of his constitutional powers. This work assesses the legality of the... more
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      Constitutional LawAdministrative LawSeparation of PowerExecutive Orders
En ausencia de separación de poderes y, especialmente, de un sistema de justicia independiente e imparcial, los partidos políticos y los votantes deberían exigir que los gobernantes y representantes fueran personas irreprochables... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheorySeparation of Power
American liberals and conservatives agree about very little concerning foreign policy, war, and emergency powers, but they do agree that the Constitution’s ambiguous allocation of foreign policy powers to the legislative, executive, and... more
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      Constitutional LawWar powersSeparation of PowerConstitutional Interpretation
Livre: New frontiers of state constitutional law: dual enforcement of norms (hardback) GARDNER James A., ROSSI Jim.
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      Judicial reviewSeparation of Power
La distinction entre administrer et gouverner repose pour l’essentiel sur un fondement doctrinal dont cet article esquisse l’histoire depuis le XIXe siècle. La distinction émergea d’une part parce que l’activité du pouvoir exécutif... more
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      Public AdministrationGovernmentRechtsphilosophieSeparation of Powers
L’articolo esamina le principali innovazioni introdotte dall’accordo interistituzionale "Legiferare meglio" entrato in vigore il 15 marzo 2016, analizzando in particolare: le nuove modalità di esercizio e controllo dei poteri delegati, il... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
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      International LawInternational Human Rights LawJudicial reviewJudicial Politics
The legal status of case-law is ambiguous in most legal systems. Do judges "discover" law or do they "make" it? It is in fact a constitutional matter, a matter of separation of powers. If the judges can “make” the law, doesn’t it make... more
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      LawComparative LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
External shocks to democratic systems are likely to threaten the stability of relations between the executive and the representative assembly. This article investigates the impact of the so-called "war on terror" on executive-assembly... more
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      LegislaturesDemocracyCarl SchmittWar on Terror
'Jair Bolsonaro has shown disregard towards the well-being of the Brazilian people, democratic institutions, the system of checks and balances, constitutional rights and freedoms, and freedom of the press. His raw display of egotism,... more
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      International RelationsPolitical PhilosophyPolitical SciencePolitics
The article discusses the legitimacy of the replacement of administrative discretion by judicial discretion generally guided by personal values or beliefs of the magistrate, which is a clear affront to the democratic principle. Moreover,... more
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      Judicial reviewJudicial DiscretionDireitos Fundamentais e Direitos HumanosSeparation of Power
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      Comparative LawSources of LawSeparation of PowersCase law
Livre: New frontiers of state constitutional law: dual enforcement of norms (hardback) GARDNER James A., ROSSI Jim.
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      Judicial reviewSeparation of Power
Previous studies have argued that democracy diminishes the extent to which contests over political leadership depress economic growth, by reducing the violence and uncertainty attendant on such contests. We reconsider the theoretical... more
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      DemocracyElectionsConstitutionsSeparation of Power
Attorney General and Chief Justice of the federal court of the Marshall Islands assist in the overthrow of the Constitution. Separation of power and Bill of Rights abolished. Legislative body complies with the Executive’s demand to... more
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      LawCriminal JusticeConstitutional LawHuman Rights
Separations of power as a concept and the 1978 constitution of Sri Lanka Relating to the Separations of powers.
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      Political ScienceConstitutionsSeparation of Power
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      American Foreign PolicyWar powersSeparation of PowerPresidential Politics
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      National Security LawWar powersSeparation of PowerPresidential Politics