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Shot analysis of state owned Company in Moldova
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsPublic AdministrationMoldova
Үндсэн хуулийн эсхүл түүнд оруулсан нэмэлт, өөрчлөлтийн заалтыг хамгийн сайн үндэслэл бүхий үзэл баримтлалаар тодорхойлох хэрэгтэй бөгөөд үүнд тэдгээрийг баталсан бүрэлдэхүүний хуралдааны тэмдэглэл болон бусад холбогдох эх сурвалж чухал... more
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      Constitutional LawEnvironmental LawComparative Constitutional LawEnvironmental Law and Human Rights
This Amicus Brief explains Peruvian ownership over the shipwreck of the former Spanish vessel 'Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes', sunk in 1804.
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      International LawPropertyOwnershipAncient Shipwrecks
Nowadays, the notion of the State Treasury does not generate particular interest in the legal doctrine. This situation raises concerns because opinions on said entity’s nature presented in the literature on the subject often contradict... more
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      Separation of PowersSeparation of PowerImperiumState Property
The aim of this article is to review selected historical aspects of government budget and budgetary legislation in Poland. Starting with the explanation of the contemporary understanding of the budget, the author explores how this concept... more
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      Public Budgeting and FinancePublic Finance and BudgetingBudgeting ang budgetary controlState Property
The status of state property in Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most significant political and legal issues. It causes legal disputes and political tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for a quite long period. The importance of... more
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      Property LawState Property
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un estado de la cuestión sobre las distintas modalidades de propiedad mediática reconocidas en la literatura científica. A raíz de los procesos de concentración de medios que se han experimentado... more
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      JournalismPropertyMass-Media EthicsCooperatives
The solution of the issue of state property is one of the conditions for further progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina regards European integration. For the purpose of better understanding the issues of distribution of state property, the... more
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      Bosnia and HerzegovinaState Property
Majątki instrukcyjne stanowiły szczególny rodzaj własności ziemskiej. Pierwotnie należały do skarbu państwa lub zostały skonfiskowane uczestnikom powstania styczniowego. Były one odsprzedawane na podstawie Instrukcji z 23 lipca 1865 r.... more
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      Property ConfiscationReal PropertyJanuary Uprising In PolandState Property
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      Public AdministrationPrivatizationPublic EnterprisesState Property
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      African StudiesEconomicsAfrican HistoryAfrican Politics