Recent papers in Constitutions
Este estudio documenta en forma cuantitativa las reformas constitucionales en América Latina – tanto la promulgación de nuevas constituciones como reformas parciales – desde 1978 con un énfasis especial en el periodo 1990-2012. Se analiza... more
The Point of Sale for Remote Shops (POSFRS) will provide a computerized efficient and accurate way of running the business process in those small shops even those owned by a single person and located in different places or regions.
The FDRE Constitution and regional constitutions emphatically assert their supremacy over
In the wake of the 1992 Mabo decision, the questions of what constitutes Australia now and of who is party to its inclusive lexicon were seen as a matter of national urgency, by liberals and conservatives alike. 'Australia' is no longer... more
(...) Les élections de 2015 et après en Afrique, loin des crises, des angoisses et des frustrations, devront être des motifs d’espoir et de fierté : Espoir pour une jeunesse avide d’un nouveau modèle de gestion des affaires publiques... more
يطرح عنوان هذه الورقة سؤالا يبدو متناقضًا، وهو هل يمكن أن تُجهض الدساتير الثورات الديمقراطية؟ ففي الحالات الناجحة من المفترض أن يترجم الدستور مطالب الثورة وأهدافها ويغير جوهر ممارسة السلطة وينقل السلطة من يد فرد أو فئة صغيرة إلى فئات... more
This chapter sketches the development of rights talk in those parts of the Western tradition inspired by the teachings of the Genevan Reformer, John Calvin (1509-1564). Building in part on classical and Christian prototypes, Calvin... more
Сучасні тенденції економічного розвитку більшості країн світу актуалізують потребу в удосконаленні існуючого інструментарію забезпечення їх економічного зростання та сталого розвитку. Важливим аспектом в цьому напрямку є реалізація... more
The article supplies, for the first time in a unitary form, the edition of the thirteenth-century legislation of the province of Sant’Antonio concerning the 80’s (1281, 1282, 1288) and the 90’s (1290, 1291, 1292, 1294, 1295, 1296). This... more
This paper gives a global summary of the number of constitutions and the number of articles in each constitution for many representative countries around the world. Several works have already been written comparing different legal systems... more
Dear colleagues, The open access journal Religions (ISSN 2077-1444) is pleased to announce that we have launched a new Special Issue entitled "Law and Religion in Europe in an Age of Fear and Insecurity" I am serving as Guest Editor... more
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 of 2000 provided that peace agreements should adopt a ‘gender perspective’. This commitment has been reiterated in women, peace and security resolutions since that time. This article uses a mixed... more
As an individual I have many components. I can define myself in many ways depending on the context. I am a homosapien, a monotheist, Yahya’s and Matine’s father, a husband, a Turkish author, a philosopher, a lawyer, a skeptic, a believer,... more
Vice-presidents in Latin America have often been at the centre of political turbulence. To prevent conflicts within the executive, most Latin American countries have therefore put in place formulae to elect presidents and vice-presidents... more
No weakening, but rather an expansion, of statehood can be observed in the contemporary world. This does not, on the other hand, imply that extensive forms of constitutional ordering do not exist outside the realm of states. Instead, the... more
This article studies the causes of the revolutions developed in some Arab countries in 2011. They are known as «the Arab Spring». It also delves in the examination of their results and, more specifically, in the role assumed by Islamic... more
Although the city of Úbeda (Jaén, Spain) never had a duke or a count, it did have a figure of enormous political power and influence in Francisco de los Cobos y Molina (c.1477-1547). Born in Úbeda, in 1516 Cobos became secretary to the... more
Distribution électronique pour L'Harmattan. © L'Harmattan. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
Pour un Athénien qui a connu la guerre du Péloponnèse avec ses coups d'État oligarchiques de 411 et de 404, puis les restaurations démocratiques, il devient nécessaire de de mettre en oeuvre tous les moyens pour stabiliser la politeia,... more
In recent times a growing number of Latin American rural groups have achieved extended ethno-territorial rights, and large territories have been protected by progressive constitutions. These were the outcomes of extended cycles of... more
The essence of any legal research is rooted in “finding and assembling of authorities that bear on a question of law” , or, to put it simply, in analysing the question of what the law is, how it came to be and what it is ought to be. At... more
This paper briefly covers the key trends in liberal constitutionalism, including judicial review, protection of rights, and protection of constitutional norms during times of emergencies. In doing so, it underlines the controversies and... more
Th e study of children's images as delineated in constitutional documents highlights the historical transitions that have occurred within and among countries, as manifested in the Convention of the Rights of the Child. As such, content... more
This paper offers a contextualized analysis of the way in which three Islamic constitutions—in Egypt (2014/2019), Tunisia (2014), and Yemen (2015)—came to a similar self-declaration of a “civil state” (dawla madaniyya), following the Arab... more
This essay examines the development of the Western conception of political order, which has changed considerably since its medieval origins. It has undergone a process of abstraction, secularisation, positivisation, and legalisation. In... more
While politicians are engaging in the most prominent debates and decision-making, the perceptions of Ukraine’s population will be central to the success of any such political solution. What exactly are the public’s perceptions and how... more
A talk given at the Danish Institute of Human Rights, December 2013.
A constitution forms the foundation of the virtually all governments around the world. A surprisingly large number of constitutions change each year. On average, 30 constitutions are amended and 5 are completely replaced each year.... more
This chapter discusses the shari‘a as a means of societal governance with regard to the quality of life, an idea that is embedded in the word’s etymology. The foundations of the shari‘a as an ethical and intellectual construct were laid... more
Ce papier réalisé dans le cadre d'un séminaire tente de remettre en cause l'idée selon laquelle les droits dérivent de l'État et qu'une telle conception fragilise l'existence même des droits "défendus".
Ponencia para el simposio "Desigualdad social en América Latina en el contexto dela globalización: del estado de la cuestión a la búsqueda de nuevos rumbos", VI Congreso del CEISAL, 30 de junio -3 de julio de 2010, Toulouse ¿Hacia una... more
How does severe financial crisis affect liberal democratic constitutions? For answers to this question I look to the experiences of states in East and Southeast Asia over the last quarter century (1990-2013). Drawing on cross-regional... more
Democrația temperată: modele ale controlului constituțional în trei state foste comuniste din Europa de Est
RESUMO: Mesmo já passados mais de vinte anos da promulgação da Constituição Federal alguns pontos obscuros ainda permanecem entre os principais estudos e interpretações sobre o processo constituinte de 87/88. Enquanto que muitos trabalhos... more
A recent movement has extended previous emphases on the rights of national citizens by asserting the global human rights of all persons. This article describes the extent to which this change is reflected in the language of national... more
Drawing on a range of theories on writing, law and violence, Constitutions makes a theoretical intervention into conventional constitutional analyses by problematising the notion of a 'written constitution' on which they are based. Its... more
TEMPORALIDADES HISTÓRICAS NA POLÍTICA: A Democracia como enigma não solucionado de todas as constituições EMENTA: Partindo de uma concepção crítica da ideologia, trata-se de explicitar a democracia como enigma não solucionado de todas as... more
A Constitution is a collection of principles or axioms determining how society should be organised, and a description of the ordering of the axioms in terms of their importance and of their invocation. We report on an experiment aimed at... more