Semantic model
Recent papers in Semantic model
In this paper, we propose the development of the Question-Answering Services System for the Farmer, through SMS, by focusing on query analysis and annotation based on a similar technique previously applied to language generation, thematic... more
In this paper we introduce a logical viewpoint on architectures. The logical viewpoint is based on the distinction between symbolic and semantic models of architectures. The core of a symbolic model consists of its signature that... more
The NYU-Ada project is engaged in the design and implementation of a translator-interpreter for the Ada language. The objectives of this project are twofold: a) to provide an executable semantic model for the full Ada language, that can... more
The emerging Semantic Web has been attracted many researchers and developers. New applications have been developed on top of Semantic Web and many supporting tools introduced to improve its software development process. Metadata modeling... more
Software architecture, as a vehicle for communication and reasoning about software systems and their quality, is becoming an area of focus in both the forward-and reverseengineering communities. In the past, we have attempted to unify... more
Composability in Modeling and Simulation community which can be defined as the capability to select and assemble a simulation model out of predefined simulation models or components is an important challenge due to the cost and time spent... more
Abstract—Interoperability between building information models (BIM) and geographic information models has a strong potential to bring benefit to different demands in construction analysis, urban planning, homeland security and other... more
Common Operational Picture and in consequence Situation Awareness, had been second class issue treated as a result of decision support procedures. This work concentrates mainly on developing methods for integrating battlefield data using... more
Various problems have been encountered on public private partnership (PPP) initiatives around the world that have eventually led to project failure. Stakeholder opposition has been reported as the main reason for failure in several... more
Early in Tod Machover's opera Death and the Powers, the main character, Simon Powers, is subsumed into a technological environment of his own creation. The theatrical set comes alive in the form of robotic, visual, and sonic elements that... more
Abstract The study examined the use of code-switching by English and science teachers in secondary schools in Malaysia. It focuses on the functions of code-switching in multilingual classrooms where English is the language of instruction,... more
A model and a pattern for data collection on collaborative actions in CSCL systems 31 Martin Mühlenbrock A computational model to differentiate between action and interaction in shared workspaces 37 Dan Suthers Implications of shared... more
Ontologies are specifications of the concepts in a given field, and of the relationships among those concepts. The development of ontologies for molecular-biology information and the sharing of those ontologies within the bioinformatics... more
A multitude of new applications is quickly emerging in the field of Building Information Models (BIM). BIM models describe buildings with respect to their spatial and especially semantic and thematic characteristics. Since BIM models are... more
Modeling of semantics is one of the most di cult tasks in database design. Constraints are used to express database semantics. They are used di erently in database models. They express domain restrictions, specify relationships between... more
This paper presents a first draft of a context management model and architecture in the scope of mobile end-user services, paying special attention to mobile scenarios and specific mobility environments. The paper describes our notion of... more
XML is rapidly becoming technologies for information exchange and representation. It causes many research issues such as semantic modeling methods, conversion for interoperability with other models, and so on. Especially, the most... more
Computer games often take place in extensive virtual worlds, attractive for roaming and exploring. Unfortunately, current virtual cities can strongly hinder this kind of gameplay, since the buildings they feature typically have replicated... more
With the current explosion of data, retrieving and integrating information from various sources is a critical problem. Work in multidatabase systems has begun to address this problem, but it has primarily focused on methods for... more
In English and Hungarian there are some verbs and constructions that do not allow definite arguments in certain positions (Definiteness Effect). This phenomenon is related to the ambiguous, weak or strong interpretation of indefinite noun... more
A historian of 20 th century philosophy of science that were to consider the recent renaissance of studies on the ontological status of spacetime would certainly notice a significant shift of interest toward metaphysical issues previously... more
Resumen En 2000 las Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas lanzaron un nuevo proyecto: A Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew (de aquí en más SDBH). Este diccionario es, hasta cierto punto, comparable con el Greek-English Lexicon of the New... more
Modeling of semantics is one of the most di cult tasks in database design. Constraints are used to express database semantics. They are used di erently in database models. They express domain restrictions, specify relationships between... more
Increased demand for tools that allow merging of Building Information Models with GIS models is observed in the last several years. Professionals from both domains are looking for solutions to seamlessly integrate such models for various... more
DWQ is a cooperative project in the ESPRIT program of the European Communities. It aims at establishing foundations of data warehouse quality through linking semantic models of data warehouse architecture to explicit models of data... more
— Ambient intelligence implies that a collection of everyday devices incorporates inside computing and networking capabilities that enable them to interact with each other, make intelligent decision and interact with users through user... more
Interoperability in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) is a full-grown subject and an objective with many shortcomings as far as definition of standards for geographic data transfer and exchange, different data types' integration, and... more
| This paper describes a technique for the automatic generation of an interpretive implementation for a programming language from a layered operational semantic description of the language. Layers in the semantic model represent levels of... more
Reputation is a complex concept that has a major role in fields like social sciences, economics as well as computer science. Representing it as a simple form of property-rating or a vector of ratings strips it from its original notion and... more
Using today's GIS tools, users without programming expertise are unable to fully exploit the growing amount of geospatial data becoming available because today's tools limit them to displaying data as layers for a region on a map. Fusing... more
Computer games often take place in extensive virtual worlds, attractive for roaming and exploring. Unfortunately, current virtual cities can strongly hinder this kind of gameplay, since the buildings they feature typically have replicated... more
We present a model of object-oriented and component-based refinement. For object-orientation, the model is class-based and refinement is about correct changes in the structure, methods of classes and the main program, rather than changes... more
Head pose and gesture offer several key conversational grounding cues and are used extensively in face-to-face interaction among people. While the machine interpretation of these cues has previously been limited to output modalities,... more
In this paper we present pddl+, a planning domain description language for modelling mixed discrete-continuous planning domains. We describe the syntax and modelling style of pddl+, showing that the language makes convenient the modelling... more
This paper describes the basic philosophy and implementation of MPLUS (M+), a robust medical text analysis tool that uses a semantic model based on Bayesian Networks (BNs). BNs provide a concise and useful formalism for representing... more
Notwithstanding its acknowledged richness, the SIMPLE semantic model does not offer the representational vocabulary for encoding some conceptual links holding between events and their participants and among co-participants in events.... more
Substantial amounts of data on cell signaling, metabolic, gene regulatory and other biological pathways have been accumulated in literature and electronic databases. Conventionally, this information is stored in the form of pathway... more
The eventuality of the Semantic Web offers multiple attractive features to the enterprise infrastructure in the area of improved Knowledge Management and information retrieval. Current relational database models adequately perform in the... more
Reference books and encyclopedic knowledge bases present learners with an important source of fundamental concepts. However, the resulting knowledge acquisition process is often hindered by the linearity that is inherent to these... more
Quality of integrated data depends on the quality of original data sources, but it can also be affected by the semantic mapping process between ontologies of different sources, thus influencing the quality of querying between multiple... more
Heuristics have long been recognised as a way to tackle problems which are intractable because of their size or complexity. They have been used in software engineering for purposes such as identification of favourable regions of design... more
Intellectual Merit. Advances in environmental science increasingly depend on information from multiple disciplines to tackle broader and more complex questions about the natural world. Such advances, however, are hindered by data... more