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1. Increased intensification in agricultural grasslands has led to well-documented declines in the associated flora. Manipulation of field margins for biodiversity enhancement in arable systems has been extensively investigated. However,... more
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      RegenerationEcologyApplied EcologyApplied
Land surface schemes are vital components of general circulation models (GCMs) which provide the fluxes of heat, water and momentum at the land-atmosphere interface. The fluxes simulated by these schemes are especially dependent on the... more
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      Environmental ScienceHydrologyPhotosynthesisMultidisciplinary
This qualitative case study reports how 5 first-year kindergarten/primary teachers utilized knowledge and skills from their teacher preparation program as a means of approaching curricular decision-making for instructional practice. In... more
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      Teacher EducationDecision MakingCase StudiesQualitative Research
Fruit thinning has been practised for thousand of years, and serves a number of purposes. Too many fruits per tree can result in small fruit size and poor quality, breakage of limbs, exhaustion of tree reserves, and can also partially o... more
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      ProfitabilityLaboratory experimentField ExperimentLow Power
A generalization of the single soil layer variable infiltration capacity (VIC) land surface hydrological model previously implemented in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory general circulation model (GClVO is described. The new... more
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      Environmental ScienceHeat TransferMultidisciplinaryLand Cover
Three field experiments with high school and college students tested the self-determination theory (E. L. hypotheses that intrinsic (vs. extrinsic) goals and autonomy-supportive (vs. controlling) learning climates would improve students'... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
Background and Aims This paper aims at studying the capacity of an individual-based morphogenetic crop model of sugar beet growth -GreenLab -to predict the effects of population density on growth and yield. • Methods A field experiment... more
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      Model CalibrationField ExperimentPopulation DensitySource - Sink dynamics
Positive correlations between plant height and grain yield have been reported for sorghum. The introduction of stay-green in sorghum, and the associated reduction in lodging, has opened the possibility to exploit this positive... more
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      ChemistryBiologySorghumField Crops
This eld experiment found that Hong Kong human resources management specialists were in uenced by the attractiveness bias in evaluating short-listed candidates for an entry-level trainee position. Zero order, stepwise and hierarchical... more
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      MarketingHuman Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management in the middle eastBusiness and Management
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      Information TechnologyServicesData ManagementCloud Computing
Purely observational studies have documented differences in the abundance and diversity of several litterdwelling arthropods between sites adjacent to, and far from, CWD, which suggests that reduction of fallen coarse woody debris (CWD)... more
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementBiodiversityForest Ecology
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsOperations ResearchRetailing
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      WaterCarbonCarbon SequestrationEnvironmental Monitoring
Abstract: Vector sensors measure,both the acoustic pressure and the three components,of particle velocity. Because of this, a vector sensor array (VSA) has the advantage of being able to provide substantially higher directivity with a... more
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      Underwater AcousticsLow FrequencySource LocalizationScientific Communication
Research was conducted to study interrelationships between agronomic and seed characters and their direct and indirect effects on seed yield per plant under normal and limited irrigation regimes. Two field experiments were conducted in... more
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      TechnologyBiological SciencesWater StressField Experiment
Rhamnus alaternus L. is a dioecious, fleshy-fruited shrub, typical of Mediterranean vegetation, which has been recorded from the region since the tropical Tertiary. Reproductive biology of this species has been studied in Southern Italy... more
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      Plant BiologyReproductive BiologyResource LimitationLaboratory experiment
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how extending social innovation and impact learning to the field was accomplished. Design/methodology/approach -The paper discusses how experiential learning can be adapted to social... more
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      MarketingSocial EntrepreneurshipSmall BusinessSocial Enterprise
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as a result of the legumes-rhizobia symbioses is the main source of nitrogen in organic farming systems. Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), used as green manure or as forage legume, is important on arable... more
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      Life SciencesOrganic FarmingNitrogen FixationWater use efficiency
The Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT) project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory is studying the injection of CO2 into geologic repositories. We are formulating the problem as science based decision framework that can... more
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      EngineeringDecision MakingRisk theoryStochastic Simulation
The growing need of the driving public for accurate traffic information has spurred the deployment of large scale dedicated monitoring infrastructure systems, which mainly consist in the use of inductive loop detectors and video cameras.... more
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      EngineeringGlobal Positioning SystemField ExperimentCellular Network
Alligatorweed, (Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.), an aquatic and wetland plant native to South America, is an aggressive weed in many parts of the world. Its ability to compete with other native plants and to impede waterways... more
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      BiologyPuerto RicoBiological ControlBiological Sciences
In order to correct the altimeter range for tropospheric humidity, a microwave radiometer is added to altimetry missions. Over open ocean, the combination altimeter/radiometer is satisfactory. This is not the case in coastal zones, where... more
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      GeophysicsGeoscience and remote sensingModelsField Experiment
This study presents the spatial and temporal variability of water quality parameters in rivers of Macapá and Santana region, State of Amapá, Brazil, especially faecal coliforms (FC), being used as indicators. Laboratory and field... more
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      Water qualityPublic HealthField ExperimentEnvironmental Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
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      Biological SciencesMarek DiseaseField ExperimentVaccine
The efficacy of metam sodium (MS) for controlling Verticillium writ of potato was evaluated in two field experiments conducted in a sandy soil, heavily infested with VerticiUium dahliae, and previously treated with MS. Compared to control... more
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      SeasonalityField ExperimentHorticultural production
The potential fl)r extending the production of winter oilseed crops into the drier region of the cereal belt of eastern Australia was examined by comparing canola, Indian mustard and Linola in field experiments in the contrasting... more
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      SeasonalityField CropsField ExperimentNitrogen
In southwestern region of Punjab in north India, sowing dates of cotton crop in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system are staggered from last week of April to mid of May depending upon the surface water supply... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesForest Growth and YieldGround Water
Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a common problem on the sandy acidic soils in south Western Australia (WA) for seed (grain) production of Lupinus angustifolius, and L. luteus. The Zn requirement of L. luteus is not known; while that of L.... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySeed productionField ExperimentZinc
For various reasons, North American crop farmers are more likely to practice limited-duration no-till than continuous no-till (NT). Little is known about effects of short-term no-till (ST-NT) on organic C and total N relative to NT and... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesField ExperimentNitrogen
Laboratory and glasshouse bioassays were developed in Australia and the US for evaluating wild pea (Pisum fulvum Sibth. & Sm.) accessions for resistance to pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum) (L.), one of the most important pests of cultivated... more
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      Host Plant ResistanceField ExperimentSouth AmericaCrop Protection
There is a need to develop technology to allow the remediation of soil in polar regions that have been contaminated by hydrocarbon fuel spills. Bioremediation is potentially useful for this purpose, but has not been well demonstrated in... more
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      Applied microbiologyMultidisciplinarySeasonalitySoil contamination
The application of soil solarization (SS), one of the most promising techniques for the control of soilborne pathogens, is seriously limited by the drawback regarding the disposal of the used plastic materials. A possible solution to this... more
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      Pest ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesCrop Production
Recently, small-scale field experiments have demonstrated that exposure to UV radiation can invoke downward migrations in UV-sensitive zooplankton; however, questions remain as to zooplankton responses at the whole-lake scale. Here a... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesBiological SciencesSeasonality
The presidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT) and the presidedress tissue nitrogen test (PTNT) have been developed to assess residual soil nitrogen (N) sufficiency for corn (Zea mays L.) in the humid eastern U.S. We conducted field studies at... more
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      Soil ScienceAnalytical ChemistryInorganic ChemistryAgronomy
Crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae) is the most important disease of oats in Brazil. In susceptible oat cultivars, fungicides are needed to control the disease efficiently. However, spray at low volumes may reduce fungicide... more
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      BiologyPesticidesEconomic analysisProfitability
A bio-trickling filter packed with fibrous balls, ZX02, packing material was tested to treat a mixed waste gas containing butyl acetate (BA), n-butyl alcohol (n-BA) and phenylacetic acid (PA), which were discharged from penicillin... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryBiochemical EngineeringIndustrial Biotechnology
The aim of this study has been to determine the indirect and direct effects of farmyard manure and sewage sludge composts, produced in the northeastern part of Poland, on the content of 1 mol HCl⋅dm-3 soluble forms of zinc and copper in... more
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      ChemistryPotatoSewage sludgeCopper
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      FungicidesFusarium GraminearumField CropsGrain quality
The distribution of many predators may be limited by interactions with larger predator species. The arctic fox in mainland Europe is endangered, while the red fox is increasing its range in the north. It has been suggested that the... more
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      ReproductionEcologyField ExperimentScaling up
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
A series of dynamic snap-back tests were carried out on a residence building in southern Italy at Rapolla (Potenza-Basilicata). The aim of the research was to investigate the seismic behaviour of low-rise base isolated structures mounted... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructures and Fire EngineeringBase IsolationField Experiment
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      Environmental SciencesYieldField ExperimentNitrogen
This article presents the Mobile Century field experiment, performed on February 8, 2008, to demonstrate the feasibility of a prototype location-based service: real-time traffic estimation using GPS data from cellular phones only. Mobile... more
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      Developing CountryField ExperimentMobile phoneReal Time
This paper reports a field experiment with the purpose of studying the effects of increased awareness on travel mode choice. One hundred fifteen subjects were randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group. In the experimental... more
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      Civil EngineeringTransportationUrban And Regional PlanningHabit
This paper offers a series of reflections and lessons from conducting economic experiments in the field, outside of the campus laboratory, where one finds richer contexts, more variable demographics among the experimental participants,... more
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      Field ExperimentInformation GatheringExternal ValidityUniversity Student
Degradation and mortality of corals is increasing worldwide and is expected to have significant effects on coral reef fish; hence studies on these effects are essential. In the present study, a field experiment was set up within Mafia... more
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      Earth SciencesEast AfricaExperimental DesignBiological Sciences
The snow/ice albedo was studied during a 4 week field experiment over first-year sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, in spring 2004. Observations were made on radiative fluxes, cloud cover, wind, air temperature and humidity, as... more
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      GeophysicsSea IceAtmospheric sciencesField Experiment
1. Bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) dominate fish assemblages of small lakes and ponds throughout the eastern United States and may play a major role in structuring aquatic communities. We examined the impact of adult bluegill on... more
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      Freshwater BiologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesFreshwater
We conducted field experiments to investigate how wealth, political history, occupation, and other demographic variables (from a comprehensive earlier household survey) are correlated with risk, time discounting and trust in Vietnam. Our... more
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      EconomicsPovertyRisk AversionField Experiment
There has been a long-standing debate regarding the functions of play during childhood. An important, but neglected, first step in this debate entails documenting the costs associated with play. In this study we analysed energetic costs... more
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      Animal BehaviourBiological SciencesPrimary SchoolField Experiment