Recent papers in Self-Narratives
The article is a review of travel notes by a famous Finnish ethnographer U.T. Sirelius (1872–1929) about his 1911 expedition along the rivers Pinega, Onega and the White Sea coast. The author focused on a comparative study of the... more
In his monograph, Nikhil Govind argues that the Hindi novel of the 1930s, 40s and 50s became an important medium in which authors, who were also political activists or/and had experienced imprisonment, could reflect their aspirations and... more
Michelle Obama é a protagonista única do filme, no qual Barack Obama chega a fazer uma ponta. Pelo filme, é possível perceber que os tempos de primeira dama não foram tão confortáveis para Michelle. Assim como a própria decisão de ter... more
Calendrier et modalités de soumission Appel à communication : les propositions seront reçues jusqu'au 15 décembre 2021 La journée d'études, en modalité hybride (en présentiel à l'Université de la Réunion), aura lieu le vendredi 4 février... more
1. Einleitung Die Selbstzeugnisforschung hat sich in den letzten Jahren in Europa zu einem etablierten Forschungsfeld entwickelt. 2 Seit in den 1980er Jahren ausgehend von Forschungen in den Niederlanden der Begriff Egodocument eingeführt... more
New materialist revision of Raewyn Connell's concept of hegemonic masculinity, and autobiographic research.
Throughout the nineteenth century several Western officers joined the Ottoman Army. Not a few adopted Ottoman citizenship, commanded troops, fought in major wars, and rose to the highest echelons of the military. For these men the Ottoman... more
Introduction: The thesis about beneficial effects of writing on physical and mental health occurs quite commonly in modern psychological literature. The notion of “writing cure” (Lepore, Smyth, 2002; Kaufman, Sexton, 2006), which suggest... more
寫故事進行自我探究與追尋的歷程;同時敘說也是分析生命意義的研究方法; 最後敘說/故事也是研究結果與過程的表意工具。換言之,自我敘說同時有三個層次:自我敘說作為探究者自我探尋的冒險旅程;自我敘說作為研究分析方法;自我敘說作為論文產出文本。在前期筆者拙文中,比較針對我敘說作為分析法以及產出文本來進行討論與歸納,但筆者也期盼未來一些自我敘說研究的過來人能夠分享一段段自我敘說冒險之旅的文章,不論是個體或集體寫作的形式。
寫故事進行自我探究與追尋的歷程;同時敘說也是分析生命意義的研究方法; 最後敘說/故事也是研究結果與過程的表意工具。換言之,自我敘說同時有三個層次:自我敘說作為探究者自我探尋的冒險旅程;自我敘說作為研究分析方法;自我敘說作為論文產出文本。在前期筆者拙文中,比較針對我敘說作為分析法以及產出文本來進行討論與歸納,但筆者也期盼未來一些自我敘說研究的過來人能夠分享一段段自我敘說冒險之旅的文章,不論是個體或集體寫作的形式。
Reading Augustine's "Confessions" after Roland Barthes's "La Chambre claire" ("Camera Lucida") and "Journal de deuil" ("Mourning Diary") helps to delineate an often-overlooked problem in the "Confessions": the reality of the past outside... more
La scelta dei testi presi in esame nel presente lavoro è stata guidata da un interesse di ricerca specifico: il problematico processo di (ri)definizione del sé che ha luogo nel narrarsi. A vario titolo i protagonisti di questi racconti... more
Procedimiento de selección de originales, ver página web:
Self-Narratives from the Other’s Life: Ego-document in Âsafî Dal Mehmed Çelebi’s Şecâ‘atnâme
Between 1591 and 1637, nobleman Sweder Schele van Weleveld recorded all kinds of different aspects of his life and that of his family members into his volumnious 1800-page chronicle. Among those recordings are a great many which give us... more
Combining narratological analysis with autobiography studies, this article looks at examples of focalization strategies in several autobiographical works. It adopts Dorrit Cohn's distinction between consonant and dissonant self-narration... more
This paper considers the transgressive potential of vulnerability through Judith Butler's work on self-narration. The first part of the paper shows how Butler uses the notion of vulnerability to theorise how the subject is constituted... more
Internet studies are rapidly approaching disciplinary status in academia (Silver 2006: 2). As ethnographers we find Internet cyber-culture(s) and social networking using advancing communication technologies to be provocative and... more
Geçtiğimiz yıllarda Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi (Ontological Security Theory – OGT) Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplininde kendine önemli bir yer edindi. Teori, devlet davranışlarını devletin öz-anlatıları üzerinden anlamlandırırken,... more
« Longtemps je me suis couché de bonne heure » 1 : ce début de la Recherche du temps perdu est en quelque sorte l'initiation à la recherche d'un moment sublime dans la vie du moi qui se souvient. Cette ouverture représente en même temps... more
Ever since Freud pioneered the " talking cure " , psychologists of various stripes have explored how autobiographical narrative bears on self-understanding and psychic well-being. Recently, philosophers have taken up the question of... more
محمد كريم و جان رنوار. سينمائى مصرى و سينمائى فرنسى عاشا تجربة البدايات و التحولات فى العصور الأولى للسينما. كتب كل منهما مذكراته السينمائية فتناولا الفترة التى امتدت من نهايات القرن التاسع عشر و حتى منتصف القرن العشرين. ما الذى يجمع... more
Internet studies are rapidly approaching disciplinary status in academia. As ethnographers we find Internet cyber-culture(s) and social networking using advancing communication technologies to be provocative and relatively unexplored... more
Comment utiliser les traces spécifiques produites par les individus en exil pour enrichir l'étude et la compréhension des migrations ? L'étude de l'exil et, plus généralement de la migration, s'appuie depuis longtemps sur l'utilisation de... more
En este artículo nos centramos en el estudio de los espacios de la intimidad, intentando poner en juego esta dimensión muchas veces dejada de lado en los estudios sobre comunicación y ciudad. Nuestro análisis se inscribe en una... more
Karoline Kummerfeld (1742-1815) zählt zu den bekanntesten deutschsprachigen Schauspielerinnen des 18. Jahrhunderts. Als zeitweiliger Bühnenstar begeisterte sie ihr Publikum. Vor allem ihre autobiographischen Schriften haben dazu... more
The study presents a marginalized person’s life story, personal and historical narratives. The analysis aims to comprehend the collected re-miniscences that otherwise did not follow a clear narrative structure (ti-me, topics). A... more
A digital society enables the construction of one or more identities in its multiple virtual spaces, which entails a narrativization of the self in all those spheres: one’s story as the creation of new identities and new projections of... more
Człowiek jest zawsze opowiadającym opowieści (...), widzi wszystko, co mu się przydarza, w kategoriach tych opowieści i stara się przeżywać swe życie tak, jakby je opowiadał J. P. Sartre, Słowa W konstruktywistycznym ujęciu,... more
The following essay aims to provoke questions around the relationship between one's own identity and the power words have upon definitions of self. Who am I? The notion of self is a quality that essentially suggests each of us is... more
The understanding of traditional security is undergoing a more multi-faceted transformation. Security itself is no more regarded as being limited to a physical presence, it requires a stable self as well. Claiming this, ontological... more
There are a variety of options in a narrative approach to the self. I limit myself to one approach that argues narratives have important roles in our lives without it being true that a narrative constitutes and creates the self. My own... more
Marya Schechtman's 'Narrative Self-Constitution View' proposes that for some conscious entity to be a person they must have a narrative self-conception. I argue, however, that Schechtman's seemingly intuitive criteria for personhood are... more
This essay sets up a dialogue between the self-narrative of an irregular cavalryman (deli) Deli Mustafa that recounts the campaigns he took part in between 1801/2 and 1825 and the corpus of Ottoman archival sources written about Kara... more
Séminaire en commun de l'IRPHIL (Institut de Recherches Philosophiques de Lyon)
Mercredi 13/03 de 18h00 à 20h00. Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, Salle de la Rotonde (18 rue Chevreul, Lyon 7)
Mercredi 13/03 de 18h00 à 20h00. Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, Salle de la Rotonde (18 rue Chevreul, Lyon 7)
Self-narrative (as reporting one's own experience in a narrative form) is a significant source of information for a psychologist, because the self-narrative reflects an individual pattern of meaning-making, which is constitutive for... more
The autobiographical discourse is not limited to the episodic narration of what has been lived. It finds its foundation in the human action of narrating configured in the temporal course of experience. In this paper, we propose an... more
The autobiographical discourse is not limited to the episodic narration of what has been lived. It finds its foundation in the human action of narrating configured in the temporal course of experience. In this paper, we propose an... more