Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
Volume 26 | Issue 6
Article 3
Karl Wennberg
Stockholm School of Economics,
[email protected]
Timothy B. Folta
Purdue University
Frédéric Delmar
EM Lyon
Recommended Citation
Wennberg, Karl; Folta, Timothy B.; and Delmar, Frédéric (2006) "A REAL OPTIONS MODEL OF STEPWISE ENTRY INTO
SELF-EMPLOYMENT," Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research: Vol. 26: Iss. 6, Article 3.
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Karl Wennberg, Stockholm School of Economics
Timothy B. Folta, Purdue University
Frédéric Delmar, EM Lyon
This paper tests a real options model of stepwise entrepreneurial entry. We distinguish between part time
and full time entry among the self employed in Swedish knowledge intensive industries. Two multinomial
logit models tests the entry from employment to part- or full time entry in 1998, and to subsequent full
time entry in 1999. The empirical evidence indicates the need to distinguish between part time and full
time entry, something overlooked in earlier research. We find strong support for our notion that
entrepreneurs used part time entry as a strategy to test the value of their conceived business opportunity
without risking their full income. However, our hypothesis that entrepreneurs use a real options heuristic
shaped by the uncertainty and the irreversibility of entry received only mixed support.
In this paper, we propose a real options model of step wise entry into self-employment. Previous
research has explained entry into self-employment as a mix of (unobservable) entrepreneurial ability and
liquidity constraints and as a dichotomous decision between entry or non entry. However, recent waves of
the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor show that a majority of entrepreneurs that engage in creating a new
venture simultaneously holds an outside job (Reynolds et al., 2003). Hence, existing models ignore one of
the most obvious casual observations: many people do not enter directly into full time self-employment,
but choose to enter part time. By doing so they minimize the uncertainty related to self-employment as
they can retain their employment while testing the viability of the self-employment choice. For many
people, part time self-employment represents not only a secondary income, but also a first step into full–
time self-employment (Aldrich, 1999).
The failure of existing models to incorporate the role of part time entry has two important
consequences: First, entry into self-employment must be considered as a discrete choice among at least
three labor market alternatives (to continue as employee, to enter self-employment part time, or to enter
self-employment full time) and not a dichotomous choice. Second, entry into self-employment follows a
repeated choice structure where a previous choice dictates the alternatives available at the next decision
point. For example, a full time self-employed has at each time period the alternative to continue or to
choose another activity, and a part time self-employed has the option to continue, to switch to full time
self-employment or to exit altogether. This choice is made under uncertainty, and is dependent on the
previous choice made and the information available from its outcome. From this perspective, much
previous research has underestimated the dynamics of self-employment by not considering the full range
of possible choices and how they are interrelated. The available studies on part time entry are few:
Ronstad (1986) found that among 104 Babson College alumni almost half had started their businesses as
part time efforts, but did not provide any statistical evidence on the role of part time entry. Petrova (2005)
analyzed part time entrepreneurship in first wave of the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics, but
limited her analysis to estimating the importance of outside job as a substitute for individual wealth. In
the current study we seek to explain why some entrepreneurs use such limited efforts as a base for full
time entrepreneurship, whereas some entrepreneurs stop at the initial attempt. A theoretical perspective
that allows us to explain these irregularities is real options theory.
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We posit that individuals contemplating to exploit an entrepreneurial opportunity by becoming selfemployed utilize a real options heuristics to manage the uncertainty of the entrepreneurial process. This
heuristic shapes the path of entry into and exit from self-employment. That is, an individual will consider
the choice to enter into self-employment and to leave employment as an investment under uncertainty. At
this first decision point, the individuals are faced with the option to defer the investment or to invest to
catch future growth opportunities. If they have chosen to enter as either part time or full time, they are
faced with yet another option at the next decision point, the option to exit. Part time entry can be seen as
the choice to stage the investment into self-employment over time. We develop hypotheses based on two
central concepts in real options theory—irreversibility and uncertainty—arguing that the dynamics of part
time entry differs from full time entry.
Empirically, we test our model on the 1997 cohort of the full population of employees in the Swedish
knowledge intensive sector. Using a multinomial logit model we tested our hypotheses in two steps. First,
we tested a model of transition from employment into self-employment (part time or full time) in 1998.
Second, we tested a model of transition into full time self-employment in 1999, given the choice made in
the previous round. This procedure allowed us to examine if individual use part time self-employment as
a strategy to test their investment, and if the choice they made during the first time period will affect their
choice in the second. We find support for our arguments that the effects of industry-level uncertainty, and
the irreversibility associated with entry, differ between part time and full time entry from employment. In
particular, prior part time experience has a significantly higher positive affect on subsequent full time
attempts, substantiating our claim that entry into self-employment should be understood as a stepwise
entry process where individuals engage in part time entrepreneurship to test the values of their conceived
business opportunity, where positive economic information lead them to continue to full time
entrepreneurship. However, our hypothesis that entrepreneurs use a real options heuristic shaped by the
uncertainty the irreversibility of entry received only mixed support. While exogenous industry-level
uncertainty and individual-level irreversibility had a negative effect on the probability of entry as
expected, industry-level irreversibility did not exhibit the same effect.
From an investment under uncertainty perspective, an individual will choose to engage in
entrepreneurship if she believes that the expected economic and psychological rewards plus their required
premium for uncertainty will exceed the value of the alternatives (Amit, Muller, & Cockburn, 1995). This
means that some people will have such a high opportunity cost that they will never switch to
entrepreneurship, whereas others have so little to loose that they will easily make the switch (Gimeno et
al., 1997).
However, the exact value of the rewards is not known in advance, given that economic information
about the future is uncertain. Hence, accuracy of the entrepreneur‘s confidence in the value of the
opportunity can only be determined on the market. To test the value of their beliefs, entrepreneurs must
invest in order to obtain the necessary feedback. From a rational point of view, this investment must be as
small as possible, be made at the right time, and be able to yield a test powerful enough to assess the
validity of the assumptions made by the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs therefore develop different strategies
to handle this uncertainty, and which allows them to either invest more rapidly if the opportunity is
proven attractive or to invest their time, money and talent in another effort (Caves, 1998).
To handle uncertainty, entrepreneurs use a real options logic or heuristic. That is, their strategic
choices might not be calculated financial options, but they will try to exploit attractive opportunities
whenever possible, while at the same time limiting the commitment of resources that are tied to this
specific opportunity. The value of real options to entrepreneurship theory lie in the perspective that
entrepreneurs can select ways to structure a venture that minimize downside risk but still keep the venture
―on the playfield‖, for example to by maintaining an outside job that provides the venture with a secure
source of cash-flow. It also allows entrepreneurs to generate more information about the real value of the
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opportunity before making additional investments (Choi & Shepherd, 2004). Real options theory has
earlier been applied to entrepreneurial entry by O'Brien, Folta, and Johnson (2003). However, this study
focused on entrepreneurial entry as a binary decision, and are confined to the U.S. labor market.
Real options theory emphasizes the dynamic aspects of strategic choices and decisions. This leads to
two observations. First, individuals that consider switching from employment to self-employment are
faced with two dueling options: to either defer entry or to invest more rapidly. Once they have entered,
they are faced with a third option, the option to exit. Second, these decisions are exercised in a dynamic
and uncertain environment. Decisions are based on earlier decisions made and their outcomes. In other
words, individuals face a strategic choice regarding self-employment entry. On one hand, they might
choose to enter rapidly, and if they choose to enter they have to decide their level of investment. Early
investment might lead to a stronger position on the market and better possibilities to expand, but the
investment might not be reversible. This mean that money will be lost if the opportunity is not as valuable
as initially believed. On the other hand, willing entrepreneurs might choose to defer investment for some
time because of uncertainty about the value of their opportunity. By deferring investment they are able to
gather more information about the opportunity and do not immediately risk their money, but risk losing
market shares and the cash-flow generated, should they hade entered instantly. Hence, at any point in
time, entrepreneurial entry is made in the presence of dueling options. At all decision points, potential
entrepreneurs are faced with the option to defer which allows individuals to keep their options open and
avoid the opportunity costs associated with making an irreversible investment; and the option to grow
which allow individuals with an early investment to develop a position that will allow them to take better
advantage of future growth opportunities. Once they have entered, the option to exit is added to the set of
The stream of theory developed around ‗investment under uncertainty‘ also suggests that entrepreneurs
invest over time to manage the uncertainty associated with entrepreneurial entry. Consequently, we are
examining a dynamic decision context where a number of interdependent decisions are made relative to
an investment. A single decision can only be understood in relation to earlier made decisions and their
consequences. We are therefore dealing with a repeated choice structure when trying to understand the
empirical patterns of stepwise entry of into self-employment. For example, at time 0 three individuals
face the possibility to invest in an opportunity. The first decides to commit her time, talent and money full
time to the opportunity, the other to commit herself part time, and the third chooses to wait and see. At
time 1, the three people face yet another decision, i.e., to increase their investment, to wait again or to
exit, but this decision is dependent on the choice made at time 0 and on its consequences. Each individual
faces the same choices, but in different contexts, and they are therefore facing a repeated choice structure.
The decision made at time 1 is contingent on choices made at time 0 and their outcomes.
Our model does not focus on the ability to recognize an opportunity but on the choice on how to
exploit it in the presence of dueling options in a dynamic decision making context. An entrepreneur can
decide on the level of investment, and when that investment should be initiated, augmented or terminated.
Those choices are made in a dynamic setting where decisions are dependent on previous decisions and
their outcomes. Entrepreneurs use real options logic to minimize the downward risk, keeping flexibility in
their choices. These choices affect how an individual enter into self-employment and are affected by the
inherent uncertainty and irreversibility of the investment. We define uncertainty as the exogenous
uncertainty in the target industry. That is, the randomness or volatility in the external environment that
cannot be altered by the actions of the individual. Irreversibility is defined as the sunk cost of the
investment. That is, the magnitude of lost value from the investment, should the individual decide to
abandon. In the following sections we explain how each of these factors determines an individual‘s entry
process in self-employment.
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Earlier real options models have examined certain opportunity costs associated with the irreversibility
or sunkness of capital, and have shown that these opportunity costs are equal in value to an option to
defer. The logic behind the option is that if an investment can be postponed, and that it involves a cost
that cannot be recovered in the event of an exit, there might be a gain in delaying the entry decision in the
face of uncertain outcomes. In entrepreneurial entry, delaying the entry is analogous to holding a call
option on the discounted value of all future expected cash-flows from the new firm. The exercise price of
that option is the cost of founding the new firm, and the cost of the option is the opportunity cost of all
profit lost by delaying entry one period.
The opportunity cost is proportional to the level of uncertainty as well as to the degree of
irreversibility. As both uncertainty and irreversibility increase, the value of the deferral option increases,
diminishing the probability of entry. Although there is conceptual and methodological reason for
separating the effects of uncertainty and irreversibility, from a basic real options reasoning we would
expect similar causal patterns. Therefore:
Hypothesis 1a: Uncertainty will have a negative effect on the likelihood of entry.
Hypothesis 2a: Irreversibility will have a negative effect on the likelihood of entry.
We expect a difference in effect of irreversibility for part time and full time self-employment. A
rational response for an individual wanting to test a business opportunity, but not wishing to make an
irrevocable investment is to engage in part time self-employment. Causal observation support that this
type of ―skunk work‖ might be an important path into entrepreneurship. For example, part time selfemployment is common among academics wanting to test the value of their research on the market. Since
the investment commitment of entering part time is lower we also believe that the negative effect of
uncertainty and irreversibility will be markedly larger for full time entry:
Hypothesis 1b: The negative effect of uncertainty on the likelihood of entry will be significantly larger
for full time entry than for part time entry
Hypothesis 2b: The negative effect of irreversibility on the likelihood of entry will be significantly
larger for full time entry than for part time entry
A fundamental issue in real options theory is that most investments are made in the presence of
dueling options. Most initial investments, such as entry into self-employment, can be characterized by a
dual option framework where the option to defer co-exist with the option to grow. Kulatilaka and Perotti
(2001) suggest that depending on the level of uncertainty, one of the options will dominate the other. At
intermediate levels of uncertainty, the option to defer will be the most valuable, inducing possible
entrepreneurs to defer their entry decision, and thus to lower the likelihood of entry. At high levels of
uncertainty, the option to grow will be the most valuable, inducing possible entrepreneurs to enter
immediately for the possibilities of future growth. The trade-off between the option to defer and the
option to grow leads us to believe that intermediate levels of uncertainty will have a negative effect on the
probability of entry, and that high levels of uncertainty will have a positive effect on the probability of
We expect that high levels of uncertainty will have different impact on part time and full time selfemployment. We further expect that high level of uncertainty will have stronger positive impact on full
time entry, because full time self-employment is more sensitive to growth option than part time selfemployment. The later have already limited their investment in time, and have therefore taken an active
position that will limit the downwards risk and their upwards risk:
Hypothesis 3a: The negative effect of uncertainty on the likelihood of entry will turn positive at high
levels of uncertainty.
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Hypothesis 3b: The negative effect of uncertainty on the likelihood of entry will turn positive at high
levels of uncertainty for full time entry but not for part time entry.
Furthermore, the effect on uncertainty is augmented when irreversibility is also present, regardless of
whether irreversibility is conceptualized at the individual or at industry level. We expect that
irreversibility will have a different impact on part time and full time self-employment. The likelihood of
entering full time will be relatively higher in industries with higher irreversibility, and that the likelihood
of entering part time will be relatively higher in industries with lower irreversibility. The reason is that
high levels of irreversibility also create a higher demand of time in order to fully exploit the value of the
Hypothesis 4a: As the level of irreversibility of the investment to enter increases, the negative impact
of uncertainty will be a stronger on entry.
Hypothesis 4b: As the level of irreversibility of the investment to enter increases, the negative impact
of uncertainty will be a stronger on entry, but the effect will be larger for full time entry than for part
time entry.
Our sample is based on the 1997 cohort of people employed in the Swedish knowledge intensive
industries. The data originate from a large longitudinal study of entrepreneurship in the knowledge
intensive sector between 1989 and 2002. The data were provide by Statistics Sweden and covers over
3,300,000 individuals, representing over 70 percent of the active Swedish active labor market. The sample
comes with several benefits. First, we reduce unobserved heterogeneity by observing a restricted set of
thirty-three industries. Second, we are able to cover all types of entries independent of legal form and to
the founding individuals independently if they are working full time or part time on their new firm. Third,
the relatively long period of observation allows us to reconstruct the labor market history of individual
before and after 1997. Finally, we are able to link individual-level data to data at the firm level. However,
data sets of this size are computationally cumbersome to work with, and rare events such as selfemployment entry pose specific problems when using discrete choice techniques such as logit or probit
analysis on very large samples.
To mitigate these problems, we used state-based sampling to construct our sample (Manski &
McFadden, 1981), an approach used in other studies of rare events in management and entrepreneurship
research (e.g. O´brien et al., 2003). We modeled the entry decision with a series of multinomial logit
models that compare events of entry with a random sample of all non-entries. We created the sample of
non-entries by randomly selecting 10 per cent of the individual observations in our data set, then
randomly assigning each observation to an industry.
Hypothesis testing on such a sample is unproblematic since state-based sampling yields unbiased and
consistent coefficients for all variables except the constant term. With a biased constant the model will
have low predictive accuracy. A feasible way to correct the constant is by subtracting from it the log of
the proportion of all entries in sample/proportion of all non-entries in the sample (Manski & McFadden,
1981). Our final sample consisted in the first wave of 5,469 instances of full-entry (2.32%), 6,595
instances of part-entry (2.79%) and 223,981 randomly sampled non-entries (94.89%). In the second wave,
our part time entries switched labor market status dramatically. 2,190 exited altogether from selfemployment (33.21%), 818 changed to full time self-employment (12.40%), and the rest (3,587 or
54.39%) remained as part time self-employed. Among the full time self-employed, 1,177 made an exit
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(21.52%) and 468 changed to part time (8.56%). Among the randomly sampled non-entries, 0.72%
changed to part time self-employment, and 0.43% changed to full time self-employment in 1999.
Dependent variable
We differentiated between part time and full time entries by comparing data from tax sheets to
compare entrepreneurial earnings with earning from an outside job, similar to Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian and
Rosen (1994). We used Statistics Sweden‘s official classification policy by multiplying entrepreneurs‘
earnings by 1.6, given that the self-employed usually retain much of their firm‘s earnings since they are
more heavily taxed than salaried employees. We then compared the relative levels of income. Individuals
with no entrepreneurial income were categorized as employees. Individuals who have an entrepreneurial
income less than half their total income are categorized as part time self-employed. Individuals with an
entrepreneurial income that represents half or more than half of their total income were categorized as full
time self-employed. We updated the variables at each time period.
Independent variables
Uncertainty. Non-foreseeable uncertainty is generally acknowledged an important part of the
entrepreneurial process. Commonly, measures reflecting uncertainty are based on some variation in
output such as stock price or GDP. Conceptualizing uncertainty as variance in an output such suffers from
two deficiencies: First, it does not capture trends in the data, which increase variance but do constitute an
element of uncertainty if they are predictable. It is therefore necessary to seek a measure of uncertainty
that only considers variance about a predicted trend. Second, variation in an output does not control for
the possibility that the variance is non-constant over time, i.e. heteroskedastic, common in economic time
series. We therefore measured uncertainty using conditional variance generated from a generalized
autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model (Bollerslev, 1986). This model produces a
time-varying estimate of uncertainty. We used publicly available data on industry-level investment levels,
measured quarterly from 1990 to 1998. To avoid our measure being endogenous to entrepreneurs‘ entry
decision, we let data on the last quarter in the preceding year define industry-specific uncertainty. The
GARCH model enabled us to approximate a unique time-varying estimate of uncertainty for each of the
thirty-three industries in focus. We employed the GARCH-in-mean, or GARCH-M model, with the
functional form:
yt xt' ht t
t ht et
ht w i t2i j ht j
i 1
j 1
et ~ IN(0,1)
The GARCH process was parameterized by two values, p and q in Equation (3). The first value, p,
specified the number of lags for the squared error terms. The second parameter, q, related to the number
of past variances to be included in the computation of the current variance. We used a one period lag on
both parameters (i.e., a GARCH[1,1] model) which in financial research usually provides good fit for
modeling a wide variety of asset prices. The quarterly conditional variances (ht) generated from the
GARCH-M(1,1) model was used to approximate for industry-specific exogenous uncertainty.
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Irreversibility. Irreversibility can be either conceptualized as industry-level characteristics or as
individual-level characteristics. We approximated irreversibility using three industry-level measures and
one individual-level measure. Entry decisions are generally considered more irreversible for industries
that are characterized by extensive entry barriers. We therefore used a measure of fixed relative to total
asset in the industry. The theoretical rationale was that fixed assets such as buildings, machinery and
equipment are less easily liquidated in face of adverse performance compared to other assets such as
current inventories or accounts payable (Lambson & Jensen, 1998).
Our second irreversibility measure, intangible assets, was calculated by dividing intangible by total
assets in each industry. Since intangible assets often have limited value outside of their current function,
we similarly to O´brien et al. (2003) posited that the irreversibility of an investment decision should be
positively related to the intensity of investment in intangible assets.
Third, regardless of the type of assets that new firms invest in, industry leverage may serve as another
useful indication of the salvage value of assets. Assets with high salvage value can support a high debt
ratio, while assets with low salvage value will have to rely on equity financing. For example, the
overwhelming majority of Swedish IT firms started during the dot-com bubble relied solely on equity
financing. We therefore believed that investments required to enter high leverage industries should be
more reversible than the investments required to enter low leverage industries. Following Gompers
(1995), we calculated industry leverage level as the inverse of the industry‘s long-term debt divided by
total book assets.
Finally, work tenure approximated for the individual-level irreversibility of leaving paid employment
and engaging in entrepreneurship. Work tenure measured the number of years that the individual had been
employed by the same firm. Since the variable is censored beyond 9 years of tenure it was skewed like a
right-wards leaning U (many individuals have 0 or 1 years of tenure and then the frequency decrease
monotonically until the highest value 9 which is also the second most frequent). We therefore used the
logarithm of the measure in combination with a dummy variable that takes the value 1 for individuals
with 9 or more years of tenure. All independent variables were updated yearly.
Control variables
We controlled for three sets of variables that are known to affect people‘s decision to enter selfemployment: individual factors, industry factors and regional factors. The individual levels factors
included measures of human capital, wealth, sex, family and immigrant status. At the industry level we
controlled for general attractiveness of an industry measured as the industry‘s average pre-tax
profitability, as well as industry size (total assets), and level of R&D investments. At the regional level,
we controlled for the local county‘s net growth in population, the population density per region, and a
measure of the individual‘s tenure in the same county which functioned as a coarse proxy for social
network. Finally, we controlled for the local bankruptcy rate. Due to space limitations we suppress the
full models, excluding the control variables. Full models are available upon request.
We used multinomial logit models to test our hypotheses in two steps. First, we tested a model of
transition from employment into part time or full time self-employment. Second, we tested a model of
transition into self-employment based on the choice made in the previous period. This procedure allowed
us to examine if individual use part time self-employment as a strategy to test their investment, and if the
choice they made during the first time period will affect their choice in the second. We specifically focus
on the subset that enters part time, as we test a model of stepwise entry. In these second sets of models we
examine the switch made from the choice made in 1998. That is, for part time self-employed, what would
make them change to full time self-employment or to exit altogether. To test the hypotheses where we
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expected effects would differ between part time and full time, we simply compared the coefficient for the
independent variable on these two outcomes using Chi-2 tests.
Analyzing transition from employment to self-employment
Table 1 displays the results from the multinomial logit model predicting part time or full time entry
into self-employment. The results indicated reasonably good predictive power for the model 1. A basic
argument in this work is that previous research has underestimated the dynamics of self-employment by
considering the choice to entry as binary. A fundamental assumption regarding discrete choice modeling
is the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA). This assumption requires that for any two alternatives,
the ratio of their choice probabilities is independent of the specification of any alternative in the choice set
(i.e. any combination of non entry, part- entry and full- entry). We used the common validity test
developed by Hausman and McFadden (1984) to test the IIA assumption. The test revealed a strong but
negative Hausman statistic, affirming that all three alternatives are independent of each other at above a
99 percent confidence level (Long & Freese, 2006: 244-5). This indicates that the previous work
conceptualized the choice to go from employment to self-employment as a binomial decision has been
considering too narrow the set of choice alternatives.
For a further check that our trinomial specification was correct and viable, we performed the CramerRidder tests for pooling states in the multinomial logit model, The test emphatically rejected the pooling
hypothesis: Likelihood-ratio statistics for pair-wise pooling were 16983, 27588, and 3976, all with pvalues above 99 percent (Cramer & Ridder, 1991).
Examining model 2 which is our full model of entry into self-employment from employment, we
found overall mixed support for our hypotheses. We found evidence that uncertainty will have a negative
effect on the likelihood of entry, confirming hypothesis 1a. Also, we found a significantly larger effect for
full time entry than for part time entry (Chi-2: 286.86), confirming hypothesis 1b. However, we found
only mixed evidence for the negative effect of irreversibility on entry (Hypotheses 2a and 2b). Only two
of the four indicators of irreversibility performed as expected (Fixed relative to total assets and work
tenure). Intangible assets had a positive effect. Inverse leverage in the target industry had a negative effect
for part time entry but the effect for full time entry was weaker and significant only at the ten percent
level. Hence, our irreversibility hypothesis holds for individual-level irreversibility, but not for industrylevel irreversibility.
Hypothesis 3a and 3b posited that the value of growth options would overtake the value of the option
to defer at very high levels of uncertainty, inducing entrepreneurs to enter. When examining the squared
value of uncertainty, we did not find support for the existence of growth options. The effect of
uncertainty-squared was negative for both part time and full time entry, rejecting hypotheses 3a and 3b.
Hypothesis 4a and 4b was tested with the interaction term between our four measures of irreversibility
and uncertainty. Once more, we found counterintuitive results as for hypotheses 2, and can therefore not
confirm hypotheses 4.
Due to space limitation we have suppressed the control variables, but we choose to show the human
capital variable ―Earlier part time experience‖ as this show very strong effect on the probability of entry,
and also that the effect is markedly larger for full time entry (Chi-2 statistic: 60.7, significant above the 99
percent level).
Analyzing entry at Time 1
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If individuals use part time entry as a less capital intensive way to test the validity of their
opportunities, then we should expect them to drop out more often than those entering full time, and
change to full time self-employment more often than those entering directly from employement. We
expect them to exit more often because they are less certain about the actual value of their entrepreneurial
opportunity, and we expect them to enter full time self-employment more often because they have
acquired some information about the value of this opportunity. An analysis of the transition rates provides
strong support for both of these patterns. In the transition from 1998 to 1999, our part time entries were
28.8 times more likely to enter full time self-employment than employees (12.40% and .43%
respectively). Similarly, they were 1.54 more likely to exit than full time entries (33.21% and 21.52%
However, we receive only partial support for our hypotheses considering the use of a real options
heuristic when considering switching to full time self-employment. Here, we only examine the effects of
hypotheses 1a to 4a. Model three in table 2 indicates that uncertainty has a negative effect of the likely for
part time entries to change to full time, confirming hypothesis 1a. We however find mixed effects for
hypothesis 2a, with work tenure exhibiting the expected negative effect but the effect of intangible assets
is significantly positive. Once more, individual-level irreversibility is more important than industrial level
irreversibility. Also hypothesis 3a is not supported, the squared term of uncertainty is negative also for the
transition from part time to full time. Finally, we found a strong positive effect of the interaction between
intangible assets and uncertainty. This is a result opposite to the predicted. Thus, we do not find support
for hypothesis 4a.
The purpose of this paper was to examine a real options model of stepwise entry into self-employment.
We argued that previous literature has largely ignored the phenomenon of part time self-employment, and
that this form of entry represents an important step into full time self-employment. We further argued that
the choice between part time entry and full time entry can be best understood from a real options
perspective that emphasizes the uncertainty about the outcome, the role of dueling options and that the
entrepreneurial process could be understood as a repeated choice process. We examined a data set
consisting of employees in the Swedish knowledge intensive sector in 1997, following their occupational
choices over two time periods.
The results provides strong support that much of the prior self-employment literature has considered
too narrow the set of choices by focusing exclusively on entry as a 0/1 decision. We also found support
for our notion that entrepreneurs used part time entry as a strategy to test their ideas when they have little
information about their true value. However, the effects of exogenous uncertainty and irreversibility
provide only mixed support for our theory that entrepreneurs use a real options heuristic when
considering their choice. We found that exogenous industry uncertainty and individual irreversibility had
the expected effects, but we found no support for industry irreversibility or for interaction effect between
irreversibility and uncertainty.
Our study informs real options theory and entrepreneurship theory. It informs entrepreneurship theory
that the important phenomenon of part time self-employment has been overlooked. We show that models
of entry into self-employment are incomplete if they do not take this option into account. Part time entry
is a strategic choice made by entrepreneurs to minimize the impact of industry uncertainty and personal
irreversibility. Our study informs real options theory because while the theory emphasizes the dynamic
nature of financial investments decisions, actually very few studies fully test this assumption on
individual human decision makers. However, our study was not able to prove that entrepreneurs
independent of the entry choice make complicated judgments taking into account dueling option and
mixed effects of irreversibility and uncertainty. One explanation is that our irreversibility measures are
highly imperfect. If not so, the main goal for entrepreneurs in this study seems to minimize possible
losses – using the option to defer – but they are not considering growth options. This is in line with
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 26 [2006], Iss. 6, Art. 3
previous work made on nascent entrepreneurs in Sweden and in other countries that show the same
pattern: most entrepreneurs do not at all consider growth as an option early in the new venture formation
process (Delmar & Davidsson, 2000). They are too focused to get the venture operational and to gather
information about the basic viability of their opportunity.
Our study comes with several limitations. First, we only examine a single cohort over a period of
three years. Second, we test our model on register data which does not allow us to capture the cognitive
process behind the decision-making on entry. Third, our measure of irreversibility clearly did not function
in the expected direction. Fourth, our choice of multinomial logit model does not allow us to formally test
if entrepreneurship follows a repeated choice structure, or if we are dealing with two non-aligned choices.
Without implementing more advanced econometric techniques for repeated discrete choices, our results
have to be considered as tentative. Future research will be directed towards such a test. Clearly, the
process of self-employment is more dynamic than prior dichotomous models indicate, but we do not
know yet how to best model it. A general conclusion of our results so far indicates that future work in
entrepreneurship should try to focus more on how entrepreneurship dynamics can be understood both at
the individual and at the firm level. That is, since self-employment entry follows a repeated choice
structure, there is a fundamental path-dependency that has to be included in theories of entrepreneurship.
Future research also need to better specify what characteristics of and considerations by potential
entrepreneurs that affect how they react to dueling options. A more detailed study might cast further light
on the possible characteristics among individuals, opportunities or venture constellations that leads
potential founders to consider entrepreneurial growth options and when in the entrepreneurial process this
takes place.
CONTACT: Karl Wennberg; Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Creation, Stockholm School of
Economics, P.O. Box 6501, SE-113 83 Stockholm, SWEDEN; (T): +46 8 736 9341; (F): +46 8 318186;
[email protected]
1. Marginal effects and multinomial log-odds (L-O) coefficients, adjusted for state-based sampling,
were computed but are excluded due to space availability. These are available upon request. The
directions of the model coefficients were verified by comparing them with the marginal effects.
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TABLE 1. Multinomial logit models of part time and full time entry from employment 1997 to 1998
Model 1
Part time
Uncertainty squared
Inv. leverage
Work tenure
Work tenure dummy
Uncertainty X fixed
Uncertainty X intang.
Uncertainty X inv. lev
Uncertainty X workten
Control: earlier part time
Other controls suppressed
Model 2
Full time
Part time
Δ Log-l. ratio (versus base)
Note: n = 236,045; All uncertainty coefficients multiplied by 10 4 ; t p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001
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TABLE 2. Multinomial logit models for change from part time or full time state 1998 to 1999
Dependent variable:
Uncertainty squared
Inv. leverage
Work tenure
Work tenure dummy
Uncertainty X fixed
Uncertainty X intang.
Uncertainty X inv. lev
Uncertainty X workten
Control variables
Log likelihood
Model 3: Part time s-e in
Full time
(Std. Err.) Sign.
-87.552 (20.770)
87.198 (26.581)
Model 4: Full time s-e in 1998
(Std. Err.)
Part time
56.233 (121.099)
Note: All uncertainty coefficients multiplied by 10 4 ; t p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001
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