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Chapter part of the book 'State of Higher Education 2015-2016' published by the OECD (Eds. Sarrico, McQueen and Samuelson)
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      Lifelong LearningKnowledge TransferExecutive EducationHigher Education Management
For the last 70 years, the social order in Europe has been based on the concept and practice of inter-generational solidarity. The welfare state granted every citizen, in addition to education and universal health services (and dependency... more
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      European welfare statesYouth Employment and Labour Markets
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    • Youth Employment and Labour Markets
Actual: 28/03/2015 2 [González Menéndez and Cueto] STYLE Working Papers are peer-reviewed outputs from the project. The series is edited by the project coordinator Professor Jacqueline O'Reilly. These working papers... more
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      Labour market policySelf-EmploymentYouth Employment and Labour Markets
Esta investigación tiene por objetivo determinar los factores que explican el desempleo en los jóvenes de 18 a 29 años de edad en el Área Metropolitana de San Salvador a través de la caracterización de la misma y de la identificación de... more
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      UnemploymentEl SalvadorEmploymentJóvenes
Delo, nagrajeno kot najboljše magistrsko delo 2015 MSS, je bilo napisano z namenom spoznati poglede različnih družbenih skupin na položaj mladih na trgu dela, da bi lahko bolje in globlje razumeli stanje, s katerim se mladi na trgu dela... more
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      Youth StudiesIdeologyLabour LawLabour Studies
una guida all’orientamento professionale rivolta ai docenti delle scuole di secondo grado, per informare gli studenti che desiderano lavorare in ambito sportivo: i percorsi di studio e le aree professionali
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      Sports StatisticsEducation and Labor MarketsSportEmployment statistics
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges are intended to equip youths with work-relevant skills, but the capacity of the labour market to absorb them is limited and South Africa has high levels of unemployment.... more
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      Work ValuesYouth Employment and Labour Markets
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial ChangeSocial Theory
This paper examines Japanese ‘youth’ in their mid-twenties to mid-thirties who participated in temporary migration to Dalian, a northeastern Chinese city, at a turning point in their life course. They left economically stagnant Japan to... more
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      Japanese StudiesSociology of WorkYouth StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
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      EntrepreneurshipKosovoNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Employment
This article discusses the transformation of the Moroccan state under contemporary neoliberal globalization, and considers what this transition means for the ways in which scholars view state-society interplay in Morocco and the Arab... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Unemployment and poverty have become widely spread with significant impacts among Nigerianyouth. Government and stakeholders have been making huge efforts to alleviate the condition, but their efforts so far are yet to completely... more
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      Youth Employment and Labour MarketsTVET AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT
Unemployment among youth in Uganda is on the rise. This Conference paper examines ways through which youth can be rendered economically viable through practical skilling, changing their mindset, and vocationalisation. The paper was... more
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      Youth EmploymentYouth Employment and Labour Markets
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      Critical TheoryEconomic HistorySociologyEconomic Sociology
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      Rural livelihoods and economyGlobal Value ChainsYouth Employment and Labour Markets
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      Middle East & North AfricaYouth EmploymentYouth Employment and Labour Markets
La présente étude, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du Programme UCW au Sénégal, a pour but de fournir, d’une part, une vue d’ensemble du phénomène (son ampleur, ses caractéristiques, ses répercussions sur la santé et sur l’éducation des... more
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      SenegalChild LabourYouth Employment and Labour Markets
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      Central and Eastern EuropeTVETYouth Employment and Labour Markets
Half a million higher education graduates enter the labour market every year in Mexico. While their labour market outcomes are considerably better on average than those of upper secondary education graduates, some higher education... more
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      Higher EducationHigher Education ManagementHigher Education PolicyMexico
he increase of ixed-term work has led to diminished job security. It appears that the diferent types of employees do not evenly work on this basis. Young employees, women and poorly educated employees relatively often have a temporary... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)LawCivil LawLabor Law (Law)
En Estados Unidos, el desempleo y la precariedad laboral han erosionado el andamiaje de valores que sirvieron de fundamentos sociales e ideológicos en la conformación de la nación, colocados en la base de la construcción de la identidad... more
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      Income inequalityUnited StatesPrecarious LabourYouth Employment and Labour Markets
EDITORIAL Andrew Wilkins: Pedagogy of the consumer: The politics of neo-liberal welfare reform ARTICLES Kevin J. Burke: Strange bedfellows: The new neoliberalism of catholic schooling in the United States Christopher G.... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorGender StudiesSociology of Education
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      International DevelopmentEducation and Labor MarketsYouth Employment and Labour Markets
This article puts forward two main arguments. First, it highlights the relation between different phases of neoliberalism in Morocco together with the specific methods and techniques of urban government that were deployed in efforts to... more
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      Critical TheoryEntrepreneurshipHistoryPolitical Sociology
El campo de estudios sobre educación y trabajo tiene una amplia trayectoria en la producción académica y la formación, en las políticas públicas y el diálogo social. Como parte de esta tradición, en el año 2017 se fundó la Red... more
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      Latin American StudiesYouth StudiesEducaciónYouth Employment and Labour Markets
This paper critically examines the materialism that Gilles Deleuze espouses in his oeuvre to the benefit of educational theory. In Difference and Repetition, he presented transcendental empiricism by underwriting Kant with realism... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyLiteracyEducation
Современное развитие экономики труда сопряжено с изменениями обще-ства в целом, с постепенным переходом общества к информационному ти-пу. Сущность информационной революции сводится к необходимости трансформации образовательных технологий,... more
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      Labor EconomicsYouth StudiesYouth Employment and Labour Markets
Youth employment in developing countries, particularly in connection with agricultural transformation policies in Africa south of the Sahara, has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. The debate on youth unemployment... more
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      Rural DevelopmentGender issues in AgricultureYouth Employment and Labour Markets
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural History
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      EntrepreneurshipDevelopment StudiesSocial NetworksSocial Entrepreneurship
Lo sport come fenomeno sociale ed educativo è oggetto di studi e speculazioni da circa due secoli ma, come ricordava Alberto Madella, è il binomio economia&sport che ha reso il settore dello sport oggetto di analisi accademiche, inchieste... more
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      EmployabilityEurostatYouth Employment and Labour Markets
Current discussion among federal policy makers regarding the expansion of the U.S. apprenticeship system draws on the example of apprenticeship expansion in England. Often, this does not reflect a clear understanding of the current... more
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      Training and DevelopmentVocational EducationYouth EmploymentVocational Training
It is generally accepted that parents’ educational background and their involvement is effective input for children’s achievements and performance in education. Despite the high standards and the quality of school education, the role of... more
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      EducationWomen and EducationYouth Employment and Labour Markets
For around fifteen years now, anthropology has been engaged in the study of neoliberalism. What contribution does the discipline have to make to a debate largely monopolized by economics and political science? To answer this question, the... more
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      Critical TheoryEntrepreneurshipSociologyEconomic Sociology
This report is intended as a baseline for youth employment research, impact measurement and knowledge management in line with the YNW objectives and its comparative advantage. This report attempts to advance a common understanding on... more
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      Youth EmploymentYouth Employment and Labour Markets
The aim of study for this midterm evaluation of the “Youth Economic Empowerment in Yemen” project, understood to be the set of components, outcomes, outputs, activities and inputs that are detailed in the project documents and progress... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesYemenYouth Employment and Labour MarketsPeacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
The Baseline Study endeavours to provide a snapshot of the youth unemployment situation in the 15+3 beneficiary countries of the Youth Employment Fund of the EEA and Norway Grants by the end of 2018, as the 26 funded projects started to... more
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      Youth EmploymentYouth Employment and Labour Markets
Luego de esta breve introducción, el documento se organiza de la siguiente manera. En el segundo apartado se analizan los estadios de tránsito hacia el trabajo decente de los jóvenes. En el tercero se estudian las principales barreras... more
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      ArgentinaEmploymentYouth EmploymentPrecariedad
In this chapter, I trace the trajectory of Japanese IT service labour migration to the northeast Chinese city of Dalian from its emergence in the mid-2000s up to the present. Drawing on literature research and interview data obtained... more
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      Japanese StudiesSociology of WorkMobility/MobilitiesAnthropology of Japan
L’article présente les résultats d’une enquête sur les politiques de l’emploi en Tunisie post-révolution. Les enquêtes ont été menées dans les régions marginalisées de Jbeniana, Kasserine et Siliana, et prennent en considération les... more
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The main objective of the study is to identify, describe, and analyse youth attitudes and patterns of behaviour in contemporary Croatian society. The study also aims to establish tendencies and dynamics of youth attitudes in comparison... more
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      Sociology of FamiliesYouth StudiesHuman ValuesYoung People
A greater percentage of Nigerian youths are either unemployed, unemployable or underemployed. This is in most cases because they lack requisite skills needed to effectively function in the jobs they desire which is in turn, based on the... more
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      UnemploymentEnterpreneurshipSelf-EmploymentENTREPRENEURSHIP AND JOB CREATION
My primary interest in this article is to reveal the complexity of neoliberal temporalities on the lives of disabled people forced to participate in workfare regimes to maintain access to social security measures and programming. Through... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyGeographyHuman Geography
Ltd (DPBA) is a Black owned and operated Management Consulting firm registered in Ontario, Canada.
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      Canadian StudiesBlack/African DiasporaBlack feminismCanada
En este artículo se reflexiona sobre las que pueden y deben considerarse experiencias exitosas de integración laboral, seleccionadas por el papel de la formación en las mismas, a partir del análisis del contexto de empleo en que nos... more
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      Work and LabourEmployee EmpowermentMigraciones Internacionales, Integracion Social de inmigrantesYouth Employment and Labour Markets
The goal of this thesis project was to study the relevance of social networks for getting a matching jobs in occupational and post socialist labor markets. The key argument is that due to differences in institutional regimes represented... more
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      Social NetworksPost-Socialist SocietiesJob MatchingYouth Employment and Labour Markets
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSoutheast Asian StudiesGlobalization
Determinazione Dirigenziale del 31-8-2016
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      Labour EconomicsLabour market policyLabour Market DynamicsYouth Employment and Labour Markets