Recent papers in Satyrs
Эту книгу составили написанные в 1997-2021 годах статьи и заметки А. Ю. Балакина, публиковавшиеся в русских и зарубежных научных изданиях на протяжении последних двух десятков лет. В первом разделе собраны статьи о Пушкине и его ближайшем... more
OF THE DISSERTATION Faces in the Frame: Masks and Heads in the Boundaries of Roman Art By Mieke Paulsen Bahmer Dissertation Director: John Kenfield III Satyric and comedic masks, in addition to lively-seeming heads that could almost be... more
In 1982 Myra Shackley published "The Case for Neanderthal Survival: Fact, Fiction or Fraction?" in the journal Antiquity, followed by a book the next year Still Living? Yeti, Sasquatch and the Neanderthal Enigma. While focusing on recent... more
In 1525, Isabella d’Este’s son, Federico, commissioned architect Giulio Romano to build him a pleasure palace at the family’s stables at the south end of Mantua. Giulio took the mantle of Mannerism from the late Andrea Mantegna and... more
Andrea Palladio’s research and work concerning the Roman tradition of theatre most famously resulted in the Teatro Olimpico, completed by his protégé, Vincenzo Scamozzi. However, another work, the Villa Rotonda, distills and transposes... more
Platon dans sa République déclare: « Façonnons par la pensée une image de l’âme, pour que celui qui tient ces propos réalise ce qu’il dit. – Quelle image ? – Une image, comme celle de ces natures antiques dont les mythes rapportent la... more
This paper puts forward a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the iconography of chelys-lyres and barbitoi associated with satyrs and Dionysos in late 5th and early 4th century Attic vase-painting, in an attempt to confront... more
5.1 The Teachings of Chiron
5.2 Medicine and Music
5.3 Philosophy and Martial Arts
5.4 Chiron's Diet
5.5 Self Engineered Chimeras
5.2 Medicine and Music
5.3 Philosophy and Martial Arts
5.4 Chiron's Diet
5.5 Self Engineered Chimeras
Cette étude s'intéresse à la manière dont les costumes des satyres sont représentés en images, depuis la représentation des drames satyriques athéniens (à partir du vase de Pronomos) jusqu'aux figurations romaines de "coulisses"... more
The article examines a group of images on Athenian ceramic vases in which pointed amphorae are depicted in various usages. This iconography appears primarily in the contexts of both the symposium and the komos, whose participants, along... more
From the frenzied witnesses of musical inventions in Athenian satyr plays to the Hesiodic “good-for-nothings” and Telestes’ treatment of Marsyas as a “handclapping beast”, satyrs seem to cover a rather narrow spectre of musical competence... more
Sátiros y otros seres velludos en el teatro áureo
org. Tatiana Alvarado Teodorika y Theodora Grigoriadou
org. Tatiana Alvarado Teodorika y Theodora Grigoriadou
The scene is one of the several and different representations of the Dionysiac sphere, in which Satyrs, Silens, Maenads and Dionysus himself are inserted in an idyllic-sacral setting. The plate, however, offers an iconographic motif well... more
Satyric and comedic masks, in addition to lively-seeming heads that could almost be masks, appear with pattern-like regularity wherever the Romans had a foothold; however, the near instinctive impulse to assign a straightforward,... more
Platon dans sa République déclare: « Façonnons par la pensée une image de l’âme, pour que celui qui tient ces propos réalise ce qu’il dit. – Quelle image ? – Une image, comme celle de ces natures antiques dont les mythes rapportent la... more
In Archaic Athenian vase-painting, silens (satyrs) are often sexually aroused, but only sporadically satisfy their desires in a manner acceptable to most Athenian men. François Lissarrague persuasively argued that the sexuality of silens... more
Les satyres, joyeux compagnons enivrés de Dionysos, ne font a priori pas bon ménage avec l'austère Sparte. Ce postulat a conduit à les ignorer considérablement dans les études relatives à l'art laconien. Les satyres ont principalement été... more
The present contribution deals with a fragment of a marble statue group (Figs 1-4) catalogued in the Inventory book of the Sculpture Collection of the National Archaeological Museum under Inv. no. 7397. Preserved is the well polished... more
In the famous passage devoted to the myth of Marsyas (Met. VI, 399-400), Ovid creates a ambiguity about the river derived from the tears of the friends of the satyr. This article discusses the relationship between the elements of the... more
Résumé: En 2010, lors des fouilles tuniso-allemandes (Institut Archéologique Allemand et Institut National du Patrimoine) dans la cité numido-romaine de Simitthus (Chimtou, Tunisie), la tête d‘un satyre a été trouvée. La tête de marbre... more
Vol. LIIn.s. 2 2001 ESTRATTO <LERMA" di BRETSCHNEIDER -ROMA THE SATYR AND DOLPHIN GROUP. UN ADDENDUM Un recenle sopralluogo in un magazzino del Museo Nazn àlc Eirusco di Vi a Gìulì,ì, hr consentito di dntracciarc la tllù del Sdtìr unl... more
cation: we may not be able to say very much about the particular opinions of specific artists or beholders, but pictorial representations are often constructed in such a way that the actual viewer is invited to adopt a specific,... more
Antonopoulos Andreas P., Christopoulos Menelaos M., and Harrison George W. M. (eds.), Reconstructing Satyr Drama. MythosEikonPoiesis 12. Berlin – Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 539-566. This contribution demonstrates that the traces... more
Thilo H. G. Westermann: Die Rezeption der Pan-Mythen in der bildenden Kunst zwischen Klassizismus und Moderne. Petersberg: De Gruyter2017, 288 S. + 178 farbige und 43 s/w Abbildungen, geb., € (D) 59,00 (ISBN 978-3-7319-0462-5).
In the Ichneutai (lines 176-202) someone (most likely Silenos) calls by name individual Satyrs of the Chorus. This is the only passage from the surviving satyric corpus that preserves names of members of the Chorus, nonetheless giving... more
International audienceCette étude s'intéresse à la manière dont les costumes des satyres sont représentés en images, depuis la représentation des drames satyriques athéniens (à partir du vase de Pronomos) jusqu'aux figurations... more
Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma análise linguístico-literária e comparativa entre o livro III da Eneida, de Virgílio, e a sátira 2.8, de Horácio, buscando identificar os recursos utilizados na epopeia que retomam os... more