Recent papers in Cryptozoology
Old newspaper reports on the Nandi Bear
The ningen, a giant, sub-Antarctic aquatic humanoid, is a mythical creature created by Japanese Internet users in the mid:2000s. Since its inception it has crossed over into international Internet contexts and has been... more
The Courier Post newspaper interview with Chris Chaos concerning his film, "THE SEARCH FOR THE JERSEY DEVIL"
A history of Melba Ketchum's promotion and failure of the Bigfoot DNA project.
Cryptocurrency for Beginners Bear in mind that dissatisfaction with the current financial system gave rise to the development of the digital currency. High quality content, great conversions and happy customers click here now.... more
The Jersey Devil is a fascinating cryptid with a descriptive appearance that is as varied as the sightings. Below is the most common traits that are attributed to JD:
Horse face, Horns, talon like claws, bat like wings, cloven hooves.
Horse face, Horns, talon like claws, bat like wings, cloven hooves.
Paleocryptozoologists should be come aware of the extensive body of ancient literary and artistic evidence for Mediterranean cryptids. A selected source-list of ancient texts extends Heuvelmans' 1968 chronology of sea monsters back to... more
This paper considers Beneath the Surface: The Archives of Arthur Nestor, a parafictional exhibition that I curated in 2014 with 16 undergraduate students at Western University, Canada. The exhibition depicted the life of Dr. Arthur... more
Cryptozoology is a term that generally denotes the vocation of “monster hunter” with the most prized quarries being such legendary beasts as Bigfoot and the Yeti, the Loch Ness Monster, sea serpents, various “living dinosaurs,” gigantic... more
'Bigfoot is dead! Long live Bigfoot!' is an experimental critical essay and manifesto, exploring alternative ways to address cryptozoology, instead of an empirical scientific definite approach. It is not a seek for Bigfoot. It is not a... more
In 1982 Myra Shackley published "The Case for Neanderthal Survival: Fact, Fiction or Fraction?" in the journal Antiquity, followed by a book the next year Still Living? Yeti, Sasquatch and the Neanderthal Enigma. While focusing on recent... more
There are many theories as to what the Jersey Devil might be. Deep within the Pine Barrens of the 1800's and early 1900's there was not much to do when the farming and chores were complete, except brew and drink moonshine.So between the... more
The West African bush, whether forest or savannah, is not only inhabited by plants and animals, but also by enigmatic beings that have been called ‘mythical’ by some outside observers. One such being is the bush dwarf. For the Bebelibe of... more
This paper provides a checklist of 35 hypotheses concerning the identity of the yeti – a hairy creature in Sherpa folklore, Tibetan literature, and cryptozoology. Most scientists dismiss the idea the yeti is an unidentified animal and... more
Cryptozoology is a controversial discipline-often listed among the so-called pseudo-sciencesdedicated to the study of animal species whose existence is not supported by solid empirical evidence. Despite being characterised by a general... more
En 1555 se publicaba en Roma la Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, del clérigo sueco Olao Magno. Esta obra gozó de un impacto extraordinario en su momento, y vendría a significar el principio de una larga saga dedicada a los... more
John Keel was one of ufology’s most widely-read and influential authors. Keel became an original and controversial researcher, and is credited with coining the term MIB (Men In Black), sinister and threatening entities who assume human... more
[IT] Nell’opera di Luigi Meneghello, la rappresentazione del mondo vegetale rimanda a un sottotesto di immagini e simboli: una rete di isotopie botaniche che, nel farsi sistema, autorizza una lettura alternativa e inedita. Dalle pagine... more
If these salamanders really originated in Hong Kong,they pre-date the more well known case of Megalobatrachus sligoi at the Zoological Gardens a few years later.
Cryptozoologists have a classic love-hate relationship with the scientific community. The field has a history of interest from credentialed scientists, including anthropologists, zoologists, and wildlife biologists. Yet the majority of... more
In the early decades of the Twentieth Century, British anthropologist J. H. Hutton recorded a phenomenon he found practised among many of his Naga informants in the Eastern Himalayas, namely, the projection of their souls into non-human... more
This dissertation explores the formation, interaction, and identity of paranormal research teams in Western society. Also known as ghost hunting groups, these teams use both scientific and metaphysical tools to investigate various types... more
The cryptography is the art of protecting information by transforming encryption into unreadable format called cipher text. Only those who possess a secret key can decipher the message into plaintext. Either single or more... more
Was Deborah Leeds Mother Leeds? The one who gave birth to the Jersey Devil?
Breve saggio dedicato alla presenza dei coccodrilli imbalsamati o impagliati all'interno delle chiese tra Medioevo ed età Moderna
Cryptozoology is still generally considered a non-academic discipline based on a mostly pseudoscientific approach aimed at studying animals whose existence is not yet supported by incontrovertible physical evidence. This chapter aims to... more
La criptozoología es la ciencia que investiga los animales míticos. Dentro de la tradición oral hondureña se rescata el mito del Sisimite, criatura homínida hirsuta de mayor estatura y contextura que el hondureño promedio, que además... more
The subject of our paper is the analysis of narratives and statements about an animal, the Zanzibar leopard (Panthera pardus adersi), which might be classified as a particular kind of cryptid, given that it has been declared by some... more
A collection of unexplained incidents compiled at the request of readers and members of the Fortean Research Center.
The Zanzibar leopard (Panthera pardus adersi) is (was) a little-known subspecies endemic to Unguja island. Rapid population growth and the expansion of farming in the twentieth century destroyed leopard habitat and decimated their natural... more
In ancient Chinese literature there are several mentions of hairy humanlike beings, and eyewitness reports of the yeren ("wildman") in China have persisted into the modern era. Dozens of alleged sightings of the Chinese wildman in the... more
Back in 1941 a strange footprint was found in Batsto, New Jersey and many suspected that is was from the Jersey Devil.
Note: the documents included here are translations that were used to complete the article. They are not the texts of the article itself. The article's co-author, Dr. Philip Senter, wrote the actual article, while the translations are... more
Dr Shannon Panzo’s new book, “Consciousness is Self-Awareness”, is created as a study guide for newbies and experienced searchers alike. Provocative questions help you to explore what consciousness may mean to you. This book should carry... more
A new species of bovid was &covered recently in Vietnam and Camhodia. At present, only thc horii.; have heen collected. A general description of the animal has been given by local huntera. The aiiini;il has heen known since I929 hut was... more
Buru, a huge and mysterious lizard, once dwelled with the Apatani tribe of Ziro valley but then they peculiarly disappeared, were they exterminated or they themself migrated nobody knows for sure. But their story attracted many... more
In the winter of 2012 the discovery of savaged deer carcasses in Gloucestershire, quickly followed by reports of video footage from an area nearby thought to be of a big cat, gained a significant amount of regional and national press... more
Traduzione cinese di un mio contributo per il Dies Facultatis 2018 del Pontificium Institutum Altioris Latinitatis (Roma 22/ 02/ 2018), pubblicata nel Journal of Latin Language and Culture (n. 6 2018) a cura di Latinitas Sinica (Facoltà... more
The multiple worlds interpretation of quantum physics and/or the quantum hologram theory may provide an explanation for seemingly unrelated paranormal phenomena taking place in concentrated areas.