Recent papers in Sarkozy
Du 27 juin au 7 juillet 2023, notre pays a connu un déferlement de violences qui, de l'avis de nombreux acteurs ou observateurs, était inédit par son ampleur et son intensité. Ces émeutes n'étaient pas la réplique mimétique de celles,... more
O artigo teve como objetivo investigar a ascensão de Marine Le Pen, do partido de extrema-direita Frente Nacional, nas eleições francesas de 2012. Busca-se compreender como Le Pen, através da comunicação e da propaganda, se vale da... more
It has been done the complex study of the functioning and development prospects of the Union for the Mediterranean. Based on the analysis of national and foreign historiography it considers creation and development of organization, its... more
Sus trabajos académicos atienden en buena parte la representación del pueblo gitano en medios de comunicación, en conexión con la influencia política e histórica. Ha participado en foros relacionados con ello como el congreso Cadaad 2016... more
O texto apresenta uma análise sobre a violência e a sociedade contemporânea, com foco na situação na França, abordada no sub capítulo VIOLENCE ET SOCIETE AUJOURD’HUI do livro "Rio de Janeiro e Paris: a juventude apache do cinema na... more
Külügyi Szemle 2022/1, pp. 290-299.
Décrypter le discours de Macron à l'Elysée passe par une approche comparative et en l'occurrence généalogique. C'est dans la comparaison historique systématique et raisonnée avec de Gaulle, Pompidou, Giscard, Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy... more
When the FN was founded in the early 1970s it was widely irrelevant. However, over the past three decades, the party has managed to enter into and reshape mainstream French politics. In the 1980s, economic, social, and political... more
In October 2005, the predominately Arab-immigrant suburbs of Paris, Lyon, Lille and other French cities erupted in riots by socially alienated teenagers, many of them second-or third-generation immigrants. For many French observers, it... more
Aquest treball presenta una analisi critica del discurs de les politiques linguistiques de Franca relatives a la integracio d’immigrants. Segueix l’evolucio dels debats de politica linguistica i analitza com aquests han mutat... more
This paper presents a discourse analysis of French language policies regarding the integration of immigrants. It traces the evolution of policy debates on language and analyzes how these have progressively mutated from immigrant... more
According to traditional knowledge, Fagonia cretica has medicinal potential, especially against cancer and tumors. In the present study, this information was analyzed at laboratory level by performing cytotoxic, antitumor (potato disc)... more
This report involves an assessment of the legislative progress achieved towards a proactive immigration policy regarding those described as ‘third country nationals’ (TCNs) entering into and residing legally in the European Union (EU). We... more
This report involves an assessment of the legislative progress achieved towards a proactive immigration policy regarding those described as ‘third country nationals’ (TCNs) entering into and residing legally in the European Union (EU). We... more
We examined 529 specimens of Mus domesticus and Mus macedonicus from Turkey, in terms of their morphological, bacular, and phallic aspects. The zygomatic index (ZI) varied from 0.32 to 0.47 in M. domesticus, and 0.60 to 0.85 in M.... more
Anionic sites on bacterial envelopes of Streptococcus β-haemolyticus and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 P were investigated on materials fixed with Karnovsky fixative containing the cationic dyes ruthenium red (RR) or alcian blue (AB).... more
Ditrichum pusillum (Hedw.) Hampe has been collected for the first time from the Western Black Sea region of Turkey. A description of the species is given, along with notes on the ecology and a discussion of the phytogeographic... more
Mole voles, genus Ellobius, are Palearctic region animals distributed from East Anatolia to Mongolia (1-8). Gromov and Baranova (9) stated that the genus Ellobius has existed since the mid-Pleistocene. Pleistocene remains of Ellobius spp.... more
Aquest article és una reflexió al voltant del concepte d'urbanització difusa. L'anàlisi es complementa amb dos casos d'estudi en el territori portuguès: un a l'escala regional de la urbanització rural difusa i l'altre al nivell del... more
In this study, the morphological characteristics, measurements, habitats and distribution of Torrenticola nana Di Sabatino & Gerecke, 2003 and Torrenticola jasminae Bader, 1988, which are new records for the Turkish fauna, are presented.
Sus trabajos académicos atienden en buena parte la representación del pueblo gitano en medios de comunicación, en conexión con la influencia política e histórica. Ha participado en foros relacionados con ello como el congreso Cadaad 2016... more
Alemtuzumab, a highly effective treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS), predisposes to Graves' disease (GD) with a reportedly indolent course. To determine the type, frequency and course of thyroid dysfunction (TD) in a cohort of... more
Joan M. Oleaque-Moreno es profesor ayudante doctor en la Universidad Internacional de Valencia, donde dirige el Máster Universitario en Comunicación Social de la Investigación Científica. Sus trabajos académicos atienden en buena parte la... more
EuVI Elemzések, 2021.01.09. ; A Macron-féle politikai ciklus lényege abban ragadható meg, hogy a francia politikai palettán a megújított, antiszemita és rasszista felhangoktól megvált... more
1. Abstract This chapter analyses the individual status of a Third Country National (TCN) from a standpoint which highlights the creation and the conditioning of this status by European institutions and laws. It is divided into two... more
Since 2009, the “Blue Card Directive” has become one of the most important elements of the EU’s legal immigration scheme for attracting the best immigrants to Europe. Taking advantage of its current revision, this contribution takes a... more
The French Ambushed at Sarobi and Sarkozys Cheap Remarks
The French Ambushed at Sarobi and Sarkozys Cheap Remarks
August 2008
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24225.92000
Agha H Amin
The French Ambushed at Sarobi and Sarkozys Cheap Remarks
August 2008
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24225.92000
Agha H Amin
EuVI Blog, 15.05.2012
La propagande de Daesh veut à tout prix donner l'impression que son projet politico-religieux du califat s'inspire des préceptes coraniques et de la voie prophétique. Pour ce faire, l'organisation terroriste met en place un dispositif... more
MKI Tanulmányok T-2009/4 Az alábbi elemzés célja a francia EU-elnökségi periódus vizsgálata a világpolitikai események és saját belpolitikájuk néhány fontosabb eseményének tükrében. A francia elnökséget a szlovén... more
Through the vehicle of Nicolas Sarkozy’s so-called “Dakar Address,” we will analyze the West’s persisting lack of insight into the need for Western decolonization. We will attempt to identify the dangers that come from this refusal, such... more
The issue of illegal migrant workers is not a new phenomenon in developed countries, such as European countries, known as destination countries for migrants to seek better life. In the Netherlands, in particular, we find a big number of... more
Pendant que l'un règne sur les étés de la Côte d'Émeraude, l'autre séjourne aux frais d'amis prévenants dans l'une des villégiatures les plus exclusives de Nouvelle-Angleterre. C'est le spectre de la ploutocratie qui ressurgit, sans que... more
La han atacado, denunciado, condenado, con todos los pretextos, bajo todos los regímenes, con las mejores o las peores intenciones, por malas razones y a veces inclusos por buenas. Exiliaron a los poetas, quemaron sus libros -o... more
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. ‘The Hatred of Literature’ examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of... more
Ayurveda and Yoga both are ancient healing system,originated in India.Learn about the similarities of Yoga and Ayurveda from here.
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माहेश्वराणि चतुर्दश सूत्राणि व्याकरणशास्त्रे ख्यातानि। वर्णसमाम्नायज्ञापनपरेषु प्रत्याहारप्रयोजनकेषु तेषु रामकथाऽपि सङ्केतीताऽस्ति। māheśvarāṇi caturdaśa sūtrāṇi vyākaraṇaśāstre khyātāni varṇasamāmnāyajñāpanapareṣu pratyāhāraprayojanakeṣu... more
The 2006 French Immigration and Integration Law restructured existing French legislation concerning immigrants and their integration. It promotes a strategy consisting of 'selective immigration', mandatory integration for... more
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